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I could climb out the window, jump the roofs, and hope that my window is open. This sounds like a better plan unless my neighbors see and call the cops because a fricken creeper is on the roof of the house in nothing but a towel.

I go for option A, surely it makes more sense.

I step out of the bathroom, in nothing but a towel and she automatically looks up at the sound. She does a double take when she sees me.

Her eyes go wide and her mouth opens a little. Her breathing catches and she starts to blush. I stand here for a few seconds. Internally, I'm fucking fist pumping the air celebrating.

Because I'm a douchebag.

When she finally looks away, we speak at the same time.

I say, "I don't have any-"

She says, "Top drawer of my dress-"

Then we laugh a small nervous laugh together.

I walk to her dresser and see my boxers and a plain white shirt. It's the one I gave her the first night she stayed with me.

While I dress, boxers under towel, shirt on, towel off, I see her eyeing me. When I'm done I look at her, but she looks away too quickly. She was watching me dress.

More internal fist pumping.

After I'm dressed, I crawl under the covers with her. It's warm from her body heat, and I'm a little cold. Okay, not really, but whatever excuse to be close to her.

She's back to her reading her book, facing the other way, when I try to get settled. I can see the red still coloring the tips of her ears.

I come in close to her and spoon her as she reads. She tenses on impact, but then relaxes a little. I don't even care that I'm hard and she can feel it. I just want to be near her.

Once my arms are around her, I hear a small moan escape her mouth. I'm hoping I didn’t imagine it.

I must fall asleep holding her because I get woken by her turning in my arms. By the time I register what’s happening and open my eyes, she’s looking right at me, inches from my face.



God, he looks so fricken good it should be illegal.

He's got those tired sleepy eyes and he's blinking trying to focus. When he finally does, his lips turn up at the corners and his voice is scratchy. "Hey, beautiful,” he says, and I swear to god I legit swoon.

I move to get out of bed and start getting ready.

"In a minute, just wait…" his arms tighten around me and his head is in the crook of my neck. My hands go around him, holding the back of his head.

The position is so intimate. Like we're more than this. Whatever it is we are. And for a second, I close my eyes and imagine that this could be our life.

But only for a second.

His breathing changes and a tiny moan escapes him, then his nose is ru

His hand on my waist moves lower down the side of my body, to my hips, lower again, past my ass and onto my bare thighs. I'm only wearing boy shorts and I don't think he knew because the second his fingers skim my skin, he sucks in a breath, holds it, then lets it out so fricken slowly it warms my neck.

Then, his hands tighten on my thigh and he brings it over his legs so he's hardness is touching me and I can tell how badly he wants me.

My eyes close and his breath shortens and I thrust into him just once so he knows that I want him too.

So fucking bad.

The next second his mouth is open and on my neck, and I feel the heat from it causing heat somewhere else.

Our joined parts are moving together, so slowly, intimately, almost imperceptibly, but it feels huge, and I'm not just talking about his junk.

I feel my body tingle with the sensation and I throw my head back causing his mouth to go lower, to my collarbone, down to the swell of my breasts, and he's kissing and sucking and licking and oh god, I want him so fucking bad. I want all of him. Right now.

I moan out loud with the pleasure of him, of what he's doing. "Holy shit, Jake. What are you doing to me?" I say, because I can't fucking control what comes out of my mouth when he does these things to me.

He tenses in my arms and pulls away, all the way away, as in out of the bed away. I miss him instantly.

He stands up to his full height, his hands go down his boxers to adjust himself.


And then he clears his throat and looks away from me.

"Jesus Christ, Kayla. I'm so sorry, I got carried away.” He starts to walk away.

"Shit,” he mutters under his breath.

"We should get ready and head out,” he mumbles before leaving my room.

What. in the actual fuck. just. happened.



By the time I've showered again, a cold one this time, half an hour’s passed and there's a knocking at my door.

She's standing on the other side and I freeze mid greet, the cold shower I just had deemed pointless.

She raises her hand, motions a little wave, and then stands with her hands behind her back. Waiting, for me to say or do something.

But all I can do is stare.

She's wearing a light blue dress, wide neckline so that one shoulder and part of her upper arm is exposed. It's loose fitting with a drawstring around the waist and it stops just past her ass. Literally just enough to cover her goods. She's wearing a little makeup, mainly around her eyes. She smells like coconuts. It's sexy as fuck but it's not meant to be. It's just Kayla, all fricken Kayla.

She chuckles and it brings me out of my trance.

I turn to collect my phone that’s charging on the nightstand and take the opportunity to adjust myself, Again.


When we get to the club, everyone is already there. We all do the bro hug/cheek kiss greeting and settle in the booth they've already reserved for us.

While walking through the club, I saw more than a few guys checking her out. I couldn't help putting my arm around her, and bringing her into me. Because it's the stone age and I'm a caveman.

She didn't seem to mind though, not even a little bit.

An hour later and we're all buzzed. Logan's found some chick to hang off his arm. She's sitting at the table cooing at him while he talks to us. It's kind of weird but whatever. Some Ludacris song comes on and Heidi makes the girls get up and dance. I eye Logan and watch him mouthing the words to the song. Apparently he went through a Ludacris faze in middle school, he legit thought he was black. I wish I was there to see it.

The song’s pretty damn dirty and the girls start dancing that way. Dylan gets my attention and nods to the dance floor, I get what he's saying. Dylan and I get up and walk over there. We stand like creepers about 5 feet away from the girls, so we're there in case any asshole wants in. Cam stayed back at the booth, he said Lucy could hold her own. I've seen Lucy drunk a few times, she gets loud and nasty and cusses like a sailor. It's pretty damn fu

The song is pretty fucking dirty, something about asking about peoples fantasies, I don't know. But the girls are into it and the dancing matches the song. Every time Kayla moves her skirt gets higher and forms to her perfect ass.

I know, I'm a dick, but I'm an 18 year old guy.

We stand and watch them from afar because we're that type of jealous creeper.

Dylan notices a guy eyeing Heidi, he starts to approach her but Dylan moves just enough to catch his attention and he backs away. Dylan doesn't say much, but his presence sure as shit does.