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I think that this year we are going to a party that Ha

“What’s up?” he said, just smoothly, the way he does.

“Um…” I was thinking fast. I was not going to say nothing. “It’s almost Halloween.”


“What are you going to be?”

Sky laughed. “I usually just put on a white sheet and pass out candy to trick-or-treaters with my mom.”

“Well, we’re going to this one party, because Ha

“You’re going to a college party?” He sounded vaguely disapproving.


“Well, I guess maybe I better. I don’t want you getting into any trouble.” Sky said it like he was mostly teasing, but meant it a tiny bit.

I tried to keep myself from giggling. “I’ll send you the address, you know, in case.”

When I told Natalie and Ha

Natalie hit her shoulder and said, “Han-nah!”

“What? That doesn’t mean she’s go

My face got all hot.

Then Ha

I was so happy, because the invitation meant that Ha

Finally, as a last resort, I decided to call Mom and ask her to tell Aunt Amy that she should let me spend the night at my friend’s house.

“What friend?” she asked.


“What’s Ha

She could probably hear the shrug in my voice. “I don’t know. She’s just normal.”

“What does ‘normal’ mean?”

“She’s cool and nice. What is this, twenty questions?”

“I just wanted to know a little bit about your life now,” Mom said, sounding hurt. “Who your friends are.”

I felt bad, but I couldn’t help thinking that if she really wanted to know, she’d be here.

It was quiet for a moment, and then Mom laughed a little. “Do you remember when we used to play that game with your sister in the car on the way home from school?”

She meant twenty questions. “Yeah,” I said. I couldn’t help laughing a little, too. May was great at that game, like she was at everything. She always thought of something super specific. Instead of just a train whistle, it was the train whistle from the lullaby that Mom would sing us. And she added her own category, too—in addition to a person, place, or thing, you could also think of a feeling. Her feeling wouldn’t just be something like “excited.” It would be the exact feeling of waking up on your birthday.

“I’m thinking of a feeling right now,” I said to Mom.

“A feeling that’s more happy or more sad?” Mom asked.

“More sad,” I said.

Mom asked a few more questions, but in the end she didn’t guess, so I had to tell her that the feeling was missing her.

And of course, after all of that, she told Aunt Amy to let me go.


Then we went wandering in the forest behind the house, and Natalie and Ha

When we got back from our walk, we went to visit Ha

When Jason went for one of his workouts, which Ha

