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He leads me into the bedroom, throws me on the bed, and pounces on me. I have a fleeting thought that maybe our theme should be sex because that seems to be all that's on that boy's mind lately.

I'm happily sprawled across Phillip's body when I joke, "I think our wedding theme may have to be sex."

"A XXX wedding?" Phillip asks.

We get silly talking about ideas for our XXX themed wedding.

David Tutera would be hyperventilating!

"I know," I giggle, "we could use furry handcuffs for napkins rings."

"We could have personalized condoms as our favors!"

"Oh....listen to this!! We could use those big dildos that stand up on their own, and we could like cut the tips." Phillip winces when I say that. "And we could use them to hold the table numbers at the reception!"

Phillip tickles me. I giggle and tickle him back.

"I'll use a vibrator as the base of my bouquet! It could vibrate through the whole ceremony. Can you just picture that? Everyone's all serious, and it's just sitting there shaking?"

"You're silly," he says. Then he attacks my chest with kisses. "I have a better idea. We could do a Phillip and Jadyn Make a Porno video."

"We could show it at the reception!" I scream.

"Maybe we should practice a few moves right now," Phillip says sexily.

And uh, yeah. We do.

Practice, I mean.

Sorry, no videos.

After round two, I give Phillip my pouty face.

"What's the face for?" he asks. "We just had amazing, mind-blowing sex. Again. Hell, I even impressed myself."

I roll my eyes at him. "I don't know about mind-blowing." I laugh, but he totally knows I'm lying. It's really hard to lie to someone who can read your mind. And it was oh-my-gosh-scream-it-from-the-rooftops incredible. But I don't tell him that. I don't want him to think he's like all that. He needs to keep working toward a goal or something. "Plus, I think you're just using me for sex." I try to look sad.

He laughs a huge hearty laugh. "Yeah, I am."

I couldn't help but grin with him.

"But I'm just trying to catch up."

"Catch up?"

"Yeah, so the sex and the friendship are even."

"We've been best friends for a really long time."

"Yes, I know. I really do have my work cut out for me," he jokes. "I just feel balance is important in our relationship." Then he says, "Speaking of that, Sunday night when you were sitting on the kitchen island at my parents' house, I had this flashback. Do you remember the night you were all upset about your date with that Mark guy you had a crush on? He tried to attack you before di

"Yeah, you were just getting home from Da

"Well that, and all I could think about was how hot you looked, how I really didn't blame Mark for wanting you, and how I really just wanted to do you right there on the kitchen island. I even had dreams about it. Do you remember what you wore? Lisa must have dressed you. You had on a short plaid skirt, little white blouse, a navy cardigan. You kinda looked like a naughty school girl."

"Phillip?! YOUR MOTHER'S ISLAND? AND you used to have naughty dreams about me?"

"Oh, yeah. Lots of them. Good ones."

"Like what?"

"I don't know. They would start off with us doing stuff we'd normally do. I never really remembered those parts, but you'd end up attacking me. Like one time, we were sitting on the hood of my car looking at the stars. All of a sudden, you straddled me and attacked me. It was a good dream."

Last night, I laughed and smiled about Phillip's dreams, but now that I'm at work, trying to focus on pulling some figures together for a budget meeting I'm about to go into, my mind is still thinking about it.

Because it's sorta bugging me.

I mean, shouldn't he have attacked me in his dreams? Shouldn't that have been his dream?

I'm about to have a little freak out in my mind when my cell vibrates.

Apparently, Phillip has shared our wedding theme with Da


Oh, wow. That's fu

Me:  Groomsmen dress like Chippendales. Meaning a tuxedo with no shirt for you!


Me:  Yeah right, what are we up to now, an eight pack?


Me:  Gotta meeting, gotta go.

I go to my project meeting. During the meeting, I keep getting texts from Da











It's very difficult for me to concentrate during the meeting, and every time I see my phone light up, I sneak a peek and want to die laughing. Finally, we break for lunch, and although Da

I go out to my car and call Lori.

I need to talk about this and probably shouldn't do it at my desk, where everyone can hear about my sex life.

Especially the creeper.

As we were walking out of the meeting, he said, "Sounds like you have some fun when you're not at work, and hmmm, I thought your fiancee's name was Phillip. You're a naughty girl, aren't you?"

And I tried hard not to gag in front of him.

Lori answers, and I'm like, "Phillip told me he used to have naughty dreams about me." I didn't even say hello.

But she goes with it. "And that surprises you?"

"Well yeah, actually, it did, or I wouldn't be calling you about it."

"Oh, Jade. What am I going to do with you? You're so oblivious."

"Hey, don't judge! I need help and advice, and I called you, but never mind."

"Oh!! You called ME to ask for ADVICE?! You never do that! You always call Da

"I know, so help me!!"

She makes a little noise that lets me know she's quite proud of this. "Oh well, continue."

"Okay, so in Phillip's dreams, I attacked him. So does that mean his subconscious thought I was hot for him and wanted to attack him, or does it mean his subconscious was hot for me and wished I would attack him, so in the dreams I did? Like if he was hot for me, why didn't he attack me in the dreams?"

"Does it really matter? He wanted you. He's always wanted you, and now you have him."