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“It’s go

Gray turned onto our street, his headlights flashing on the identical steps leading up to the identical doors of the identical condos. My heart caught when I saw that someone was sitting on the bottom step in front of ours. Had Jake made it here before us somehow? What could he possibly think he could say that was going to make this better?

“Oh my God,” my mother said, her voice strained.

And that was when I realized that the person on the stairs was not wearing a suit and tie. He was not tall and lean and square shouldered. He was not a person I ever would have expected to see right there, right then.

It was my father.


First and foremost I’d like to thank Emily Meehan for believing in this project from the begi

Huge thanks to Allison Cohen and Julia Maguire, who were the first to read the manuscript and tell me how much they loved it (much needed positivity at the time); to Justin Chanda, for seeing my vision for whatever it’s worth and ru

A special thanks goes out to my teachers throughout high school and college, some of who played a huge role in making me a writer. Jane Conboy, Thomas Harrington, Suza

Thanks to my family and friends. Mom, Ian, Erin, Steph, and all the Scotts, Violas, and Donohues, what can I say? You make life interesting, fun, dramatic, and silly. Kind of like my work. Wendy, Shira, Ally, Meredith, Courtney, Jessica, Manisha, Aimee, Ly

And finally, eternal thanks to Matt, who picks me up when I’m crumbling, reminds me I’m worth so much more than I think I am, and loves me unconditionally. You are everything. Thanks for being there and giving me our little Brady, the most precious gift I’ve ever been given.

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