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"Well, maybe. So here's the storyline. We're both seniors. I've liked you, probably loved you, for a while. You finally got brave and asked me out, and you're hoping that I might be willing to part with my virginity tonight."

Phillip eyes gleam. He's so adorable, especially when he totally gets into character. He pins me against the hotel room door. "So you know, Billy is having that big party tonight."

I nod my head. "Uh, huh."

"I was thinking maybe we might wa

I get into my nervous virgin role. "Oh, well, I don't know. I mean what would we do, just sit in our room?"

He leans in and kisses me. "I was thinking of something a little more fun." He opens the door. "Look." He looks at what I've done to the room and mutters to me, "Damn, I'm good." Then he shuts the door and has me on the bed before I have a chance to even think about what to do next.

He kisses me intensely and moves his hands expertly across my dress. I'm ready to lose my virginity right about now, but that wouldn't fit my character. I pretend to be nervous about where things might be heading. "Um, I saw champagne."

"Oh, yeah, there is champagne." He seems to have already forgotten the champagne chilling in front of us.

I made him forget the champagne!!! Yay for me and my sexiness!!

He opens the bottle and pours champagne into real crystal flutes. (No plastic cups for this prom night redo!) He takes off his jacket, unbuttons his shirt sleeves, and takes off his tie. I only have on a dress, so I reciprocate by sliding off my shoes.

He saunters to the bed with both glasses crossed in one hand, and in the other, he has a strawberry. He sits on the bed and holds the strawberry up to my mouth.

I open my mouth, thinking he's going to feed it to me. He puts just the tip of the strawberry against my lips. I try to suck a little of the chocolate off, but just as I do, he pulls the strawberry back out. He keeps sliding the strawberry across my lips and occasionally lets me suck some chocolate off. He's so teasing me with the strawberry. I'm pretty sure no high school boy would ever think of this suggestive little game.

I leave my lips sexily parted, make a little girly noise, and he pushes the strawberry deeper into my mouth.

I take a little bite.

He gives me a satisfied grin, hands me a flute, and pops what's left of the strawberry in his mouth. "Here's to the perfect night," he says, clinking my glass with his. We each take a drink. He takes the glass away from me, sets it on the nightstand, pulls me up off the bed, and unzips my dress.

I act nervous.

Really, it's not that much of an act. It's feeling kinda realistic.

He sweeps me back onto the bed and starts doing exactly what I imagined the guy I would lose my virginity to would do. I'm just saying, if you ever have the opportunity to have a lose your virginity redo, I'd highly suggest it because this is going to be good. Certainly much better than the drunken frat house romp that really happened.

He's going slow, kissing every inch of me, patiently, tenderly.

There's some song in the musical, Rent. I forget how it goes, but it's something about covering you with thousands of sweet little kisses.

That's what this reminds me of.

He's covering me with thousands of sweet kisses, but when he starts to take off my bra, I realize if I want to play this out in character, I need to stall because I'd be nervous.

So even though my body is majorly disagreeing with me, I say, "Do we get to use the hot tub?"

Phillip looks at me with those steamy dark eyes. It's fu

"We shouldn't let it go to waste." He turns on a riot of bubbles, strips naked, and hops in.


I pretend to be nervous about his nakedness. "I didn't know you were getting a room with a hot tub. I don't have a swimsuit."

"Oh, I don't think you need one of those. Just get naked and get in. Promise I won't look." He says he won't look, but I can tell by his grin he's totally lying. I can't help but laugh. He used to say the exact same thing to me in high school when I was changing out of my softball uniform in the backseat of his car. I always caught him looking in the rearview mirror.

I act like I'm shy, but I'm really trying to torture him with a little striptease. I slowly take my bra off. When I catch him peeking, I slide my underwear off slowly too. I turn around, lay them neatly on the dresser, grab the champagne bottle, and slide in next to him.

He immediately pulls me on top of him and presses his lips to mine. We make out in the hot tub for a really long time. I'm actually shocked at how slow he's going. I've been ready for him to throw me on the bed and have his way with me since we walked in the door, but he continues his slow sexy way.

When I seriously can't wait anymore, I try to spur him on by saying, "You know, I've never done this before."

Phillip runs his hand through my mostly wet hair. "I know, Princess. That's why I'm going slow. I want you to be sure. I want it to be special."

And yes, I melt at that because that's so what I wanted to hear.

I slam the rest of the champagne, get out the tub, grab his hand, and make him join me.

Then I do a little naughty slowness of my own.

I take a towel and dry off every single inch of Phillip's amazing body. Of course, I leave the best parts for last. When I start drying off that, he can't seem to wait any longer. He picks me up, lays me on the bed, and proceeds to take my virginity.

Like, again.

I get a text from Phillip while I'm at work.

Phillipbaby<3  Naughty dream week is fun ;)

Me:  Glad you think so :D

Phillipbaby<3  It's also making me like one of Pavlov's dogs.

Me:  How so?

Phillipbaby<3  I'm horny just thinking about what's coming up tonight.

Me:  Coming up?? LOL!! Pun intended?

Phillipbaby<3  You're bad. Yes and no. I wa

Me:  I can't tell you!

Phillipbaby<3  But I need a hint :(

Me:  Hmmm...okay...there will be lots of snacking involved.

Phillipbaby<3  Snacking?? Are you my snack ;)

Me:  Can't tell......

Later, he wants to know more.

Phillipbaby<3  Are we pretending it's Friday night, we just got home from a football game, and you're go

Me:  I don't know. Did any of your naughty dreams include Da

Phillipbaby<3  Is that a no?

Me:  That's a no.

Phillipbaby<3  :( I really need a hint.

Me:  Fine. Think warm summer nights.

Phillipbaby<3  Are we go

Me:  Nope :)

Phillipbaby<3  :( One more hint, please!!

Me:  Think younger. Middle school, backyard kind of nights.

Phillipbaby<3  Are we going CAMPING??!!

Me:  Maybe.....

Yesterday, Phillip's mother didn't cooperate with my plans. Today, the weather didn't cooperate. I was go