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We all gathered around the microphone, and the rest of the Club members got on their feet and clapped in time with the song. I grabbed the other microphone and headed out into the audience. I started dancing around with the other girls. they all started taking turns singing.

And yes, I somehow got by with a little help from my friends. the song ended and a roar erupted from the crowd. I joined everybody back onstage and we high-fived each other. Jen was jumping up and down as a line starred to form for people to request songs.

We heard everything from girls singing along to boy-band pop to the football team doing a very off-key rendition of "We Are the Champions." Even Morgan and Tyson did a cute duet. The Club couldn't get enough. But most important, Jen was raking in the money.

Morgan, Eileen, Meg, and Kara finished singing "We Are Family," and we were on our feet again.

I sat down next to Tracy and stole a chip from her bag. "Oh my God, Pe

"Relax, Tracy, it's just a chip."

She pointed to the stage. I saw Ryan standing up there by himself. I started to laugh -- was he trying to prove to the


whole school how completely imperfect he was? He looked down at me and winked.

"What's the big deal?" I asked.

Tracy looked at me with wide eyes. "Did you see the song he picked?" the music started and my heart dropped.

I recognized the song instantly.

How could I not?

I was named after it.

The entire Club looked over at me as Ryan started singing "Pe

off-key. I wanted to feel embarrassed for him as he struggled with the first verse, but I was trying to control the emotion on my face as the entire room kept switching their stares from Ryan to me.

I had to concentrate on breathing, I was so overwhelmed and touched. I couldn't believe this was happening, that Ryan would do this in front of the entire school.

He liked me. He really, really liked me.

And I liked him. I really, really liked him.

I could no longer deny my feelings and tell myself that I couldn't risk the Club. How could I not want to be with someone like Ryan? How much longer was I going to fight it? How much longer was I going to lie to myself?

The first verse ended and Ryan stepped back, looking like he knew what a mistake he'd made. It was heartbreaking in so many ways. Diane suddenly popped out of her seat to help


him. A second later Tracy joined him, followed by the majority of the Lonely Hearts Club. Ryan looked instantly relieved to have the backup help. I knew exactly how he felt.

I also knew that there were going to be so many rumors after this.

But at that moment, I didn't care. This was the single best thing a guy had ever done for me.

Granted, "Pe

Highly unlikely.

Ryan got off the stage and headed over to me, "if you couldn't guess," he said, "that song was for you."

I smiled, not knowing what exactly to say to him.

"All right, there is only time for one last song," Jen a

"I've, uh, got to go," I said, but squeezed Ryan's hand before I headed up.

The last song kicked in and the entire Club was up onstage singing "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band."

We hope that you enjoyed the show.


chapter thirty four

TRACY, DIANE, JEN, LAURA, AND I walked out to the parking lot with a feeling of success.

"You guys, we raised over three thousand dollars! People were actually giving me more money so they could move up in the line," Jen said as she held on to the envelope of cash with all her might.

"That's fantastic, Jen -- congratulations!" Diane said.

"Well, look who it is. Miss Pe

Ryan tried to grab Todd's shoulder, but he shrugged it off

"Todd,, are you drunk?" Diane said, unimpressed.

"Get bent, Diane." Todd, was dearly drunk, weaving between the cars. I hadn't seen him for most of the evening. I was sure I would've heard his booing during my song . . . and Ryan's.

Ryan, once again, tried to bring Todd, back to the car, and this time Todd, pushed him. "Ryan, you're so pathetic."

"Oh, sure, he's the pathetic one." it took me a second to realize that came from me. Todd, was suddenly in my face.

"Stay out of it, Bauer. This is between me and the dyke."


I tried to pull my face away from Todd's horrible breath. "What are you even talking about, Todd,?" I asked- Ryan came over and I just snapped. "I can handle myself, Ryan." He backed away, but kept his hands in fists as if he was ready to go into action at any moment.

Todd, just kept staring at me. "You know, just because you're so pathetic that no guy in his right mind would want to go out with you, doesn't mean you have to taint the rest of the chicks in the school,"

"Really, if I recall correctly, there was a time when you wanted to go out with me, but I seem to have a brain that prevented it from happening. if it makes you happy, go ahead and blame me for why no girls want to go out with you." I started to back away from him, but Todd, took another step.

"Seriously, Todd,, you better leave her alone," Diane said as she walked over with Tracy, Jen, and Laura right behind her.

"Oooh." He swayed in their direction and threw his arms up in mock horror. "I'm soooo scared of a bunch of girls."

"Actually, we prefer to be called women," I said, then bit my lip. I couldn't help it, but I knew that I was only making it worse.

Behind his shoulder, Missy was watching with a look of pure satisfaction.

Todd, just kept swaying. "Look here --"

"No, you look here, Todd, --" I'd had enough of his childish behavior, and I wasn't going to let him ruin our night.


"Maybe the reason why you haven't had a date in a while is because no girl her right mind would want to date a guy with the intellect of a four-year-old."

He leaned into me. "Well, maybe the reason why guys keep cheating on you is because you're a self centered bitch." He

laughed as I winced.

"You know what? Maybe the reason why all the girls in the school are in this Club is because all of you guys are complete jerks. We d rather hang out with each other than go out with any of you! I realized I was making a generalization that included Ryan. You're such a little boy, Todd. Why don't you go back to the football field where you belong, chasing after a

Little ball instead of trying to chose after girls who are ten times smarter than you."

That set Todd, off completely. "You little bitch!" He grabbed my wrist hard. I felt a surge of pain as he squeezed and twisted my arm.

I screamed out in pain as Brian and Don pulled Todd, off me. Brian pulled Todd, by the wars, "She's not worth it, man. She's totally not worth it. Come on, come on "

Todd, shrugged Brian off and stood up straight. He gave me the finger as he walked back to his group of friends. Missy gave him a standing ovation as he returned. And I was the bitch?