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As we move to the end of the hall, I’m not sure if it’s appropriate to show her my bedroom or not. I hesitate in the doorway and look down at my feet.

“This is…my room.”

She looks up at me, and hesitates, but then wanders inside. She takes in the wall of windows facing the back garden. “Wow,” she says quietly.

I give her a moment as she approaches my bookshelves and takes in the titles, along with my DVD’s and CDs.

“Wow, you have really eclectic taste,” she comments. “I’m impressed.” She finally turns towards the elephant in the room. “And what a bed!”

“It’s pretty grand, huh?” I ask happily. I love my bed. I even painted the dramatic headboard with my own design. “Here you have to test it out. Lay down.”

She raises her eyebrows, but climbs up on the bed anyway. When she’s all the way on she turns and sinks into the midnight blue velvet covered duvet. “Nice,” she sighs.

“Wait till you see the best part!” I climb on and lie down next to her then reach over for the remote. “Ready?”

“I think so,” she laughs.

I press a button and the foot of her side the bed slowly lifts, elevating her legs.

“Woooo,” she hoots.

Next I press another button and the head of my side the bed lifts.

“Does it vibrate too?” she asks laughing.

I grin and press another button.

“Wo-o-o-o-Ho-o-o-o,” she exclaims with the vibration in her voice. “Hell yeah…this is better than Disneyland! I’d never get out of bed. Let me try it!”

She reaches over for the remote but I pull it away as I keep pressing the different buttons. Next thing you know we’ve got an I Love Lucy episode going. The sides are quickly lifting at different times, while the bed madly vibrates. In her effort to get the remote we end up wrestling for it and my tenacity takes over. We’re both howling with laughter and grabbing at each other.

But I’m stronger and suddenly I’m on top of her, pi

“Oh no you don’t!” I taunt. “No one but me plays with the magic remote.”

I suddenly realize that she’s not laughing anymore, and instead her eyebrows are raised as she lifts her head off the mattress and looks down towards where I’m pressed over her. I take a breath and follow her gaze to see her legs spread wide open while my pelvis is pressed right there. As I shift I realize that I am completely aroused and rubbing against her. I freeze, embarrassed. We’re still and silent, only the sound and movement of the vibrating bed filling up the room.

“Nathan,” she whispers. I think I hear longing in her voice but I can’t be sure.

The only thing I’m certain of is that Brooke is on my bed. Not just on my bed, but beautifully, seductively, gloriously pressed against me on my bed and I am dangling somewhere between panic and my supreme happy place. If I were a cartoon character my eyes would be bugging out of my head, and my tongue hanging to the ground while I howled. But I’m a man, and my lust soars as I look into her eyes and feel her thighs spread wide and her legs wrap around me.

Everything I want is underneath me. Do I roll away and apologize for being so forward or show Brooke how much I desire her in every way?

Animate Me / Chapter Ten / Right Girl, Wrong Time

“Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Gromit! There’s a bomb in me pants!” ~Wallace ix

All the times I’ve imagined Brooke in my bed underneath me, I never thought it would happen like this.

She looks up at me, watching me intently and I can’t help it. I shift my pelvis and slide against her. She has to feel how my heart is thundering and know how preciously close I am to losing control.

But instead of pushing me away, she shifts her hips and rubs back. Her eyes close and when they open again I’m sure…it’s the look…the look of wanting, needing, that in this very moment she belongs to me.

When our lips meet the kiss isn’t soft and tentative, but heated and insistent. Her fingers wind into my hair and pull me closer. There’s moaning, but I’m not sure if those sounds are coming from me or her, or both of us. I don’t care. I just keep kissing her, pressing down, breathing her scent. I’m a desperate man on the brink of salvation.

When we finally break apart to gasp for air, I realize the ferocity of my grinding, as if my hips won’t give up until we are actually joined. Is it possible to bruise her down there? I wonder horrified. But before I can worry another moment she takes control.

Her teeth scrape up my neck and her hands reach down and grab my butt controlling the rhythm of our rocking.

“Like this,” she says softly.

I follow her lead and realize that with this shift her eyes flutter each time I stroke. “This?” I question, hopeful.

“Oh, yes,” she confirms, her cheeks flushed.

I kiss her again, this time with even more confidence. I wonder if she could climax from just this friction. She’s acting like she could, and it’s making me wild inside.

“Touch me,” she whispers her cheek pressed against mine.

My hand lingers, and she takes it and places it on her breast. I’m mesmerized by the feelings as I explore—firm yet soft, more than a handful, her nipple hardening to my touch. Even though I’ve drawn her breasts a thousand times, I could’ve never fully imagined how incredible they would feel.

“You’re making me feel so good,” she moans.

Oh God, she’s so perfect. As my hand moves over her breast I can feel that her heart is thundering too. It’s so intense for me that I pause. What do I do next? What’s she expecting of me? As I continue to hesitate I fear that I’ve lost my game, and she senses it too.

She grazes her lips along my chin until they brush against my ear. “Are you okay? What do you want, Nathan?” she asks tenderly.

I must be doing something wrong; because I thought what I wanted was pretty damn obvious. Wasn’t the pelvic thrusting a pretty clear indication? I search her face to see if I can figure out what she’s trying to say.

She reaches up and gently pushes my hair out of my eyes. “What do you want…right now, this very moment?”

“You,” I say quietly as I tentatively trail my hand along her hip. “I’ve never felt this way…ever.”

She smiles, “I’m feeling pretty amazing too. But I want you to be sure you’re ready for being this intimate with me.”

I feel her run her fingers along the waist of my jeans and linger at the snap. I ache to feel her hands on me again. I want her lips on me, and I desperately need to be inside of her.

Am I ready? No, but I may never feel ready to get naked with someone as amazing as Brooke. How can I possibly live up to the other men she’s been with?

“I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready,” I admit as I look away embarrassed. “But I want to be.

Brooke pivots her body gently so that we both roll to our sides. We lay facing each other and she takes my hand and starts playing with my fingers before she looks into my troubled eyes.

“There’s no rush, you know. The build up is half the fun,” she teases.

“Half?” I question skeptically.

“Well, no, not really half. But I think you should be sure, you know?” She reaches for the remote and turns off the vibration mode on the bed.

I groan, and close my eyes.

She scoots closer and lays her hands on my chest. “You will be sure Nathan, I promise. When it’s the right girl at the right time, you’ll know.”

I sigh an endless sigh. I have to imagine that she knows she’s the right one, the only one. I feel her gentle hand rest in the center of my chest as I try to calm down.