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I rolled my eyes. So much for the sweet E.T. who was only worried about me. "Shut up," I said. 197

The Stillburrow Crush

by Linda Kage

He gri

I sighed. "Does that ease your worries? Can I go now?"

"Yeah," he said. "You can go now."

"Thank you, your highness." I bowed down to him and when I straightened, stuck my tongue out before racing across the street.

"Bye," he called after me. I glanced back and waved. I ran the whole way home. It was four blocks and I was winded by the time I reached our yard. The sun was easing down below the horizon. I pulled up short when I spotted the white Mustang with black racing stripes parked out front. Luke.

I dashed the rest of the way to the front door and flung it open.

He sat on the loveseat with his knees spread wide and his hands hanging down between them. His head was lowered but he raised it when the door opened. He stood when he saw it was me filling the entrance. Dad had been in his chair with the footrest down. He didn't bother to stand at my arrival. Luke took a step in my direction. But then Mom appeared in the kitchen doorway.

She rushed past him, crying out. "Where...have you...been?" She crushed me into a hug and then said. "Don't you ever do that to me again, young lady." I pulled back. "I was at Marty's."

"The school called," she went on. "They started talking to me about your suspension and then they were saying it'd been dropped. I had no idea what was going on." 198

The Stillburrow Crush

by Linda Kage

I lowered my head, kicked at a patch of carpet. "I was at the library studying until about two thirty. Then I went to see Marty." I looked up. "There's no baby."

"There's no baby?" she echoed.

I nodded. "Abby's not pregnant. It was all a misunderstanding." My voice choked a little then. I thought of the expression on Marty's face when he'd insisted there had been. "But Mr. Eggrow thought I'd told everyone there was, and he got mad."

Mom moved back a step. Her face was a little pale. "She's not pregnant?"

I shook my head. And my mother backed even further away. Dad pushed to his feet then. When she turned away from me and disappeared down the hall toward her room, Luke came to me.

He couldn't take his gaze off me. "Are you OK?" he said. His eyes moved from my face to my arms as if he were searching for physical wounds.

I nodded. "I'm fine."

His searching blue eyes returned to mine. "You weren't earlier."

I slipped a hand in my pocket and my eyes fell as I remembered exactly how I'd been earlier. "I'm better." He said, "I guess you heard what happened," at the same moment I said, "E.T. told me what you did." I lifted my face and we shared a moment where no words had to be spoken. The simple contact of our gazes was enough. Softly, I said, "Thank you." 199

The Stillburrow Crush

by Linda Kage

He nodded once, and reached for my arm. But before he touched me, Dad's voice interrupted from behind us. Obviously, he'd been watching the whole scene.

"Carrie's still grounded."

Luke glanced over at him, a regretful—but almost defiant—

look still on his face, like he wanted to argue with my father.

"Now that she's made it home safe and sound, you should be going, Luke."

It was clear from his expression that Luke didn't agree. "I need to tell her something," he finally said to Dad. "May I very quickly tell her something?"

Dad seemed to seethe at Luke for being brave enough to stand up to him. Finally, he said, "You can tell her as she walks you to the door." He turned on his heel and followed Mom's path back to their room.

I turned to Luke. "I'm sorry," I said. "This house hasn't been the greatest place to be lately."

"Gee, I wonder why?" Luke said, trying to make me smile. When I didn't, he took my hand and we started making baby steps toward the door. When we finally reached it, we stopped and faced each other.

"I finished the poem," he whispered. I smiled. "Really?" I'd forgotten all about the poem, all about our Fourth of July Celebration in November. Just remembering that night boosted my spirits. Luke nodded. "It's not with me, so I can't show it to you now. But it's done. I wanted you to know that." He glanced up at the ceiling and then to me. "I tried to show it to you on Thanksgiving Day, but..."


The Stillburrow Crush

by Linda Kage

I nodded. "Yeah."

He moved closer to me. "I want to kiss you," he whispered.

My eyelids fluttered and I swayed toward him. Was it possible to have this strong of a pull toward another human being?

I managed to shake my head. "Bad idea."

"I know." He did dare to reach up and lightly move the back of his index finger over my cheekbone, though. "But I thought you'd still like to know."

He was right. I did like knowing.

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The Stillburrow Crush

by Linda Kage

Chapter Fifteen

I arrived early to school the next morning. Luke was waiting for me once again by my locker. People stared. And they talked. There's no denying that. It was hard to decide which shocked them more: the scandal with my brother or the fact that Luke Carter was interested in me. He walked down the halls beside me. It felt very strange, like I was wearing my shoes on the wrong feet, but Luke courted like a gentleman. He didn't kiss me in public or even hold my hand. But he subtly let people know he was with me. I about died when he introduced me to his best friend. I'd lived in the same small town as Nathan Bates my whole life and here was Luke introducing us. Nate very graciously shook my hand, but I had to say, "Hello, Nathan. Have you lived in Stillburrow long?"

He paused at that and cocked an is-this-girl-mentallystable look toward Luke. But Luke shoved his hands in his pockets and glared at me. "Very fu

Luke even had E.T. and me sit by him at lunch. I think E.T. fell into hero worship over Luke too. At first he was a little self-conscious, thinking Luke was making a better grade than he was in trigonometry, so he quizzed him a little. Thank goodness I'd given Luke the head's up about E.T.'s complex. He knew to answer the questions with an, "I'm not really sure." And then he'd scratch his head as if he were puzzled. 202

The Stillburrow Crush

by Linda Kage

When E.T. gave him the right answer, he'd nod and say, "Oh, OK. I get it," as if the light was just then dawning. I could've kissed him right there for doing that.

Abby came to school that day, but Sidney didn't. Abby walked down the halls with a limp. I chose to believe what she told everyone when she said she'd hurt her back practicing a new cheerleading routine. But I kept thinking of what Marty had told me and wondering if that had anything to do with the reason she moved like every muscle in her body was sore.

Luke didn't know the whole story about her, but he saw the way I watched her and he constantly tried to divert my attention.

"What'd you get on your trigonometry test?" I glanced up and wondered if I'd ever grow used to seeing him smile at me. He had a smug grin as he crossed his arms and leaned his back against the locker next to mine.