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He didn’t explode, but his chest did expand, until I lost my hold around him. He turned back to Mr. Vader, held out his fingers, and touched the first one. “Sean.” He touched his second finger and said, “Stole.” He tapped his third finger vigorously. “My.” He touched his pinky. “Girlfriend.” Mr. Vader hmphed and half-turned away, finished with us. “It’s obvious Sean has something good going on, as usual, and you’re trying to ruin it. Sean bought Rachel a wakeboard. He gave it to her at di

Adam and I looked at each other. Sean had been saving the money he earned at the marina to buy a Byerly for himself. He’d bragged about it every day in the boat, like all he needed was this new trick wakeboard and he’d be numero uno again. We were talking hundreds of dollars.

He’d spent that money on Rachel instead?

Adam jogged down the pier and stepped in front of Mr. Vader, blocking his way. “What about bindings?”

“Bindings too,” Mr. Vader said. “They’re on order.”

It didn’t make sense for Mr. Vader to be proud of Sean buying his new girlfriend a wakeboard instead of buying one for himself. It was a frivolous purchase made way too soon in their relationship. Right? What Adam and I knew, and what Mr. Vader knew too but clearly wasn’t admitting to himself, was that this was the first time Sean had ever done something selfless.

Or so it seemed. But he’d given it to her in front of his mom and dad, like he’d wanted to impress them more than her. e ew factor was off the charts. Parents were bad enough. You didn’t go out of your way to involve them.

Adam was thinking the same thing. “Her birthday isn’t until March. Why’d he make this big presentation at the di

“Because he values her,” Mr. Vader said haughtily, “and he wanted to show us how much he values her.”

“Couldn’t he value her out in the Volvo?” Adam hollered. “Jesus!”

Mr. Vader pushed past Adam and resumed his walk up the pier. Partygoers in his yard stepped out of his way. I watched him carve a swath through the crowd until he disappeared inside the house. I couldn’t hear over the music, but I could tell from the way people near the house jerked their heads in that direction that Mr. Vader slammed the door.

Adam pinched his own arm thoughtfully. He reached over and pinched my arm.

“Ow!” I squeaked.

He took me by the shoulders and shook me gently. “He gave her a wakeboard.”

“I know.”

“In front of my parents. Because he values her.” He imitated his dad’s tone, heavy with gravity.

“You could have valued her,” I pointed out. “You could have given her something that meant a lot to you.” I nodded toward his neck.

His eyes flew wide open. He gripped the skull-and-crossbones pendant protectively. “You gave this to me.” We pi

He was mad at Sean about Rachel. He was outraged that his parents believed Sean over him about Rachel. But the pendant was more important to him than Rachel? Because I’d given it to him?

e boys with bottle rockets had noticed us and shouted to us. ey were shooting bottle rockets near us in the water. Sooner or later they would set a boat on fire. Yet I couldn’t tear my gaze away from Adam’s blue eyes so bright in the gray mist. He must have seen something in my eyes, too.

“I’d better go change,” I said slowly. “For the party.”

“Right,” Adam said, still holding my gaze.

“So.” I laughed nervously. Dork. “I’ll meet you back here in a while. Beauty takes patience. Ha ha ha ha.” He shook his head. “We should go to the party like this.”

“Like this? My hair is full of lake.”

“You look great in a bikini. As you know.”

I was glad the dusk hid my blushing face. Or maybe it made my blushing face stand out like it made other colors pop, because I was that fortunate. “What do you mean, as I know? I don’t know.”

“If you didn’t know, you wouldn’t be wearing a bikini to get Sean’s attention.”

“Yeah. Fat lot of good it’s done me.”

“You wouldn’t be flaunting it.”

“Flaunting it! Are you sure? I have no idea what that would look like.”

“Come flaunt it up at the house.”

I wasn’t sure why this irked me. He’d told me I looked good. He’d told me I would look good to Sean. is is what we wanted. Anyway, I couldn’t stand out here and flaunt it for anyone in my bikini. I knew the night was hot and steamy, but the rain had done me in. I was freezing.

“Cold again?” he asked me, stepping closer.

I shivered some more. My stupid body had a mind of its own. “Toasty.”

“Hold on.” He took the extra key to the warehouse from the ledge above the door and stepped inside. He came back out with his zip-up sweatshirt printed with the name of our football team on the front and his number on the back. He held it up like an old man holding up an old lady’s coat for her. I slipped my arms into the sleeves.

Then he turned me around toward him. He pulled the hood up over my hair. Put the hood back down. Kissed me on the tip of my nose.

Foop! A bottle rocket exploded in the water just below us, illuminating a blob of bryozoa clinging to the wharf.

Adam took my hand, whispering, “We’ve got them right where we want them. Trust me.”

He led me through the crowd in the yard, up the deck stairs, into his shadowy living room pulsing with music. Sean was surrounded by a group of people listening with open mouths to his puffed-up story of how he gave Rachel a wake-board. Even Holly and Beige exclaimed like they were happy for Rachel instead of grumbling internally that Rachel was another in a long line and Sean was just showing off. Two feet away, Rachel was surrounded by hoydens screeching about how lucky she was to have a boyfriend like Sean.

From inside the dark room, the lights on the deck must have made Adam and me glow like a TV show. As we stepped through the door, everyone turned to stare at us.

I backed the slightest bit toward Adam. He squeezed my hand.

en the floodgates opened. e girls who’d surrounded Rachel flocked to me to squeal about Adam spray-painting our names on the bridge. e boys with bottle rockets on the dock had seen it before the sun set and had spread the news around the party. e people who’d surrounded Sean moved to Adam and ribbed him about misspelling our names.

Adam played this perfectly. He laughed it all off like he didn’t even care he was getting more attention than his stewing brother. He rubbed my shoulder and asked,

“Aren’t you hungry? We haven’t eaten.” He peered over my shoulder at the spread Mrs. Vader had laid out on the bar. “Party food isn’t going to cover it.”

“Starved.” I followed him around the bar that divided the living room from the kitchen. ere were partial walls on either side, so the kitchen was a little more quiet. At least we could raise our voices over the beat of Splender without making ourselves hoarse.

He opened the refrigerator door. “What’d they have for di

“Definitely not.”

“Hey, chica,” Tammy called across the bar.

“Hey, chica,” I responded, and looked over Adam’s shoulder into the refrigerator again. en I realized what I was supposed to be doing. I walked around the bar, screamed, “Tammeeeee!” and hugged her while jumping up and down. This was a lot easier in bare feet than it had been in heels, let me tell you.

“Hi there,” she said, wrestling me off her. “You’re insane. I’m so late. My mom made me play in a stupid te