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“You sure you’re okay to drive?” Cooper asked.He assumed I’d been drinking, like everyone else around here, but I hadn’t. At least not since that first cup of punch last night. Though maybe I’d been acting a little buzzed. My body had been on high alert ever since Jake and his entourage had sped off into the night. It was even tenser now that it was time to say good night to Cooper. We hadn’t kissed again since the porch, but whenever he was near me he seemed to find excuses to touch me—a hand on the small of my back to steer me out of the way of staggering partyers, a brush of my arm as he reached behind me for a cup. Kissing him had been . . . odd. I’d never kissed anyone I barely knew before. I’d been so self-conscious from the moment our lips touched—trying to figure out where my hands, my knees, and my tongue should go—that I hadn’t really registered how it felt. But I was willing to try again.“I’m fine,” I told him.“Best. Party. Ever.” A