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Everyone leaves and Inga says, “I saw that boy’s back.” She drops a bag in my lap. “Here, this is aloe vera soap and some lotion. I want you to go over there while he’s in the shower and very carefully wash his back with this soap. Then gently pat the area dry and put a thin layer of lotion on it.”

I’m thinking about Aiden being naked in the shower and how I’m supposed to accomplish all this when she says, “Shoo.”

His official title.


I get to my room and peek around the corner at the shower.

The glass is starting to fog over, but I can still see Aiden’s naked outline.

I look at the soap in my hand and imagine sudsing up his entire body.

All of it.

I wonder if I should get naked?

Stop it. This is not about seduction. The poor man is probably in pain, and I’m here in a purely professional capacity.

I leave my swimsuit on, grab a washcloth off the towel rack, and open the shower door.

His back is turned to me.

And what a back it is.

His body looks like it is carved out of stone. The study of the perfect male form.

And his ass.

Oh my god. His naked, beautiful ass.

I’m reaching out to touch it when he turns around.

“Boots!” he says startled, automatically covering his private parts, but pulling me under the water with him and close enough to him so that I can’t see what I was hoping to see. “I’m glad you decided to join me.”

“I didn’t. Um, I brought you aloe soap for your back. Inga gave it to me. Told me it would help with your burn.”

“So you didn’t just want to see me naked?”

I squint my eyes at him. “This is my bathroom. You shouldn’t be taking a shower in here if you didn’t want to be seen naked. You were totally hoping I’d come in and catch a glimpse.” I hand him the washcloth. “Here, I even brought this so you can cover yourself up.”

He takes the washcloth, looks at it, and laughs. “It’s not big enough,” he says, but he still covers up with it. Then he looks down my bikini top and shakes his head. “That’s what I was afraid of.”


“You have a severe case of reverse sunburn. See this part under your top? It didn’t get enough sun, so it needs this soap rubbed on it,” he says as he unties the strings of my bikini top, allowing it to fall to the tile.

He takes the soap out of my hand and washes my chest very slowly.

After a whole lot of sudsing, he rinses me off and then replaces the soap with his lips.

I'm trying to be good. I'm trying not to reach down and grab the washcloth. Rip it off of him.

But it's like the Titan is calling out to me.

And it’s like I now have two Keatyns sitting on my shoulders. Good angel Keatyn is telling me not to do it, but the horned and horny bad Keatyn is telling me that I need to do a whole lot more than touch it.

Good Keatyn screams, No! You can't sleep with a boy you're going to say goodbye to. 

Bad Keatyn says, And that's exactly why we should sleep with him. We may never get another chance.

Aiden drops the soap, so I bend down to pick it up.

As I start to stand back up, I see it.

The Titan is fully erect and mostly hidden under the washcloth. But the washcloth is wet, molding itself around it and allowing me to see its full outline.

My insides throb.

I also realize that I was very stupid to give him one of the Moran’s thick white washcloths. I totally should have given him a tissue.

But, still, something about the white cloth covering it looks very godlike. I halfway wish I had a little mini gold wreath to crown it with.

Lord Titan, God of the underworld.

God of Hammering, Nailing, and Screwing.

Yes. This is his official title.

I imagine my body as a Homecoming float. Aiden using his godly tool on me.

I drop the soap, wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him hard.

We kiss wildly. Passionately. Like people starved for each other.

“Do you want me to take these off?” he asks, tugging on my bottoms.

I shake my head no while ru

Aiden watches me intently, then backs away slightly. “God, that's hot.”

“What’s hot?”

“What you just did. Rubbing yourself. Do it again.”

I tilt my head back, close my eyes, and run the tips of my fingers from the base of my neck slowly down toward my cleavage and then down my stomach. Aiden moves so that he is standing behind me. He kisses my neck, then lays his hand on top of mine and guides it where he wants it to go.

Up to my boob, then slowly ru

Up the side of my neck to where his lips are, our hands moving together from my neck to his stubbled cheek.

Then he guides my hand in a slow decent straight down to the throbbing spot between my legs. He pushes our fingers against the fabric of my bikini bottoms while he sucks on my neck.

The feel of his mouth on my neck, the water drizzling down my skin, and his hand between my legs makes me feel perfectly out of control.

He keeps kissing me and rubbing our hands with more intensity.

Wanting to maintain some level of attractiveness, I try to make cute, sweet little noises. They start out that way, until I don't give a shit what I sound like.

I move my hips in rhythm with our hands until I can't hold it in any longer. A deep oh leaves my lips as my body trembles and throbs and my legs start to feel weak.

Aiden growls something unintelligible in my ear, picks me up, and sets me on a tiled ledge that I thought was for shampoo, but now realize is the perfect height for this.

I wrap my legs around his waist as his lips land hard on mine, his tongue delving deeply in my mouth.

“I’m not telling you no again,” he says.

I so want him to rip my bottoms to shreds and plunge that beast inside of me, but that will just make tomorrow even harder.

Speaking of hard.

He pushes the Titan forcefully against my bottoms, which are straining to keep it out.

I kiss down his neck and then find his hungry lips again.

I can tell that he's struggling not to lose control, but I want him to.

I want to be the one who makes him feel out of control.

Plus, I'm on the edge again. Wanting the release, but not wanting it to be over.

I lean my back against the wall, grab his butt tightly, and push back against him.

Then, eventually, we both lose control.

He leans against me, keeping me pi

“See, we can have lots of fun without actually doing it,” I say as he sets me down on wobbly legs.

He doesn’t really reply, just pulls my bikini bottoms slowly off me, rinses them out, lays them on the ledge to dry, and wraps a towel around me while he kisses me.

“You continue to surprise me,” he says, while we’re drying off.


“All you had to do was slide your bottoms over a fraction of an inch.”

“I know. I just . . . I mean . . . Maybe we can just play in the backyard for awhile.”

He cocks an eyebrow at me. “You like it in the backyard?”

“I’m talking the backyard not the back door.”

“I’m confused,” he says.

“You know, like playing in the backyard as opposed to playing inside the house.”

He gives me a naughty grin. “So eventually you will want me to play in the interior portion of your house?”

“Aiden, I've wanted to have sex with you since I met you. But when you got mad at me for trying to unzip your pants, I wasn’t going to invite you in. I just wanted to have some fun playing outside.”

“So I was at least right about you wanting to wait?”

“Yes. I do want to wait.”

“Until when?”

“Until I know we have a chance,” I say softly, meaning not until I get my life back.