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Ryan came into the kitchen and looked a little concerned when he saw Todd grabbing me. "Hey, Todd, I think there are some freshmen girls in there wanting to hear all about your interception that got us into the Regionals last year."

Todd ran over and gave Ryan a high five. "that's awesome! I don't want to disappoint the ladies." He left the kitchen as Ryan shook his head.

"thought you needed some saving," he said to me.

"thanks, he's, ah .. ."

"Wasted. I keep telling him that one of these days he's going to get caught. Coach Fredericks would kick us off the team if he caught any of us drinking,"

I nodded, but couldn't help notice that Ryan was also holding a cup. Was I going to have to drive everybody home?


"I have to admit, I'm a little surprised that you ended up coming," he said.

"Why? Am I such a loser that I wouldn't come to some stupid keg party?" I was taken aback at how defensive I sounded.

"No, no, not at all." Ryan held his hands up. "I didn't really think this was your kind of crowd. to tell you the truth, I'm relieved to see you. At least there's someone here who can talk about something other than sports or drinking or . . . well, you know." I was sure he was referring to the breakup. He gave me a smile as he pointed to his cup, which was filled with a dark liquid. "I'm getting some more soda -- do you want some?"

I nodded, thankful that I didn't have to do a keg stand to hang out with Ryan. He walked over to a counter and put some ice in a cup for me while Tracy returned from the keg line and started to drink.

"I can't believe how many girls are here," she said. "Well, wish me luck -- I'm going to go find Paul," Before I could say anything, she had taken a deep breath and was out in the living room,

"Do you want to get away from the noise?" Ryan screamed over the music. I nodded, and we walked out to the far side of the backyard and sat under a big willow tree.

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you -- did that list ever work with your parents?" Ryan asked.

"What list?"


He ran his fingers through his hair, "Top ten Reasons Pe

I couldn't believe he remembered that. "No, the list didn't work. Not even with such gems as number six: Another venue to listen to Beatles music"

"So, how often do you work at your dad's dentist office? it seems like every time I have a checkup, you're there."

"Oh, not that often. Just a few days a week -- extra pocket money" I started to shiver, wishing I'd worn a sweater.

He took off his letter jacket. "Here, wear this." I took the jacket and put it on -- it was way too big for me, but warm.

"So, did you and Diane have fun the other night?" he asked.

I looked down at the ground. talking to Ryan about Diane was making me uncomfortable. they seemed to talk a lot, but how was that possible? I usually pretended that any guy I had broken up with (or gotten dumped by) didn't exist anymore. Or, preferably, was dead.

"Yeah, um, is that weird for you?" I asked.

He studied me for a second. "I know that this might sound weird and I probably soundlike a big loser, but Diane has been such a huge part of my life the last few years. I cant imagine never speaking to her again. As much as people can't seem to grasp the concept, we re still friends."

"You better be careful -- you might make Todd jealous.' I smiled at him.


He started to laugh. "Every year I keep thinking that Chesney will finally calm down, but he just keeps getting worse and worse." He shook his head. "You know, I probably shouldn't tell you this, but. . ."

"What?" I asked, curious about what kind of gossip Ryan would have about Todd,,

"Have you heard of dibs? the guys on the team call dibs on girls they like so no other guy will go after her."

"Does the girl have any choice in this matter?" I asked. I guess it shouldn't have surprised me that guys did such a thing.

Ryan shook his head. "Hey, I'm still trying to figure all of this stuff out, too, you know."

"Uh-huh." I was so glad I didn't have to deal with this anymore.

"So, anyways, be careful with Todd,."

"Why? You know, besides the usual harassment."

Ryan uncurled his long legs and stretched them out next to me. "Well, Todd, has a major crush on you and called dibs. And he can kind of be persistent when he has his mind set on something."



Oh, no.

I stayed silent. Ryan looked at me expectantly. I tried to not look completely disgusted. this was the last thing I needed.

"Sorry," he said. "I probably shouldn't have told you that."


"No, that's okay" I assured him. "I guess I should've expected it. Are there even any girls left in our class that he hasn't dated?"

Ryan shook his head. "You sell yourself short, Bloom.'

I groaned. "Please -- this is Todd,, He's just... Can we not talk about Todd,?"

"Fair enough. What do you want to talk about?"

"Anything but Todd,."

We continued talking about everything but Todd,. He told fu

And then Ryan ruined it all by defaming my character.

"You're out of your mind," I protested,

Ryan leaned his head back as he let out a laugh. "Oh, right -- so you're going to deny that you're a Goody two-shoes?"

"First off," I began, "only a Goody two-shoes would use the expression 'Goody two-shoes! "

"Point taken," he replied. "But come on -- don't think I didn't see what happened last year during locker inspections.

Oh, crap.


"I don't know what you're referring to," I lied.

Ryan sat up and leaned over so we were eye to eye. "You know."

I shrugged, "Really, Ryan. I mean, with a Goody two-shoes like me .. ."

He bolted upright. "Okay, then answer me this: Were you or were you not concealing alcohol in your locker when Braddock came by for inspections last spring"?"

So not fair,

"I technically wasn't hiding anything in my locker."

"Oh, really-?"


He stared me down with a smug look on his face. He knew he had me busted.

"Yes, technically I didn't hide it."

"But there was alcohol in your locker."

I nodded. "But only because Michael put his coat in my locker at the last minute."

"And why did he do that?"

"Because he had a bottle of vodka in his jacket."

"And ..."

I looked at Ryan in confusion -- that was pretty much it. We had a surprise locker inspection near spring break, and Michael freaked out and shoved his jacket into my locker. I didn't even have a chance to say anything, as Braddock was inspecting Michael's locker with intensity . . and then pretty much passed mine by.


"Oh, wait. ,."

Ryan's eyes sparkled. "You see."

"Oh my God, people do think I'm a Goody two-shoes!'