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Mom started to tap her foot impatiently. "And I suppose you don't have a problem with the fact that, just because some jock can throw a ball far, the entire male population worships him? Let me ask you a question, Mr. Braddock. Have any of the Club members gotten in trouble for anything?"

"Well, technically no. But her little club is unsanctioned by the school, therefore --"

"Therefore," Mom cut him. Off, "it really isn't any of your business."

Principal Braddock cleared his throat. "Therefore, you can understand the problem, that something not authorized by the school should not be encouraged by the school. I ca

Mom crossed her legs. "Excuse me, Mr. Braddock, but have Pe

"In fact, her grades have actually improved last semester, haven't they?"

He started to flip through my thin file. "I guess."

"So, Pe

"Technically --"

"Well, then I don't see what the problem is."

"The problem is, Mrs. Bloom" -- Principal Braddock's face was explosive -- "that after that article came out in the Monitor, a lot of the males at this school have been complaining.


Not only that, but I've received some troubling reports from my Student Advisory Committee."

Watt, Ryan wouldn't. . .

"Nothing has happened yet, but that doesn't mean that it wont. this spells trouble -- T-R-O-U-B-L-E."

Mom got up, "Well, I don't really give an S-H --"

"Becky." Dad finally spoke. He got up and put his hand on her shoulder. Mr. Braddock relaxed considerably, probably hoping that my dad would agree with him.

"thank you, Dr. Bloom."


Dad grabbed his coat. I just stared at him.

"And, Mr. Braddock, as Pe

Dad hugged me and kissed me on the forehead. "Let's go, kiddo. Grab your stuff."


chapter Twenty seven

WORD OF MY QUICK DEPARTURE from school spread like wildfire around school. Non--Club members thought I was expelled. Todd, even told people that the police had to escort me out of the building. Of course, I texted Tracy and Diane the truth on my way home, and they spread the word to the rest of the Lonely Hearts Club members. they all thought I was a hero.

Everybody at our next meeting was ecstatic. it was as if Braddock's condemnation of the Club somehow validated us.

I hoped this made it a good time for an a

Diane and Tracy joined me in the front of the room, I looked over and saw Morgan was blushing. She had been thrilled when she'd found out that Tyson liked her, but thankfully didn't want to drop out of the Club.

"All right, I want everybody to hear us out before you make up your minds or jump to conclusions." I looked at Rosa


"I knew it!" Rosa

"if you just watt and hear --"

"Oh, this is just great. Some leader you are!' she replied.

I noticed that the entire room was glaring at Rosa

"Oh, really?" Rosa

"Oh, just shut it already.'" Tracy screamed at Rosa

It was good to have the old Tracy back.


"thank you, Tracy," I said.

"You're welcome, our divine leader." Tracy smiled at me.

"This isn't about me. this is actually about Morgan." the entire room turned toward Morgan, who shrunk from embarrassment. 'I'm sorry, Morgan, for having to single you out, but everybody is going to find out eventually. See, the guy that Morgan has had a crush on for years also likes her. And the


thing is, Tyson is a really great guy, probably one of the few at McKinley, and I don't want to be the one responsible for denying them the chance to see what could happen.

"So, Tracy, Diane, and I have sat down with Morgan and have agreed that as long as she still attends Saturday meetings, group events, and remains the Morgan we all love, there's no reason she can't give it a try."

Morgan stood up. "Consider me the lab rat. Plus, this may all be premature, since he hasn't even asked me out yet. . ."

He better, I thought. Tyson had no idea how much trouble he was causing.

I walked over to Morgan and put my hand on her shoulder. "And I, for one, will be so excited to hear all the details about your date at our next meeting."


That was it. I'd had it with Rosa

"Let me make something perfectly clear to you and to everybody else." I was practically shaking I was so mad. "I have absolutely zero interest in Ryan Bauer and I never will. So to clarify to anybody who may be confused, I will never, never date Ryan." the room had gone silent. Tracy and Diane had horrified expressions on their faces.

What had I done?


chapter Twenty eight

WHILE I FULLY ENJOYED TRACY'S rules for the Club, there was a very important one she missed. What happens in the Lonely Hearts Club, stays in the Lonely Hearts Club,

I'd thought that was a given.

If you couldn't trust a member of the Club, who could you trust?

But It hadn't counted on one very shootworthy messenger.

Tracy, Diane, and I were walking into school together on Monday morning, talking about Morgan and Tyson, hoping his audition had gone well and he was ready to ask her out. We were just rounding the corner when Diane's expression fell,

"Oh, no," she said. Both Tracy and I followed her gaze and saw Rosa

This couldn't have been good.

Diane quickened her pace, and Ryan spotted the three of us walking over. He gave me a hurt look before slamming his locker and walking away.

"Let me talk to him," Diane headed after him.

I could tell Tracy was about ready to go after Rosa