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I sniffle and wipe the haze of tears from my face. “Exactly.”

“The last time we talked, when you told me you were cracked, I didn’t get it. And other than the first night, I haven’t seen it. You looked like your normal happy self. But the look on your face when you got out of the hot tub. You couldn’t hide it. You looked exactly like you did at your dad’s funeral. I’m so sorry I haven’t been more understanding. There’s no excuse for why I haven’t talked to you more. Been more supportive. I was busy doing stuff that didn’t matter.”

He wraps his arm around me and pulls me toward his shoulder.

“Damian, I don’t think you can understand what you haven’t gone through. Now do you see why I’m not going back? This is killing me. If Vincent hadn’t happened, I know I would’ve been there today. I would’ve celebrated with him in person. I’m so incredibly proud of him.”

“But then you wouldn’t have met Aiden. I like him. And I like his sister a whole lot.”

“I like Aiden too. That’s why when I left to come here, I wasn't pla

“I think Aiden loves you.”

“Which only makes it worse. I don't want to hurt him. His nose got broken because of me. Imagine what Vincent could do to him. And what it will do to his heart when he finds out the truth.”

“So you like B more?”

“Everything with B is familiar. I know what to expect from him. And he’s growing up. He’s not smoking. God, his eyes are so beautiful when he’s not high. And what he did for Gracie. He’s like home . . .”


“But my idea of home is kinda starting to shift.”

“Like how you said Aiden made your loft feel like home?”

“That’s the real reason I can’t go back there. Because Aiden ruined it.”

“Keats, how? What did he do?”

I touch my mouth and start crying harder.

“He ruined it like he ruined my lips. When he was there, it felt like home. And I don't ever want to kiss another boy.”

“Then don’t.”

“But I promised B.”

“Why did you promise him?”

“Because I want to go home. I want my life back. I want to press rewind.”

“If you did that, then where would Aiden be?”

“That's the problem. I don't know where all my friends from school would fit into my life. And I’m really worried about B now.”


“Because if Vincent hears what B just said. It’s go

“Do you still love him?”

“I’ve always loved him. It sounds bad that I dated Sander for so long and was in love with someone else, but I was. He was my dream guy.”

“Even before you and B got together—those two years you were friends—everyone knew. Why do you think none of the other guys ever hit on you?”

“Because they thought of me as B’s.”

He nods his head.

“I even wrote a song about it. Because I wanted that. I wanted to find a girl who would look at me that way. I know you were fighting some when you were on tour with us, but I always believed you’d work it out. I thought you’d marry him someday.”

A wedding flashes into my mind. Our beach at sunrise. Even though it’s a crazy time to have guests, it would have to be at sunrise.

Stop it.

Don't do this to yourself, Keatyn.

Think about now.

“Can I be honest with you?” Damian asks.

“No, Damian, lie to me. I'm sick of the truth. I want you to tell me it's all going to be okay. Just lie to me.”

I start crying again, so he hugs me tighter. Which, in turn, makes me cry harder as I remember the way he hugged me the night of my party.

I determinedly stop crying and state, “It was love at first sight for you and Peyton.”

He looks at me fu

I pull out of his arms, get to my feet, and pull him up with me. “Come on. We have something important to do.”

“Where are we going?”

I smile at him. “We’re going to do what I should’ve done the second you met her. We’re going to make a wish.”

He smiles at me and starts down the pathway toward the mermaid fountain.

“No, this way.” I lead him up to my room. “I have something more powerful.”

“Did you make your wish when you got here?”

“I did.”

“Did you wish the same thing you always do? That you will find your prince?”

“Yes. Then Aiden gave me his pe

“For him?”

“I think that's what he wanted me to wish for.”

“But what did you wish for?” I hesitate, so he adds, “We decided a long time ago that it’s legal to share your wish with your very best friend.”

“I wished for my life back.”

“That's a good wish. And it would solve all your problems at once.”

“Not really, but it's the only wish that would allow me to solve them.”

I look up and see Peyton standing on the veranda. Her cover-up is moving in the breeze as she looks out into the ocean. And it makes me feel good to know that I’m not giving up on the fairy tale. And if I can’t have it, I’m going to make sure someone else gets it.

As we enter the turret and climb the stairs to my room, I say, “You know, when I was little I always thought I'd marry you.”

“That's just cuz I have a castle on the beach.”

“And you sing like a good frog.”

I lead him into my closet, grab my suitcase, unzip the top part of it, and pull out Tink.

Damian starts laughing. “You carry around a wand? Seriously?”

“Don't laugh. Ivery gave me this Tinkerbell wand when I left home and told me I could make a wish on it. She was selfless and I’m selflessly using my wish for you—which makes it doubly powerful.”

I grab his pinky with mine, wave the wand at him, and wish, “I wish Damian and Peyton will live happily ever after.”

Damian grins at me, then runs his hand through his hair. “I can't believe I’m excited that you just made a wish for me on a plastic wand. Jesus, I’m in deep. It’s just so amazingly weird, though, how we’re both here, don’t you think?” He stops in his tracks, pulls out his phone, and types something down.

I know that means he just thought of a song lyric he doesn't want to forget.

“I better go find Aiden and talk to him,” I tell Damian.

We go downstairs and see Aiden pacing the beach, his footsteps kicking up sand.

“Keatyn, if you love him, don't let your circumstances get in the way.”

“I don't want to hurt him.”

“You can't have love without risking heartache, and he seems like he's more than willing to take the risk.” I nod, but don’t move, so he pushes me toward the beach. “It’s time to go see if you and Aiden have enough dirt to survive that phone call.”

I must not look convinced, because he adds, “And if you still want him to get on the plane without you tomorrow, I’ll personally see to it.”

From the begi


“Hey,” I say, for lack of a better line.

“You've been crying,” he says, sitting down next to me.

I nod. “I have lot of conflicting emotions.”

“Did you tell me the truth about when you saw him at your sister’s birthday party?”


He runs his hand through his hair and shakes his head. I realize now that I won’t have to tell him goodbye tomorrow. That he’s going to walk away gladly.

Hell, he’ll probably thank me.

“I was just stalking him on Facebook. He doesn’t seem to have a personal page, but he does have a fan type page that he made in August. The first three pictures he uploaded were of you. The two of you.” Aiden lowers his head a little, his eyes shiny. “You looked happy with him.”

“I was happy with him. Most of the time.”

“Tell me about him. About the two of you. When we fought that day, you defended him.”

I feel his pinky grab ahold of mine. It’s a simple gesture, but one that speaks volumes.