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"Dude, if he thinks it's weird, you have my permission to dump him."

After work, I start pla

A series of naughty events.

A little trip down memory lane of my own.

I wish wedding pla

We can't do it all in one night, so I think it'll be a weeklong event.

I'm going to have fun with this. Okay, let's brainstorm. We'll do the baseball field. Maybe the swings at the elementary school. Camping in a little tent. His mother's kitchen island. And maybe it would be fun to have a prom night redo. The same room, the hot tub. Hmmm.

My phone chimes. There's an email offering me last minute deals on airfare. I click through it and see Cancun on the list.

OMG!! That's it.

It's like fate!

I call Phillip and tell him he's mine every night next week and not to make any weekend plans.

He's like, "Why?"

And I'm like, "Maybe I have a few surprises of my own."

My phone vibrates with another text from Da


I book flights to Cancun and make reservations at the resort where we stayed for Da



I ignore Da

I'm ru


"Your XXX wedding ideas are brilliant, and I appreciate your help. And I didn't reply because I've been busy trying to plan naughty dream week. Phillip's go

"Let me guess, you're late as usual?"

"A bit. And I shouldn't be. It's our second date!"

"So, Jaybaby, speaking of dates, have you set one yet?"

"Oh my gosh, Da

I hang up on him, but my phone immediately vibrates. He's calling me back.

I answer with, "Eff off, baby!"

I'm totally making fun of Da

I hear a voice, a voice that is not Da

"Uh, yes, this is her." Oh my gosh, who is this? Who the hell did I just tell to eff off??

"JJ, this is Pastor John. I was hoping to set up a time for us to get together and talk."

Oh. Shit.

I'm probably going to hell for this.

Can you get sent to hell for telling a pastor to fuck off?

"Uh, I'm sorry about that. I thought you were someone else. Um, Mrs. Mac said something about couple's counseling, but we aren't getting married for quite awhile, so there's really no rush."

"I'd still like to talk to you. Could you come see me tomorrow morning before the Husker game?"

I want to say no, but I feel like a little kid that's in trouble. It'd be like telling the principal, Sorry, I'm not going to your office. "Uh, sure."

"Great. See you then."

Pastor John is sitting behind his desk when I walk in. He stands up to greet me. Pastor John is about the same age as Mr. and Mrs. Mac. He's not that tall, but what he lacks for in height, he makes up for in attitude. He's really a great guy and makes going to church both fun and a learning experience. He baptized Phillip and I, taught our confirmation classes, took a group of us on a mission trip one summer, and was really nice when my parents died. I've known the man my whole life.

He hugs me and says, "So, you and Phillip are engaged."

"Yeah, you were at our engagement party," I say as I sit in one of the two blue checkered chairs in front of his desk.

He slides into the chair behind his desk. "I'm curious, did you say no on stage just for a dramatic effect?"

"Not really. I was thinking about saying no. I told him I was go

"I wondered about that. His parents had told everyone he was asking you at di

"He did. I said yes at di


"He had just agreed we wouldn't tell people yet."

"Why wouldn't you want to tell people such happy news?"

I roll my eyes at him. "Pastor, you know we got engaged on our first date. You've been marrying people for a long time, ever seen that?"

"Actually, no. That's part of why I wanted to talk with you. But first, tell me why you said yes."

"That's easy. I said yes because I love him."

Pastor nods.

"And you don't have to worry. We're not rushing into things. We're go

"I see," he says.

He seems frustratingly noncommittal. I thought he'd agree that's a good idea. "Do you think that's bad or something?"

"I'm not here to judge you, JJ."

"Then why am I here? Why did you wa

"Would you want your children to do the same?"

"Well, no, but I've known Phillip my whole life. It's not like I just met him."

"Yes, but being friends with someone is different from being in a relationship with them."

I wa

He says, "I'll be honest with you. Phillip's parents are a little concerned about this."

"Are you serious? Mrs. Mac keeps pushing me to plan the wedding."

"It's not the pla

That comment sorta gets my panties in a wad, so I have a hard time keeping the smart ass out of my tone. "I dealt with it."

"If I recall, you refused counseling," he says with an equally snippy voice. "At least from me. Did you talk to someone that I don't know about?"