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I smile inside. “Sure, I’d love to.” I guide her by the hand down the hall and into the studio. She’s been in this room before, but back then she didn’t know about B-Girl. This will be a much different visit. I point to the drafting table. “This is where I’ve sat endless nights thinking about you and drawing B-Girl.”

She smiles sweetly at me, noticing the Wonder Woman figurine overlooking where I create.

Before we start I pull open my flat files and take the current work out and spread it across my drafting table. There’s already a full set of the printed final B-Girl issues at the side of the table closest to her.

She looks shy and apprehensive to be here, but I’m excited. She reaches up and slides the top comic toward her. “You’ve got such a great story sense, Nathan. And you have no idea how much I love B-Girl, and not just because I inspired her…she’s a great character.”

“You read them already?” I ask, pointing to the stack of comics. “All of them?”

“Yes, I did…of course. I read them all this week and loved every single issue.”

I smile at her. She can only imagine how long I’ve hoped to hear those words.

“Can you tell me about your process?” She asks excitedly. “How do you get your story ideas? Do you write the entire story out first, then go back and illustrate it?”

I love it so much that she’s genuinely interested in how I do this. I pull out of the pile loose pages of notes and some rudimentary layouts to show her. “I outline the story first, then do a real rough layout where I start blocking in the type.”

“I can’t believe you’ve done all of this yourself,” she says with admiration.

“Well, luckily I’m pretty fast. And besides, it’s exciting to me. I’m inspired since I’ve always been in love with my subject…” I grin at her and she grins back. “…and I still am.”

She runs her fingers along my arm. “So what are you working on now?”

“I just finished these pages. It’s the conclusion of the Monkey Man storyline. I’m retiring him now. I don’t think he’s relevant.”

“Did your lawyer tell you to drop it?”

“No, the agreement Arnold signed protected me against all future claims, but I’m done with him. I want him out of our lives.”

“I agree,” she responds as she considers what I’m saying. “So how did you end the storyline? Did you kill him off?” Her eyes get wide, her expression playful.

“No, that would have been too easy. Here.” I sort through some of the pages. “Do you want to see? It’s not pretty.”

“Hell, yes,” she says in a low voice that isn’t entirely playful.

“So the minions had turned on Monkey Man and to enact revenge, he pla

“Oh yeah,” she comments with a dark pleasure.

“And from there he was transported to Primate Prison where he was thrown in the same cell as a massive alpha gorilla named Big Lou. Unfortunately for Monkey Man, Big Lou is in an amorous mood and has a thing for little furry monkeys.”

“Oh no…you didn’t!” She giggles.

I hold up the drawing. “Yes, I did. See, the last time we see Monkey Man he’s clinging to the cell bars crying for help while Big Lou picks the bugs out of his fur and prepares him for mating.”

“Oh, that’ll be really painful.” She laughs mischievously. “Poor, poor Monkey Man!”

“Yeah, my heart just breaks for him,” I agree, rolling my eyes.

“You’re so clever,” she says, sidling up to me.

“Gee, thanks.”

“You know I noticed when I was reading that you worked some of my real life outfits and ma

“You noticed.” I’m embarrassed and pleased at the same time.

“You really did pay close attention to me back then.”

“I’ve always paid close attention to you.”

She picks up another issue and lays it open on the desk, then points at B-Girl. “See, here’s that cute outfit I wore the day we met at Geek World.”

“You looked so sexy in that. Will you wear it again for me sometime?”

“How about tomorrow? It’s not like I have to dress up for work or anything.”

I get excited realizing that she intends to see me tomorrow too and not just throw herself into working all the time. Maybe soon the days and nights will just blend into each other and we’ll never be apart.

“Hey, can I watch while you draw B-Girl? Maybe you could draw something for me?”

“Sure.” I think about it a moment and then brush my hand over a fresh page of paper in my pad before teasing her by drawing soft, loose lines that slowly build towards an image.

Brooke stands up and leans in, looking over my shoulder. I feel her breasts against my back and I have to push the dirty thoughts out of my head while I work. I can feel her breath against my neck and a tiny moan when she sees B-Girl finally take shape.

Her warmth against me is distracting in the most wonderful way. I can barely keep working and it takes my complete focus to finish the drawing. Finally, I hold the pad up and review the image of B-Girl sitting on top of the world, like it’s an oversized beach ball. She looks powerful and sexy…and of course, she’s beautiful. I took extra time sketching her hair so it’s flowing behind her.

“Do you like it? See…you’re on top of the world.”

“I love it!” she says happily. “Can I have it? I’m going to frame it.”

“Sure,” I respond happily, handing it to her.

She kisses my neck and hugs me. “So is B-Girl always alone? Does she have a special someone?”


She grins. “Oh good…a boyfriend! So what are his special powers?”

“He’s a mere mortal.”

“Really?” The look on her face is priceless. “So she’s open-minded about such things?”

“Yes, B-Girl’s brilliant. She knows that sometimes you find the best things in life where you least expect them.”

“Are they happy?” she asks.

“Supremely happy,” I assure her. “He worships his B-Girl and would do anything for her.”

“I see. And does she worship him?”

“I think so…I hope so.”

“I bet she does,” she whispers before she swivels me in my drafting chair until I’m facing her. “If he’s anything like you, then she worships him completely.”

She must know by know what those words do to me. I take a deep breath and try to control my overwhelming desire to push the drawings aside and take her on my drafting table.

Slow, Nathan. Go slow…

I wrap my hands around her hips and slide my chair closer to kiss her, gently at first but then the passion builds. As I reach up and cup her breasts, I remember the first time I held her like this. Just like now, she moaned as I pleasured her, yet my heart was insecure. I didn’t know back then if she merely pitied me, or if her lust was genuine.

So now as she chants my name and presses her hand over me through my jeans, there is no question of her true desire. My fingers slide under her skirt, stroking her thighs higher and higher until they slip under her panties. She rocks into my tender touch.

“Take me here, Nathan,” she whispers huskily, as she leans back against the table full of drawings.

A low growl escapes out of my tight chest. My dream’s coming true… my studio’s about to be set on fire by Brooke and her magic ways. I help her pull off her skirt and panties before lifting her up in my arms.

I can’t help smiling inwardly. How many times did I fantasize about taking Brooke on this table where I draw her every night?

In the frenzy, the Wonder Woman figurine face plants on the credenza while Monkey Man’s demise scatters over the floor. The room smells like sweet naked Brooke and lusty sex.

I love it…every part of it. My Toontown office will never be the same.