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I looked down at my dick—just to make sure it hadn't turned into a dragon or some shit.

It looked fine.

I sniffed once.

It smelled fine.

My eyes lifted to hers again. "Logan," she whispered, looking around the room.

I unintentionally did the same. Just in case we weren't alone.

What the hell was happening?

I looked back at her. She hadn't changed positions.

Her head began to shake more frantically, but her eyes were glued to my dick.

"Logan," she said again, whispering a little louder, "That's not go

I tried hard to contain my smirk but I don't know if it worked. "It will fit," I tried to assure her. She continued to shake her head. I stood up and pushed my pants down to my ankles. A gasp got caught in her throat. I was all out gri

I sat on the bed with my back against the bedhead. "Come on," I motioned for her to join me. She slowly moved off the wall, still hesitant. "You can be in full control. We'll take it slow. I promise."

She nodded, biting her lip. She crawled onto the bed and over to me, throwing one leg over mine and straddling me again.

She ran her tongue along her top lip. I stopped it with my mouth, and that's what we did, for minutes, just kissed. And without knowing, both our hips had started a rhythm, thrusting, rubbing on each other. I pulled back. "I need inside, Baby."

She sat up on her knees and took me in her hand, then slowly guided me into her. "Holy...oh my...shit," she moaned, lowering herself onto me.

And then she moved.

Up and down.

Grinding and making little circles once I was all the way in.

And even though I've had sex way too many times to count, this time, it was different. It was more.

Her eyes were shut, her head thrown back, her mouth slightly open, panting. Fuck. "Oh God," she whispered. "You feel so fucking good."

Then she started moving faster and faster and I was so fucking close. My legs had tensed and I did everything I could to hold off so I could watch her come again.

"Fuck, Logan."

My hands gripped her ass while she rode me. She looked so fucking amazing and I was so fucking close— "Fuck. Stop."

She did. But only for a second before she started to move again.

I held her still. "Stop. Just—shit." If she kept going it'd be over and I don't want it to be over. Not yet. But I'd never had a problem holding off before. Ever. "I just—" I let out all the air in my lungs with a whoosh. "I've never had this problem." I grabbed her face on my hands and made sure she was looking at me. "I've never felt like this." My eyes roamed her face, looking between her eyes. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how to make her understand that this was different. "It's all you, Amanda. Just you."

Then I flipped us over until I was on top of her. I started kissing her neck, down her body, her breasts, her stomach, lower and lower. She needed to blow once more, because I sure as shit couldn't go on much longer. I got to her pelvis, and kissed either side. I could smell her. It made me dizzy. I needed to taste her.

I started to dip my head, but her fingers gripped my hair and pulled, stopping me.


I looked down at him. His eyebrows were bunched.

"What the hell are you doing?" I whispered.

He rolled his eyes. "What does it look like I'm doing?"

My mind was swimming with lust I didn't even register what was happening until it was too late. Now he was down there and I didn't know what to do. I shook my head, "You can't. I mean—"

He cut me of with a smirk on his face. "Has this happened to you before?"

I shook my head slowly.

His smirk got bigger.

"Good," he said, moving off the bed and kneeling on the floor. "Enjoy, babe."

Then his hands were on my ankles dragging me further down the bed. He spread my legs with his palms flat on the inside of my thighs, and then lifted them over his shoulders.

I threw my head back against the pillow and shut my eyes tight. Then I felt his warm breath on me and I waited.

"Ready?" he asked. I imagined his half smile single dimple face and could probably come just from that image alone; I was so fucking turned on.

Then his tongue was on me.

My hips raised off the bed because it was so much more than I thought it would fucking be. He held my hips down to stop me from moving. "Relax, babe," is all he said before I felt it again. He moved slowly, up and down. I tried to squirm and pull back and away because it was just too fucking much. But he held me there and made sure I took every single second of this intense pleasure he gave me. Unknowingly, my hips had started thrusting into his face. I was making him fuck me with his tongue. Oh my God. What the fuck was happening?

"Fuck I love your pussy,” he said, his mouth never leaving me.

"Oh my God," I moaned out, thrusting faster. I couldn't fucking help it.



Then he covered my clit with his mouth and sucked. And it's all I needed to push me over the edge. I bit my lip to stop from screaming. Not squealing. Not moaning. But screaming.

When I finally came back to earth and opened my eyes he was above me. Watching me. "Hey, pretty girl." He wiped my wetness of his face. He leaned down to kiss me, but paused half way, hesitating. After the way he made me feel I couldn't give a fuck if I could taste myself on him. I put my arm around his neck and brought him down to me. He moaned into my mouth. Tasting myself on him turned me on more.

"Fuck," he groaned out, before effortlessly entering me. His head fell to my shoulder. His weight held up by his forearms. He started moving in and out, harder, and faster. "I’m not going to last long, Amanda. You're ruining me right now."

"Uh." I couldn't say anything else because I felt it building again. I'd never felt like this before. Ever. And I knew why. It was him. And I don't know if it was his skill, or the feelings I had for him, but I felt myself climbing again. He kept moving. Over and over and I was there the exact same time I felt him get even bigger. Then he lets out the sexiest, manliest fucking sound I'd ever heard.



"So I think I want to meet her," I said, looking up from my textbook. We were in my bed; I sat against the headboard, shirtless. She didn't let me wear shirts. Ever.

She was on the opposite end of the bed. She did this so she could look at me shirtless without making an effort. I did whatever she said.

Balls. Pockets.

"Who?" she asked.

"My sister—or whatever. I think I want to know more about her."

She sat up and scooted closer to me. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah," I shrugged. "What have I got to lose, right?"

Everything. I had everything to lose.


I called Dad to let him know we were coming. He practically choked on his words when I told him I was bringing Amanda home. He jokingly asked if she was pregnant. I laughed it off, remembering how she wigged out after our first time. That was three weeks ago. I was clean, and I knew she was on the pill because I saw her taking them. Still—it was stupid that we got so lost in the moment that we didn't discuss it until after the fact.