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“Jesus Christ,” he breathed.

I still couldn’t speak, so I just nodded and moaned when he pulled out and set my feet gently down. His fingers went back to touch me, and suddenly his body stilled.


Still in my daze, I blinked slowly and pressed down against his fingers. “What?”

“Condom, Maci, fucking condom; I wasn’t wearing one.”


“No, I’ve never not worn one.”

“Okay, Co

He shook his head and backed away from me. “Maci, I’m so damn sorry.”

“It’s all righ—­”

“It’s not,” he cut me off. “I don’t . . . fuck . . . I don’t do this! I even had them in my jeans. I’m sorry.”

Pushing him back, I bent down to grab my clothes and had taken a few steps toward my bathroom before he grabbed my arm to stop me. “I swear to God, Co

“Maci, I just don’t—­”

“You don’t do that. I get it. I’ve never done it without a condom either, but I’ve also never had that,” I gritted out, pointing at the wall, “and now all you’re doing is pissing me off. I’m on the pill . . . and looking at your face, that still doesn’t mean shit to you.”

With a huff, I turned and walked into my bathroom to start the shower. I angrily yanked my bra off, and put my hair up in a high bun before stepping under the hot stream of water. Almost immediately after, Co

“You have your own shower right next—­”

He turned me around, and grabbed the back of my head to bring me closer to him and kiss me thoroughly.

I pushed against his now-­wet chest, but he didn’t go far. “No, you don’t get to pull that shit, and then just come in here and act like you didn’t just completely fuck everything up.”

“Just listen to me. I’m sorry for reacting like that. I’ve never had sex without a condom on, and I hadn’t even known until I looked down. Yes, it scared the living hell out of me when I realized that I hadn’t worn one, but I also couldn’t get over the fact that for the first time, that hadn’t been my first thought, and main thought during. But, Maci, I told you that you’re not those other girls I’ve been with. It’s different with you, and I’m not going to lie to you, part of me is terrified by that. But the rest hated watching yo

u walk away from me just then, and hated knowing I’d pissed you off after that.”

I wanted to punch him. I also kind of felt like I was about to cry, and wanted to throw my arms around him. I hated that he could mess with my emotions like this, but I loved the way I felt when he touched me, looked at me . . . talked to me. I was still scared that this was all just going to be gone.

He’d said he’d been thinking of me for a week the other night . . . I’d been craving him for years, and finally had him. I was in too deep way too fast; I knew I was beyond what he could be feeling for me. So he’d freaked over not wearing a condom, understandable. It was the fact that he’d still looked at me with such a horrified expression even after he’d known I was protecting myself that had killed me. But I couldn’t let that be a reason for me to push him away, and gaging from our conversation the other morning, he probably wouldn’t let me anyway.

“Maci, please say something.”

I focused on his bright blue eyes, and came up empty on how to respond to all he’d said; so, instead, I slowly closed the distance between us and brought his face down to mine.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered and kissed me firmly.

“Stop apologizing.”

Wrapping my arms around his neck, I deepened the kiss and leaned my body into him when his hands slid down my waist to grip my hips. The kiss escalated quickly, and soon our hands were searching, and I couldn’t get enough of him.

“Turn around.”

I looked up at him, confused; but turned when he prompted me again, and looked over my shoulder to see his blue eyes. The air in the bathroom had thickened, and not just from the steam of the shower. Co

Reaching above me, he grabbed at my showerhead, and pulled off the detachable part. “I didn’t know you had one of these.”

“Uh . . .”

“Do you trust me?”

My eyes widened as the spray of the warm water got lower and lower, and I jerked back into his chest when the spray went to the jet setting.

“Do you?”


“Put one foot on the edge of the tub,” he said in a demanding tone, and I quickly followed his instruction. “Hold on to me, sweetheart.”

I brought my hands over my head, and let them run over his hair and down his neck when the spray hit me. My back arched, and I moaned as the continuous spray put pressure against my clit, and Co

“Holy shit.” My breathing quickly turned ragged as I got closer to coming faster than I ever had before. “Oh God, don’t stop.”

The heat in my stomach intensified, and I grabbed at his wet shoulders as I prepared for what I knew was going to be the most intense orgasm I’d ever had.

“Still trust me?”

“Yes, just don’t stop!”

His deep laugh sounded in my ear. “Put one hand against the wall, and grab the showerhead from me.”


“Do it, Maci.”

I didn’t want to move. I was so close. But the way his voice had dropped even deeper, and the room got even thicker with his intensity; I would have done anything he’d told me to.

Leaning forward, I put one hand against the wall, and grabbed onto the showerhead. His hand let go, and both went back to my hips, his hardened cock pressing against me. I wanted to feel him inside me again, but I didn’t want what’d happened earlier to make a repeat appearance.

“No, you’re not wearing a condom. Don’t do this to prove something to me.”

“I’m not.” He bent over me and his lips moved to my ear, and the deep tone of his voice had my knees growing even weaker. “I’m doing this because I want to. I’ve never had sex in a shower, and I don’t want anything between us when I do it with you.”

Without warning, he was inside me, and I was screaming as I came. My entire body shook with the force of how hard it hit me, and as soon as I came crashing down from the high of it, I dropped the showerhead and my legs gave out under me. Co

“Are you okay?”

I was more than okay. I felt like I was dying in the best way possible, and I wasn’t ready for the feeling to end. “Keep going,” I managed to choke out, and had to remind myself to breathe when my second orgasm started as soon as the first ended. “Oh God!”


Helping me stand, he made sure I was able to stay upright on my own before grabbing the showerhead and returning it to the top portion.

“You okay, baby?”

I sagged against his body and nodded my head. “I feel like I’m going to faint.”

“What?” his voice had gone from deep and powerful to terrified in no time.

“No, no. I’m fine . . . I just stopped breathing there for a while.”

His chest rumbled against my back when he laughed, and he bent to kiss my neck. “Okay, I’ll get you in your bed soon.”

He quickly cleaned us both up before turning the shower off and helping me out of the tub. Wrapping a towel around his hips, he grabbed another and wrapped it around my body before dipping down and lifting me into his arms.

“Oh my God! Put me down,” I laughed. “I can walk, I said I was fine.”

“I know you are, but I’m having more fun this way.”

He dropped me down onto my bed and crawled on after me. Pulling me close, he kissed me softly and settled down beside me.