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Finally completely bare, she lies down and stretches out seductively as she watches me. As I try to figure out what my next move should be she runs her hands up her thighs and over her breasts.

“Mmm, you must remember what your touching and kisses do to me.”

I remember everything, Brooke. I blink several times.

“I need you, Nathan. Come closer.”

I love that she can ask for what she wants. I lift up then lower myself over her and let my hands wander. My lips wrap around her nipples, her heated response encouraging me on.

“Yes, that feels so good,” she moans. Her pelvis presses into mine, and my erection bucks, ready for action.

“Kiss me,” she says so softly it’s almost a whisper.

I nod, and shift up, until my lips are just an inch from hers.

“Are you sure?” I ask tentatively, wanting to make sure since this is a big step for both of us. I can’t believe our big moment is finally here.

She nods with a sweet smile, “Please.”

The moment our lips touch she wraps her limbs around me and pulls me closer.

She starts getting more assertive with the kissing, and I’m relieved. I’m not sure I could take the lead right now, even if I wanted to.

When we finally part, she pulls back and looks me in the eye. “Are you ready?”

I know she’s also checking to make sure I can handle this. She cares about me being okay, and I love her for that.

“No…yes…but…” I’m silently imagining all the ways I can screw this up and ruin the possibility for future sex lessons from Brooke. I also realize that I’m scared shitless. What if this hurts her the way it hurt Rachel? That would be the final straw, the air escaping with a loud hissing groan from my deflating balloon of sexuality.

She must sense my insecurity. “Nathan,” she whispers, facing me earnestly. “I want you. You want me. Let’s do this.”

I nod, visualizing the Nike swoosh in my head. Just do it. Just do it. Just do it.

I boldly lift up to my knees and she scoots closer, her legs gloriously spread for me. I take myself in my hand and slide it over her. I can’t believe she’s so wet. She really wants me. She must. She looks up and nods with determination.

I take a deep breath and now leaning over her, I begin to push, tentatively at first but once her warm wetness envelopes me my confidence grows.

Oh my God, this feels so amazing; she’s incredibly aroused. Halfway in, I pause, stopping my eyes from rolling back long enough to focus.

She’s panting, and her face is flushed.

“Are you okay?” I ask concerned.

“I never,” she groans, “…so full, so damn good. More…I want it all.” And the way her legs tighten over me, I know she means it.

The sensation overwhelms me. I pause and take a deep breath, then another. She stills and waits, understanding. “I just…” I stutter.

“I know, I know,” she says gently. “It’s okay…just whenever you’re ready.”

“Oh, Brooke…” I start the slow sinking of the last few inches. When our hips finally meet, I gasp. She’s pulsing around me, and there is no question that this is the best feeling in the entire universe. I mean it was great when her mouth was on me, but this is great times a trillion. My head falls back and we both moan in unison.

“Ahhh,” she groans, as she struggles to catch her breath.

I still, and study her face, which looks slightly strained. “Does it hurt?” I’m compelled to ask, hoping I don’t kill the moment.

The strained, focused expression melts into bliss. “This is heaven. I’m in heaven.” Her eyes meet mine, and they are warm and soft and so happy.

“Oh…oh,” I moan as she grips me hard.

“And let me now state for the record, that size does matter. Oh yeah, it matters.” She grins.

“Yeah?” I ask, starting to feel more confident. I concentrate as I shift my hips up, pulling partway out, and then push back down.

“Oh, yes. Do that again harder.”

I lift up, her tightness fighting my release. I grit my teeth and pause, hanging on before I push back hard. The flush spreads across my chest as I do it again.

She’s moaning, her hips rising and falling as her head rolls side to side.

I want to growl from this raw male thing rising out of me. Brooke is under me, and she wants me to take her hard.

“Oh, my God…so good,” she cries out as I thrust again.

She winds her fingers in my hair and pulls me towards her. I feel her lips skim my neck until they press against my ear. “Do you understand what you’re doing to me?” she whispers.

“Oh, Brooke,” I moan.

Her eyes are almost violet and hypnotizing in the gray morning light. I pull out even further then push harder back in, a current of supreme pleasure coursing through me. There are no words to adequately tell her how incredible this feels.

“Nathan,” she whispers, smiling as she suddenly realizes something. “You did it…we’re doing it!”

Yes, we did, and we are, and it’s friggin’ great. Let’s bring out the marching band and a skywriting plane to spell it out…We’re doing it!

And even though I’m about to come…far too soon…before I could flip her over or hang her upside down, or that crazy stuff they do in porn films…I now know what’s possible.

I can’t believe it. I’m inside Brooke and she likes it…a lot.

Animate Me / Chapter Fifteen / A New Man

Don’t talk to me about importance! Because of you, the future of this entire universe is in jeopardy!” ~Buzz Lightyear to Woodyxiv

My face is pressed against her neck as I try to remember who I am. Oh my God, that’s right, I’m Nathan, and I just had the best orgasm of my life. A moment later, however, I realize that I’m probably crushing the woman who put me in this blissful state.

“Brooke?” I ask, my voice heavy with concern as I regretfully lift up and move off of her. The withdrawal of my manhood from its happy new home is particularly jarring.

“Are you okay?”

“Oh yeah,” she purrs as she settles on her side, up against me.

We lie silently for a while. I’m spooning her from behind, holding her tightly, grateful that I seemed to satisfy her despite my past history. I don’t think there’s ever been a time I was more curious to know what she’s thinking. I just can’t wait any longer…I need to know. I clear my throat.

“Are you sure you’re all right?” I whisper. “Was it okay for you? Was that too hard?”

“No, it was perfect. It was all perfect.” She lets out a long sigh.

“Then why are you so quiet?”

“I’m just thinking.”

“About?” I run my fingertips lightly along her arm.

“Was it what you imagined?” she asks quietly. “Was it what you hoped for?”

“Actually a million times better,” I respond. “I can’t tell how many times I’ve dreamt of it being like this.”

“With Dani?” Her voice is soft and tender.

She knows the answer to this question. Maybe she wants to know if I’m brave enough to admit it. I take a deep breath. “No, with you,” I admit.

I can feel her body shift even though she stays quiet for a minute. I hold my breath waiting. Embarrassed, I decide to deflect the question back to her. I take a deep breath for courage before planting kisses along her shoulder. “Have you ever imagined doing that with me?” I try to stay calm despite my pounding heart; I desperately want to hear her answer.

Say yes, Brooke…say that you dream of me making love to you every single night.

“Yes, I’ve imagined it. I’ll tell you a secret,” she says softly. “Sometimes at work I want to lure you from your cubicle into a conference room. Then I imagine pushing you down into the chair at the head of that long table, undoing your jeans…”