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I was scooping out strawberry ice cream for an adorable towheaded kid on Monday afternoon when Hammond walked in, ducked behind the counter, and sauntered up to me, all smiles. I already had a headache from being out too late with Cooper, Dex, and Je

“In theess classss weee weeeeel deeetermeeen who are . . . theee consummate authors of theee . . . twenteeee-ith ceentureee.”I pressed my lips together. I couldn’t laugh. I would not laugh. Because if I started laughing, it would be all over. Then Chloe, who was barely holding it together, would laugh, and we would not stop. Ever.But this dude was making it so effing hard! Not only did he have the weirdest accent I’d ever heard, but he looked, no joke, like a frog-human hybrid. His lips were flat and protruding, and he licked them about once every five seconds. His face was wide, sitting on his neck like a watermelon. And he was balding. With only a little hair above his ears and then one, black curl right in the center of his forehead. His eyes bulged so much it was like when he turned sideways, you could see the outline of the whole ball under his eyelids. Plus, he was wearing green.“Does aneewo