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I laugh, “Yeah, sure.”

“What the fuck are they talking about?” Logan looks between me and Lucy. No one says anything.

“Hey, uhhh…” he nudges my leg with his.

“Her names Mikayla, asshole.” Jake says, slightly tightening his hold on my shoulders.

“Mikayla,” Logan nods, “I owe you an apology about the beer thing… it was an asshole thing to do. I wasn’t think-"

“Hey,” I cut him off with my hands. “it’s fine. Don’t worry about it. Actually, I should probably be thanking you. If you hadn’t spilt that drink on me I would’ve never walked in on what I did. I’d probably be at my own prom right now, dancing with my so called ‘perfect’ boyfriend, clueless to the fact that he and my best friend were fucking for two years behind my back.” I try to smile but the anger overcomes me.

There’s an awkward silence in the car.

Jake slowly removes his arms from around me, probably because I’m batshit crazy.

Just as I’m about to apologize to them for my instant display of wack job, Lucy pipes up, “You should totally key the dickheads car,” she says mid yawn. Everyone turns to her, then slowly to me. I should laugh it off as a passing comment, a little joke between friends.

“Well, I do have his keys. I know his trucks at his house and no-one’s home.” I can’t help the smile that creeps on my face.

I look at Jake and he grins, eyeing me sideways.

“Wait…” Cam breaks the silence, “are you saying you have his car keys, you know where his car is, and no one is around?”

I nod my head slowly, glancing at all of them.

“uh-ohhh” Heidi coos.

“Operation Mayhem!” Dylan declares loudly, as he pulls Heidi off his lap and places her to his side. It’s the most I’ve heard him say.

In two seconds flat the boys have somehow repositioned the girls to one side of the limo while they discuss whatever it is they’re discussing on the other side.

“What are they doing?” I ask Heidi, but its Lucy that answers. “Trust us, it’s better you don’t know. It’s more fun this way.”

Chapter 4


“You guys…” I say, trying to catch up to the boys as we walk towards the 24 hour Walmart, “you’re go

“No one cares, as long as we’re there at end when they declare little miss Heidi Prom Queen, we’re all good, and that’s hours away,” Logan says as he taps Heidi on the ass. She squeals and hides behind Dylan.

“Touch her again and I’ll break your arms, asshole,” Dylan glares at Logan, who throws his hands up in surrender. Dylan’s one of those guys that doesn’t say much, so when he does, you listen. Now that I see him at full height, he’s huge. Bigger than all the other guys. He seems loyal and protective, willing to give his all to his girl. I can see why Heidi loves that kind of a guy. I would to. I thought I did.

We walk into the store.

“What are we doing here? I mean, what are we getting here?” I ask no one in particular.

“Don’t you worry your pretty little face,” Logan coos while his hand rubs down my back, lower and lower, until his hand is cupping my ass.

“Get your hands off me, before I get Dylan to break your arms.” It’s said as a joke, but I’m serious.

“I don’t think it’s Dylan I have to worry about,” he mutters as Jake gets between us and shoves him to the side.

“Leave her alone you asshole,” he holds his hand out, “come with me?”

I take his hand, “Um, okay. What about the others?” I ask.

I really want to know what their plan is, what this ‘Operation Mayhem’ is. Shit, I hope its nothing permanent, or illegal. I don’t know these guys at all, they could be buying stuff to bomb his truck, or his house. Oh my god, what if they’re going to ki-

“Relax,” Jake laughs. “Shit, Mikayla, we’re not go

I smile and nod. Because I do. Trust him.

“Now, help me choose please, I don’t know anything about this stuff,” he says, pointing his finger in the air and motioning around us.

“Huh?” I take a look around and see that we’re in the mens formal wear section, “Oh, okay.” I look over at him. He’s still wearing his suit pants and the plain white tank. His broad chest and muscled back defined behind the material.

“What’s wrong with what you’re wearing?” I ask with a raised eyebrow, mocking him.

“Ha Ha” he says flatly, “It would be fine if I wanted to look like Eminem circa 2001.” We both laugh. “I’m thinking black shirt, to go with your dress, and blue tie, the same as the flower at the front.” He starts going through the racks.

I look down at myself. I’d forgotten what I was wearing. My mind is still a little hazy. He pulls out a black dress shirt, tries it on, shrugs it off, rips the tag off, puts the tag in his pocket, shrugs the shirt back on and starts buttoning it up. I look away because it feels too intimate, watching him get dressed. Plus, I think he might be stealing, and I don’t want to be an accomplice, or whatever.

I head over to the ties, two dollar ties galore. I find a blue one that matches the flower of my dress, it’s a little dahlia planted in the middle just under my breasts. “Um, here, this one should do.”

He saunters over to me and smiles, “Perfect.” He grabs the tie from me and then frowns. “Shit, my mom’s go

“I can totally help you with that.” I grab the tie from his hands and begin to knot it the way mom’s shown me. She said one day I’d meet a man that would appreciate this random skill. Who knew she’d be so right. I start to do up the tie around his collar when I realize how close we are. My heart thumps in my chest, and my brain goes fuzzy. I can feel his breath on the top of my head. Im surrounded by his cologne, it’s only a small amount, but it’s enough to make my head swim. I close my eyes for a second to calm my nerves. I can feel his eyes on me.

I take a small step back before opening my eyes, and force a smile. “There, now you’re more Eminem circa 2005.” I tap his chest. He laughs as we head to the front of the store.

Everyone else is already waiting. Whatever they bought, is now secured in plastic bags so I can’t tell what it is. Jake walks through the only aisle open and then stops abruptly in front of the cashier, forcing me to bump into him from behind, and lose my balance. He turns quickly and steadies me with his hands on my elbows. Once I’m settled, he pulls two tags out of his pocket and gives them to the cashier. She’s a few years older than we are but she has no shame in eyeing Jake up and down and winking at him.

“I uh, need to pay for these,” Jake says, adjusting his tie and looking past her.

She doesn’t say anything, just keeps eye licking him. He seems uncomfortable.

After the transaction, we make our way back to the group and walk towards the limo.

“Dude,” Logan says, “that chick would’ve totally banged you in the store room.”

“Not everyone’s a pig like you, Logan,” Heidi huffs as we settle back into the Limo.

“I can’t stand girls like that,” Jake shakes his head, “I mean, I’m not saying we are…” He looks over at me quickly then back to face Heidi. “But I mean, what if Mikayla was my girl, and we were on a date. It’s obvious we were kind of together, I mean, we walked up together. I don’t know,” he shrugs. “It just seems disrespectful to Mikayla, you know, I mean, if she was my girl.”

I blush and look to the floor. I can sense Heidi staring at me but say nothing.

“Awwwwe, Jakey, always the gentleman,” Cam coos.

“Whatever,” Dylan huffs, “let’s cause some Mayhem.”