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And not just any swings. Amy had these swings decorated. The chains have garlands ru

"Come on!" I grab Phillip's hand like I used to when we were little and drag him across the snow.

I can't wait to see these pictures. I even changed out of the purple Uggs I've been wearing out in the snow. The photographer took photos of Phillip pushing me on the swing, so that you could see the i do! I wrote on the bottom of my shoes. I'm pretty sure it will be my favorite picture ever.

It's almost time!!!

The girls just left to get lined up for the walk down the aisle. I'm getting my makeup touched up when Da

He always looks so handsome in a suit. "You look handsome, Da

"I had to come tell you how beautiful you look. Really, Jay, you look amazing. Hard to believe the raggedy little girl who punched me in the face could grow up to look like this."

He gives me a big hug and gets misty-eyed. "I love you."

My eyes tear up too. "I love you too."

The makeup artist says, "Don't cry. We just got your makeup all fixed."


The makeup artist flashes me an irritated look. Like it's my fault. She probably thinks I'm getting ready to have a pre-wedding romp with him. Or at least I know that's what she's fantasizing about. Only she'd be the bride.


"What? What'd you do?"

"Nothing." He points his thumb toward the door. "You know, she probably thinks we're having sex."

I giggle. "Well, you are the best man."

"Come on, baby, just one last time? He'll never know," he says loudly to the door. The makeup artist probably has her ear up to it.

He whispers in my ear. "Maybe you should make some appropriate noises, then we'll walk back out, and I'll be zipping up my pants."

I laugh and smack his shoulder. "You're so bad."

He laughs with me, but then his face gets serious. "So, I have something to give you." His voice gets that aw shucks sound to it. The sound that has drawn so many people to adore him. That slight southern twang he can't seem to get rid of. "I want you to have good luck today. Anyone else would laugh me out of the room if I gave them this, but I know you'll understand."

I nod my head as he reaches in his pocket. "I'm only letting you borrow this. Like you CANNOT lose it. But I wanted you to have it for today."

He hands me a black Adidas bicep band.

"Really!!!? Your bicep band?! This is practically a state treasure!" In my hand is the sweat band that Da

"Today's your big game, Jay. I thought you should wear it."


I throw my arms around him and give him another hug.

"I can't believe my two best friends are getting married today. You really are good, aren't you. You don't seem the slightest bit nervous."

"I'm not. I love him, Da

"And it's thanks to me that you're together. You know that, right?"

"No, it's not."

"Jay, we'll be sitting in rocking chairs at the old folks home, and I'm still going to be reminding you of how I told you he was getting serious with that Moaning Monica chick. It was Lori's idea, but I'm the one that pulled it off. I know that's what made you attack him. Admit it."

"You're right. Although, I'm pretty sure it's the first time you've been right about anything."

He opens the door, looks up and down the hall, and pretends to see if the coast is clear. He says, "S'up," to the makeup artist then looks down at his fly. "Shit, that'd be bad," he says and pretends to zip his pants.

I follow him into the hallway. He smacks my butt, like I'm getting ready to do the tu

I'm holding Mr. Diamond's arm while waiting to walk down the aisle. The ceremony is decorated so perfectly. Guests are sitting in white chiavari chairs. There are huge glass hurricanes placed down the aisle with pale candles flickering inside them. The aisle ru

My bridesmaids look beautiful wearing their icy purple dresses and carrying pale pink and purple bouquets. The groomsmen look handsome in their black tuxedos. Their deep purple bouto

One by one, the bridesmaids walk down the aisle.

When it's time for the flower girls, I can't help but tear up. The flower girls are wearing the most adorable blush colored dresses with tutu skirts. Their hair is done up in curly little buns. They're each carrying a floral covered magic wand, but it's what's on their backs that makes me cry.

Each girl is wearing white feather angel wings. The wings are decorated with a halos of pale roses and purple lavender. Our way to honor my parents. Phillip had tried to find some way to incorporate angels into our ceremony. We looked and looked and couldn't find anything but cheap angel charms. Mr. Mac did some kind of magic google search and found a photo of an angel flower girl. He printed it out, rolled it up, and put it in my Christmas stocking. I cried then too because I knew it was just so perfect.

We've left the front row, opposite the Macs, empty on purpose. During the ceremony, we'll pause in silent remembrance. Phillip and I will walk down to their empty seats and place the two dried roses I saved from the funeral on their chairs. I'm so glad we're recording our wedding. I want to remember every detail. Every thought.

Mr. Diamond interrupts those thoughts. "I want you to look at Phillip and tell me why I should let you walk down this aisle. Because I know if your dad were here, and you had even a shred of doubt about marrying him, he would tell you it's okay to walk away."

"I don't wa

"Honey, you broke up with him just this week. Gave him back the ring. If you go up there, you'll be married. You won't be able to just break up next week."

I give him a flippant response. "Sure, I can. Isn't that why we had him sign a pre-nup?"

He says, "Not fu

"You know, I kinda hated you for it, but thanks for making me go through counseling. I did need it. I wasn't allowing myself to feel. I think it just hurt too much, but I've realized that's no way to live. I want to walk down that aisle because I love Phillip. With every single bit of my heart."

"I'm proud of you, and I'm glad you're finally dealing with it. I also have to tell you that it means a lot to me to walk you down the aisle, to be able to stand in for your dad."