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“No!” I moan loudly, without thinking. “You can’t let him take your curves, Brooke! Is he nuts? You’re perfect and sexy, and I’ll never forgive you if you agree to that.”

“This is who I am,” she says quietly as she strokes her hips. “I used to like my curves.”

It doesn’t escape my notice that my hands are still on her butt, so I squeeze it gently. “I love your curves. Why do you think I appreciate these yoga pants so much?”

She smiles sadly at me. “Don’t worry, I’ll never agree to it. But I can’t deny that it’s getting to me hearing him suggest it all the time. And that’s not all, you know.”

“What else?” I ask, not sure I can stand to hear more.

“He wants me to get my breasts augmented…you know, bigger.”

“Why? They’re perfect,” I huff.

“How would you know, you’ve never seen them,” she teases.

“No, but I’ve held them. Well, technically one, but that gave me a pretty good indication. It felt so perfect to me.” I grin.

“Well, to be honest, I’ve always loved my breasts. I think they’re really pretty. Lately though, he seems to get off on huge breasts, and has no qualms telling me that.”

“I bet your breasts are much higher ranked than pretty…more like stu

She grins and I’m encouraged that her mood seems to be brightening.

“So now you’re an aficionado?” She teases.

“Well if you count studying them very carefully and drawing breasts thousands of times.” I pause and move my hands to rest on her thighs. “You know you could show me if you want a second opinion on how spectacular they are.”

“You want to see my breasts?”

“Yes, of course I do.” My heart is pounding.

“Are you going to touch them too?”

I swallow hard. “If you’ll let me.” Oh, please let me, Brooke. Please

She leans back and eyes me playfully. “Is this educational?”

“If you want it to be.” I’m getting nervous that she’s changing her mind. I can’t get this close to the Promised Land, only to find out that it’s closed for business. I reach up and tug on the edge of her T-shirt. “Don’t make me beg,” I tease.

She smiles and grabs the hem and starts to slowly pull it upward. Her torso is just as glorious as her back, creamy dreamy smooth. My fingers itch to glide over every plain and valley of her body. But when the shirt finally peels away from her chest, my heart stops. Mojo is clearly on crack because these are the most exquisitely beautiful, lusciously plump, bewitchingly bodacious breasts I’ve ever seen.

“Oh, my.” I state weakly. The sight of her without her shirt completely overwhelms me, and I’m rapidly losing my super powers. I’m now a mere mortal in the presence of perfection.

“That’s it? After all that build up?…Just an ‘Oh, my’?”

Has she not noticed that my eyes are bugging out of my head and I’m swallowing every ten seconds to control my salivating?

“Can we take this off?” I whisper, weakly pointing to her bra.

She smiles. “You want to help?”

I nod and as she reaches around to unhook the back, I gently slide the straps off her shoulders. She waits patiently for me, and my trembling fingers slide under that part in the middle that brings the two worlds together. I pull until the pale blue symphony of lace and straps falls away from her.

I can sense that she’s fighting shyness, a temptation to fold into herself. But she stays strong and sits tall, with her shoulders pulled back.

“Oh, Jesus,” I moan. “Oh my God.” Evidently I’ve suddenly found religion. That’s how incredible her breasts are. I glance once more at the perfection before my eyes roll back in my head.

I hear her take a deep ragged breath.

I reopen my eyes just in time to watch her slide further down my lap. Instinctively I react by pushing my hips forward to seek friction for the battle my hard-on is fighting with my jeans.

And as if that wasn’t enough, she smiles and takes my hands, pressing them softly against her.

“Oh, sweet baby Jesus,” I gasp. I have never felt anything so wonderful as her naked breasts, full and warm in my hands.

“I didn’t know you were a religious man,” she says with a sly smile.

“I wasn’t. But I am now.” I sigh as I marvel at them again in my grasp. I could sit here all night and just hold and admire them.

She laughs softly. “Are you all right?” She notices the serious look that has just flashed across my face.

“Never, ever, ever, let anyone tamper with this perfection,” I insist.

Her smile is so happy, like I just brushed all the darkness and self-doubt right out of her mind.

“Promise me, please, Brooke,” I beg.

She smiles. “I promise.” She looks down at how I’m holding her, and then runs her hands along my forearms. “See, this is what I’m talking about,” she explains. “This is making me feel really good.”

Let’s look at that scoreboard, I think to myself. A touchdown for me, and Mojo has been sidelined. Looks like I’m wi

Newly confident, I let my fingers explore, feeling the weight, and firm softness. My fingers circle her nipples and I notice that her body reacts in a really good way.

“I have to warn you Nathan, my breasts, especially my nipples are super sensitive. Don’t be alarmed if I get carried away when you touch me.”

Is she kidding? All I want right now is to make her get carried away. I want it really, really badly.

She scoots even closer, pushing herself firmly on top of my erection, finally giving me the friction I desperately need.

From the looks of how she’s arcing her back she wants me to take her nipple in my mouth. My tongue leads the way, and after its tentative introduction with a circle and a flick, I surrender to my instincts. Brooke wasn’t kidding about being sensitive. The minute my lips wrap around her she starts moving over me.

I guess in the back of my mind I’m always convinced that each time will be my last intimate experience with Brooke—that my lucky streak is finally over. So I’m hyper aware of every feeling, the way my heart skips when she winds her fingers through my hair and pulls me closer…the sounds she makes as I work my tongue over her, making me feel like I’m doing something really right.

Unlike Rachel, whose eye’s were always closed, Brooke’s eyes are open and she watches me doing everything I can to please her. Watching seems to arouse her even more.

Her fingers grasp my hair and she pulls hard as she rocks back and forth on my lap. I want to be inside her so badly, but I try to stay focused on not losing control. If she keeps rubbing against me like this I’m going to lose it for sure.

“Nathan?” she whispers, her voice hungry and raw.

“Mmmm?” I respond, as I look up, her nipple still in my mouth.

“I think I should warn you…I mean, if you keep doing that I’m going to come.”

In that moment it hits me that I’m making her feel this way. I pull back and look up at her while my fingers tighten over her nipples. I’m arousing her to the point that she may come undone in my arms, and I want that so badly.

“I really want to make you come, Brooke.” I insist, surprising myself with my boldness.

“You do?” She considers my expression while ru

I nod. “You’re so beautiful.” I take her in my mouth again, with a desperate urgency and she groans, her head falling back. “…and sexy,” I moan. “I’m so excited right now.”

“Believe me, I know how excited you are. You don’t know what you’re doing to me.”

“I’m not going to be able to hold on much longer,” I warn her. I sink into her cleavage and my hands cup her bottom and help guide her rhythm over me. My heart’s pounding.