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“I thought the same thing the first time Dad and I came up here.” Across the yard, Maddy could see the shadowy forms of the group returning from their tour.

“Oh my goodness, this looks wonderful, just wonderful,” Anthony said, flitting around the table like an excited child.

“Well, we’re ready to eat. Have a seat,” Mom waved her hands over the table. Everyone shuffled around, pulling out chairs and shaking out their napkins. For a few minutes, the only sounds were of the clink of silverware and the rustle of the breeze in the vines just behind them as people concentrated on their food. David sat next to Maddy, and Rain sat across the table.

“Debbie,” Anthony said, putting down his fork for a moment, “this is all wonderful—wonderful! I’ll take some more of the corn salad.”

“Here, just pass me your plate.” Maddy’s mom smiled as she dished out a generous portion of salad. Fred and Bob were discussing oak versus metal 62

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fermenting tanks at one end of the table. David glanced over at Maddy. “Always business,” he said with a grin.

Rain turned to David. “So, I know this sounds weird, but you look really familiar. Did you go to Redwood Lake Camp?”

“Yeah, I did,” David replied, scooping up a forkful of corn salad. “I was actually thinking the same thing about you. I went there for years, and then I was a counselor the summer before last.”

“Wait—me too!” Rain laughed. “That must be what I was thinking of.”

Maddy concentrated on her plate. Perfect. Now she had to listen to these two bond? And how did that girl get her arms so toned? She looked around the table. Every face was relaxed and smiling in the soft candlelight as people ate and drank and chatted. She was the only one who wasn’t having a good time and, apparently, the only person on the planet who didn’t love, love, love Napa Valley. Maddy stuffed a bite of lamb into her mouth and chewed morosely.

Next to her, David and Rain were still falling all over each other in the ecstasy of their shared memories of Camp Oak Tree or whatever it was called.

“Remember that girl Miriam, the drama counselor?”

David was saying. “I ran into her out in Colorado. She’s dating that Israeli guy—what was his name?”


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“Itai! Oh my God, I haven’t thought about him in forever!” Rain laughed.

“Hey, do you remember that one canoe trip . . .”

David dropped his voice. Rain erupted into giggles, putting her hands over her mouth. Maddy’s face was growing hot and she could feel her jaw clenching. It was actually really rude of them to be telling inside jokes right here at the table, she thought, twisting her napkin in her lap. Not that she cared, because she didn’t. But you’d think that if they wanted to have a freaking Camp Firewood orgy, they’d do it somewhere else.

Rain must have sensed something, because she abruptly broke off her conversation with David and leaned toward Maddy. “So, when did you get here?” she asked.

“Hmm?” Maddy pretended she hadn’t heard at first.

“What? Oh, yesterday.” She offered a tight smile. There was an awkward little pause.

Then Rain nodded. “Yeah, I just got in this morning.”

More silence.

Maddy felt like she should at least attempt conversation, even though this girl totally didn’t deserve it. “So, what are you up to this summer?” She tried to sound friendly.

“I’m working for my aunt. She has a stable up here. I’m leading trail rides for the tourists, mostly.”


The Other Boy

“Oh, wow.” Maddy nodded sympathetically. “I had to work at the country club pool one summer. I hated it.”

Rain looked confused. “That’s . . . too bad. But, um, my job is actually incredible. I love riding and, this way, I get to do it every day.”

“Oh, yeah. Of course.” Maddy pretended to pick up her napkin to cover her embarrassment. How was she supposed to know leading trail rides was a great job?

“That’s cool,” David chimed in. “I’ve only been riding once or twice, but it was so fun. Do you guys get to gallop and things?”

Maddy was quiet for the rest of the meal. All around her, the conversation flowed effortlessly, like water around a stone. Why should she bother being sociable when everyone was doing just fine without her help?

She didn’t even have an appetite for the chocolatealmond torte, although she had to admit that it looked incredible. She just gazed at the vines, letting the breeze and the moonlight reflecting off the glossy grape leaves soothe her.

Eventually, Bob pushed back his chair. “Anyone up for a moonlight stroll?” he asked. “I think we could all use a little exercise after that wonderful meal.” He looked over at his wife.

“You all go ahead,” she said. “I’ll just clean up a little.”

The group rose from the table slowly and gathered wraps and wineglasses. Debbie started stacking plates. 65

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“I’ll help you clean up, Mom,” Maddy volunteered. Her mother looked up, a little startled.

“Don’t you want to—?”

“No. I want to help you.” There was no way she wanted to spend one more minute with these people. Besides, if she could get her mom alone, it would be the perfect chance to ask about her birthday.

“Okay, honey. Let’s get all the dishes in first.”

Maddy gathered up the used silverware and dumped it into an empty serving dish. Then she made her way across the cool, dark grass toward the warm glow of the kitchen.

Inside, Debbie started filling the sink with soapy water for the dishes. Maddy wrapped up some leftover cake. “Well, I think that went well,” Mom chattered, splashing around with the sponge. “I love that corn salad recipe, but what do you think about white corn, Maddy?”

“Mom,” Maddy interrupted. Her mother stopped talking and looked over. Maddy took a deep breath. She would have to approach this carefully. “You know, my birthday’s next month. . . .”

“I think I just might remember that.” Maddy’s mom gave her a little smile as she scraped cucumber scraps into the compost bucket.

Maddy took a deep breath. “I was thinking that maybe I could go down to the city just for that weekend, 66

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to celebrate.” Her mom’s back tensed, but Maddy rushed ahead. “I could stay with Kirsten—”

“We’ll see,” Maddy’s mother cut her off. “Let’s see how it goes here before we talk about any privileges.”

Maddy’s plan was teetering on a very dangerous ledge. “I know, but I was thinking that if I stayed . . .”

“I heard that part. I also heard you tell Dad and me that you would be completely responsible if we left you alone all summer. And I seem to remember seeing patio furniture floating in my swimming pool and a roomful of underage teenagers spilling beer on my leather sofa. Let me talk to your father.”

Bam. The plan fell to the floor and shattered into a million pieces. Her dad would never let her go. Maddy’s mother heaved the big roasting pan into the soapy water.

“Would you go out to the porch?” she said, raising her voice over the sound of the taps. “I think there are still some empty glasses out there—everyone was sitting out front before di

Maddy nodded and trailed slowly through the darkened living room and foyer out to the front door. She struggled to contain her disappointment. She’d known any chance of celebrating her birthday in San Fran was iffy, but there was always a chance. Maybe she should have waited longer. That was it—she’d just ask later, after they saw that she’d been on her best behavior. The front porch was unlit, but as her eyes adjusted, 67

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she could see well enough to gather the scattered wineglasses onto a tray. She padded down the porch steps and had just rounded the side of the house when she heard someone talking. It sounded like the voice was coming from the front, where she had just been. She stopped, listened, and realized the voice was David’s. He must have just come back from the stroll through the vines and hadn’t noticed her in the dark on the porch. He was talking to someone standing in the yard, near the parked truck. The cicadas and crickets were making a giant racket in the trees, but when she held her breath, she could make out his words.