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"Kiddo, it's so great you're taking an interest in your heritage. Goo goo g'joob.'" Dad beamed.

My heritage? My great-grandfather on my fathers side was from England, true, but nowhere near Liverpool. And Mom's family was from Germany.

"Do you even want to know what the club is about?" I said. "Some friends and I have decided to stop dating guys ... at least until were out of McKinley."

Dads eyes lit up. "Pe

Mom looked thoughtful for a minute before she said anything. "Pe

My heart started beating quickly. She knew. I shook my head. "Not really. there were a lot of factors, I guess. But I'm just sick of my friends getting hurt.. ."

"Well, again, Pe


that I'm more than willing to move more tables into the basement when this really takes off. to think that our baby girl has started a Beatles Club!"

"It's not a Beatles Club!" I pulled my hand away. He winked at me. "Well, a father can dream, cant he?" Mom sat silently at the table. I wasn't sure what she was making of all of this. But she didn't say a word when the food came and Rita and I dove into our red meat and enjoyed every bite.

It was strange. I'd been to countless dances and semiformal events since grade school. But this was the first time I'd been dress shopping with a group of friends. it really cemented the importance of the Club, and how much fun we could have without guys. I did think the salespeople were a little a

"On a scale of hotness, you rate at scorching, baby!" she said to Amy as she walked out of the dressing room in a black dress.

As I watched, my sister grabbed her cell phone and started to mimic a cheesy game show host. "Next up, we have Amy Miller, wearing a black satin dress. Notice the beaded detail on the cap sleeve and the Empire waist to accentuate her ample bosom, . . ."

Amy blushed, did a little twirl, and curtsied.


the door opened to the dressing room next door. "Are you ready for me?" Tracy asked as she walked out for us to all admire her dress . , . whatever it was.

We all stared. Tracy was wearing what was best described as a smock -- a hideous, floral smock that even my grandmother wouldn't have been caught dead wearing. Tracy strutted down the hallway to the three-way mirror. "Hey, Pen, I thought I would get the wardrobe ready for when were old maids." She smiled as she took the smock off to reveal a red silk fitted dress with a red sequined belt underneath. She looked amazing. "Come on, Rita -- what's my hotness rating?"

"Red hot all the way!"

Tracy did a little clap and jumped up and down. I noticed that she was behaving more and more like Diane every day.

She would've killed me if I'd told her that.

"Looks like you've all got your dresses," Rita said as we inspected one another's choices. Diane had found a pink flapper dress, Jen had a classic strapless black dress, and Morgan was wearing an Empire-waist red silk dress, while I'd chosen a black dress with a halter top and fitted lace skirt.

We lined up in front of the mirrors for a full view.

"You know, "said Jen. "I like that I found a dress for me. it always been about whether he'll like it enough --"

"Yeah, "said Amy. "Like it enough to take it off."

Jen smiled. "I really feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders."


Diane nervously bit her lip. "I know, especially since I can concentrate on other things. Actually, that's where I need your help, Jen. I've decided to quit cheerleading after Homecoming .. . and try out for the basketball team."

there were a couple of gasps. Rita started applauding.

"Holy crap!" Tracy exclaimed. "Diane! You're .."

Diane blushed and looked down.

". , . going to completely kick ass!"

Diane lit up. "You think?"

"Hells, yeah! I can't watt until Principal Braddock hears the news. He'll die when he finds out one of his beloved cheerleaders is ... urn, switching teams, I guess."

Diane laughed. "I can only imagine the rumors that will be swirling around once I tell the girls."

"Do you mind me asking why you decided to join the team? it isn't as easy as it looks," Jen said.

"No, I don't think that at all I've always loved basketball, and I would practice out side with my dad sometimes, I guess because he didn't have a son to play with. But I want to be part of a team. I want to try something different. Maybe I'm being selfish, but I'm sick of cheering for other people. I want someone cheering for me."

"Do you want to come over this week and run drills?" Jen offered.

Diane smiled. "that would be amazing. Ryan is already going through plays with me, and we've been practicing on the weekends."


"You have?" Tracy asked.

"Yeah!" Diane's expression quickly changed. "Watt -- there isn't anything going on between us. I hope that's not what you think."

Tracy shrugged.

"He's been encouraging me for a while to do it, and I needed some practice to see if I was hopeless. But he seems to think I'll do well. Probably not start or anything, but that doesn't really matter to me. I just want to be on the team."

Jen nodded. "that's the spirit! And I'm sure you're going to be great."

"I don't know .,."

We all erupted with words of encouragement. I could see Diane's confidence growing as she got the support from everybody.

Tracy put her hand out and we all stared at it for a second. "Come on .." she said.

I put my hand on top of hers, and one by one everyone else followed. there, in our new dresses, in front of mirror after mirror.

Tracy looked at me to say something.

"to our new members, our kick-ass Homecoming dresses, and Diane Monroe, basketball goddess!"

We cheered and hollered. the poor sales ladies nearly keeled over at their registers.

Once we'd bought our dresses, Tracy suggested we "pig out so much we don't fit into them anymore." We did our best.


After we said good-bye to everyone, Tracy drove Rita and me home. Tracy popped a CD into her car stereo. "I have a surprise for you, Miss Pe

"Wow, Tracy! I can't believe . . ."

"Yeah, well, I like to think that I can be full of surprises as well!" She winked at me.

Rita leaned forward between the driver and passenger seats. "You know, Pen, you guys are going to get more and more popular. Dad is going to have to build a new addition to the house to fit you all in."

I smiled. Maybe Rita was right. Maybe this was only the begi

Tracy turned up the volume and we all began to sing along.

"I've got to admit it's getting better . , ."


chapter seventeen

A WEEK LATER, THE TIME CAME for me to go to the dance, and it was a total and complete disaster.

What had I been thinking? My mind was racing. Why had I made such a big deal about us going to Homecoming? I couldn't be seen in public looking this way!

there was banging on my bathroom door. Diane. "Come on, Pe