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Trevor used the stem end of a glass to point at Qui

Girls. Sometimes they made zero sense.

“What are you guys doing?!”

I froze. Ally had just walked up behind me. The Idiot Twins froze too. I turned around, grabbed Ally’s hand, and pulled her toward the door at the other end of the room. She was wearing a dark red strapless dress and strappy shoes with a red flower on them and had never looked hotter.

“You saw nothing,” I said. “Come with me.”

“But they—I—” She pointed back over her shoulder as I dragged her into the next room, which was a smallish, leather-covered TV room—and closed the door behind us.

“If you didn’t know about it, there was nothing you could do to stop it,” I told her, raising my palms. “I use that excuse every time my brother tries to jump his skateboard off some planter in the backyard. Works every time.”

“Good plan.” Ally smiled as I slipped my arms around her waist. “I’m not supposed to be in here, you know. This is, like, Gray’s man-cave or something,” she said, though she made no move to go.

“We were never here,” I promised.

Then I kissed her, holding her as close to me as I possibly could without tearing both our clothes off. She clung to my neck and kissed me back, her lips pressed hard against mine. Over the past couple of weeks I had totally noticed a change in the way Ally kissed me. When we first made up, she wasn’t that into it, but now she was back to her old self. I guess calling every day, leaving her random presents in her locker, and taking her out on weekends was working. The lucky thing was, Chloe hadn’t been around much this month. She’d stopped calling me and she was never around at lunch. I had no idea who she was hanging out with or where, but except for one doctor’s appointment, I hadn’t seen her. Which was good for me and Ally.

But Chloe was still texting me stuff that was going on with the baby, like that she’d felt it kick, and that she’d set up an appointment for her next sonogram. Ever since the first time I’d seen the baby move, I couldn’t stop thinking about it, or the fact that I was never going to get to know it. I mean him. Or her. Whenever I thought about that, I felt this kind of weird, awful tug in the center of my chest. Like I didn’t want to miss anything, but I knew I was going to miss everything. So I wanted to be as much a part of its life as I could, even if the baby wasn’t born yet. And I also wanted Chloe to know she wasn’t alone. Now it was like we’d found the perfect balance. Ally didn’t have to have Chloe shoved in her face anymore, but I knew what was up with my spawn.

Spawn. Fu

“What’s that?” Ally asked, pulling back suddenly.

I blinked, confused and already missing her lips. “What?”

She pointed at my jacket and I realized. “Oh, right. I almost forgot. Merry Christmas.”

I tugged out the long, ski

“Jake! I haven’t even wrapped yours yet,” she said, smiling.

“I know. It’s kind of early. But I thought maybe you could use it tonight,” I said. I plopped down on the leather couch and it hissed, the cushion deflating under my butt. “Open it.”

She sat next to me and pried open the box. Her jaw dropped when she saw what was inside—a platinum watch in a diamond setting. It wasn’t too big or gaudy, because Ally didn’t like that stuff, but it was still bling. The saleswoman had called it “tastefully understated.” Which sounded like Ally to me.

“Jake! I love it!”

“You always wear a watch, every day, but I noticed you never wear one when we go somewhere fancy, so I figured you needed a fancy watch.”

“Fancy? Did you just use the word ‘fancy’ twice?” she joked. She made to get up from the couch. “I have to go tell the guys.”

I grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down again. “Do and die.”

Then I pulled her onto my lap—her silky dress made it easy to slide her right on there—and kissed her again. My hands went around her waist, and then I slowly, slowly, slowly moved them upward, holding my breath while I waited for her to stop me. But she didn’t. I hadn’t even gotten within inches of her boobs in a month, so just feeling them from over her dress was, like, the hottest thing ever right then. I thought she’d pull away, but she only deepened the kiss, pressing herself closer to me, like she wanted more.

Shit. This was the best Sunday night di

I shifted a little, giving her a hint I wasn’t sure she would take, but she did. She straddled my legs, putting her knees on either side of my thighs, and just like that I was ready to go. I could have had sex with her through our clothes I was so ready. I was just contemplating my next move when—


“Oh, fuck,” I said under my breath.

Ally jumped up and ran for the door. I couldn’t move, thanks to my below-the-waist situation. I closed my eyes and tried to calm my breathing. Tried to think very un-hot thoughts. I wished I had a bucket of ice.

“What are you doing here?”

I blinked. That didn’t make any sense as a response to two dozen shattered glasses. And also? Ally hadn’t said it. It was Chloe.

Clearing my throat, I got up from the couch. I adjusted myself and buttoned my jacket, hoping to cover up my situation. I stood behind Ally at the door to hide it, but then forgot all about it.



Will and Sha

“Omigod! Is that my mother’s good crystal?!” Qui

The Idiot Twins backed themselves into a corner fretfully, Todd clutching an unbroken glass.

“It’s okay. It’s not,” I told Qui

“Are you sure?” Qui

For the first time since I’d known her, I felt protective of her. Maybe I was becoming a big sister.

“I’m sure.” I looked around at the couple dozen frozen classmates around the room. Half the girls were wearing skimpy high heels. With all the glass, this place could turn into a bloodbath pretty quickly. “I think the party’s over in here. Qui

“Okay. Yeah,” she said, sniffling.

She shot the Idiot Twins an uncharacteristically evil look before grabbing Hammond’s hand and leading everyone out, skirting the destruction. The only people who didn’t move were me, Jake, Chloe, Sha