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Once she leaves the room I flop back down onto the pillows.

“Jesus Christ,” I breath out. Kayla looks down at me from her sitting position. “Crisis averted, thanks to you,” I tell her.

She chuckles under her breath.

I grab her by the waist and pull her back down to me for one more quick cuddle before we make our way downstairs.

After an hour of ‘garage band’, which Kayla rocks, by the way, Mom calls us for di

We eat di

Once di

What the hell?

“We’re going to have a picnic, kids.” Dad says standing up. I look around me. Julie is beaming and Kayla just shrugs.

They stand and start walking out of the dining room, carrying their items, so I follow. We get outside, and by this point I’m in complete wtf mode. Kayla comes up next to me and murmurs, “Hey, they’re your family.”

We make our way to the stairs next to the garage that leads to the storage room above. They must have finished fumigating or whatever. When we get to the top of the stairs, Mom holds the door open for us. Once we step in, I freeze, shocked, then look down at Kayla.


I’m frozen in my spot and I’m pretty positive my body has forgotten how to breath, or function at all.

I feel something wet on my arm and look down. Tears. I’m crying and I didn’t know. I look up at Jake and he smiles.

I look at Mandy and Nathan, they’re watching me, hopeful. I hand the plates to Jake and walk over to Mandy, pulling her into a tight hug before moving to Nathan and doing the same. Then I move over to my bed. My bed. From home. The same cast iron white frame that squeaks when you sit on it, with the same comforter and pillows and baby blanket my mom knitted when she was pregnant with me.

“How did you… ?” I look at Mandy.

“I had a lot of help,” Mandy shrugs. “Actually, Logan and the guys helped move the stuff in with Dylan's truck. The girls did the painting and decorating. Dad was busy with Julie's recital and work so…”

I look at Jake, he puts his hands up in surrender, “I had no idea.”

“You guys…” I say, my voice breaking. I look at each of them, pleading with me eyes that they understand what my brain can’t voice.

“Let’s eat!” Nathan a

And we do.

On the floor of my bedroom, my new bedroom, which is exactly the same as my old one. I even have my own bathroom. They placed everything where it was in my old room, dresser, nightstand, lamps. Even my desk and macbook are here.

We’re scoffing down the apple pie and ice cream when I notice a photo frame on my nightstand. I stand up mid chew and walk over to it. There’s space for four photos in the frame but only three are filled. One is a family portrait, one of those lame posed ones with the standard blue watercolor style back drop. The other is a candid shot of Mom, Emily and I laughing. It was taken at one of Dad’s little league games, when one of his players accidentally junk shot him with a bat. It was cruel to laugh but his reaction was hilarious. One of the Moms caught it on camera and gave it to us. The other, my favorite, is a picture of Jake and I at my graduation. I don’t remember it being taken. It must have been when I ran up to him after it was over. He wrapped me in his arms and lifted my off the ground, spi

I remember wanting to kiss him so bad at that moment.

I tear my eyes away from the frame and look at Mandy. Tears are falling from my face as I tell her “Thank you.”

I can see she’s holding back her own tears. “I just thought…” She has to stop to clear her throat, and take in a deep breath. She holds up a camera and motions around the room. “Maybe you might want a photo with umm…?”

“With my family?” I beam through my tears. “I definitely need one.”

Her sob breaks through, along with a laugh as she sets up the camera and I get a new family portrait to last a lifetime.

“I’m thinking that maybe I’m really far from more than a lot liking you, Mikayla Jones.” Jake says, as the flash on the camera goes off.



I always knew my mom was an amazing women, but never more so than now.

We all head back into the house after desert. I shower while Kayla insists on cleaning up after di

I must have been in the shower for a long time, because by the time I get downstairs she’s all done. Mom tells me she’s in her ‘room’. I open the door to head out just as she yells out my name.

“We don’t need to have a talk about this stuff, do we?” she asks from her sitting position on the sofa.

“What stuff?” I ask, hoping they elaborate, because as much as my parents are awesome, talking about sex makes them so uncomfortable.

I see Mom start to blush. Dad mutes the T.V and looks over at me.

“Just remember that Julie lives here too, and umm… wrap it before you tap it.” Dad chuckles.

“Nathan!” Mom screeches as she slaps him on the chest.

Then he grabs her in his arms and starts making out with her, like full on making out, in front of me, it’s not the first time I’ve seen it but still… gross.

I head up to her room and knock on the door.


“Yeah, it’s me.”

“Come in.”

I do. “Who were you expec-" I cut myself off when I see what she’s wearing. She’s freshly showered and in her pajamas. Bright red boy shorts and a matching tank.

Instant semi.

Well, I didn’t really want anyone else seeing me like this.” She points up and down her body.

Damn right no one else will see her like that.

She moves to her dresser and fishes through a little wooden box.

I go to lay on her bed.

She turns around and sees me on the bed. Her face changes to a look of confusion, eyebrows drawn together, thinking… or remembering?

And then it hits me. That I’m lying on the bed that she’s probably had sex with James on, hundreds of times.

It’s enough to make me jump off the bed and make same lame eewe/grunt noise. I’m standing now, when I look over at her, she’s glaring at me with a ‘what the fuck’ look on her face.

“What’s wrong?” she asks.

My jaw hurts from how tense it is at the thought of her and James. “I just don’t really feel like laying on the same bed as the one you and that asshole ex of yours have do-"

“OH!” she says, surprised. “We never, I mean, he never, well, not that… he… we never… oh god!”

“You’ve never had sex on this bed?” I ask incredulous.

“No, we’ve never even fooled around on it, promise. You’re safe,” she laughs.

“Thank god,” I sigh out in relief before laying back on it.“Then why were you looking at me like that?”

“I just… I’ve never seen a boy in my bed before. It was just… I don’t know.” She blushes and looks down at the floor.

“C’mere.” I motion next to me on the bed.