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He pulls my hips toward his mouth, layering on kisses and sucking at the tender spots between my thighs. I grab ahold of his hair as I prepare for that magical tongue to move my panties aside and delve deeper.

His tongue explores the edges of the lace only, darting underneath but not staying for long.

He suddenly changes his position quickly and lies on his side next to me.

He kisses me again, his tongue thrusting into my mouth in a forceful way, almost like it’s mad at me.

I reply with equal force. Coming to sit almost upright when I feel his fingers pushing aside the lace, then touching me between the soft folds.

“God, you're wet,” he says, his fingers rubbing the outside of me. The friction alone is almost driving me mad.

“Oh,” I moan.

But then his finger dives inside me.

Then quickly out.

And I’m lost to him.

One single finger.

One tongue.

Completely controlling my body.

Controlling my heart.

And my mind.

I arch my back. “Mhmmmm. Ohmigawd, Aiden, that feels so good.”

He sucks the skin at the base of my neck while the throbbing reaches deep inside my body to places he can't touch.

After moaning an embarrassing amount, I kiss him deeply, then bravely and quickly move my hand inside his sliders and grasp the Titan.

Which, I discover, is a very appropriate name.

I should explore it but I don't.

I have but one goal.

To make him feel as good as I just did.

So I wrap my fingers around it and stroke.

Until he does.

Then we lie flat out on the bed. Both of us feeling completely spent.

He rolls over, pulls my back tightly into his chest, and lazily kisses my shoulder.

Just as I'm about to fall asleep—or maybe I'm already dreaming—I think I hear him whisper, I love you. 

Friday, November 25th

About last night.


I wake up and peek at the clock, shocked to see that it’s almost nine.

I’m not ready to get up though. I want to lie in bed with Aiden all day. Revel in the glory of him. Sing praises about his chest. Write poems about his tongue. A so

I pick his shirt up off the edge of the bed and pull it on, buttoning just the middle button.

I hug myself, loving how his shirt feels on me. And knowing that, somehow, I’m not letting it go home with him.

I lie back down and run my hand down his arm, wanting him to wake up so I can see those gorgeous green eyes.

He shifts and wraps his arm around me, pulling me close, but not speaking.

I look at the clock again.


52 hours and counting.

“Come on, Aiden. Let’s get up and get our day started. We have a lot to do.”

“I thought coming to the beach meant doing nothing?” he says groggily.

“You promised to do all the stuff on my list. That starts today.”

“Are we surfing this morning?”


“I think we should lie here and talk about last night.”

My face breaks out in a grin. “What about last night?”

“Well, for starters, you have my shirt on.”

“Oh, do you want it back?”

“No. I love you naked in my shirt.”

“Technically, I’m not naked if I’m wearing a shirt.”

“Barely wearing,” he says, touching my stomach where the shirt falls open. “This shirt is officially yours. It looks way better on you than it does on me.” He studies me. “You’re beautiful.”

I cover my face. “I’m sure I look like a wreck.”

“A beautiful wreck then. Wearing my shirt. I’d like to wake up like this every morning of my life.” He gives me a naughty grin. “So back to last night.”

“Why do you want to talk about it?”

“Because we finally did some of what you wanted to do. Did you like it?”

“Hmmm. Let’s just say that I finally agree with what all the boys at school say about you.”

“And what’s that?”

“You have good hands.”

Aiden laughs. “I think they were referring to my goalie skills.”

I grab his hand and hold it up to mine. “You do have really big hands. And long fingers. It almost hurt.”

Aiden’s eyes get huge. “Did I hurt you?”

“No. God, no. Not at all. I said almost.”

“Is almost good?”

“Your almost was very good.”

I get the godlike smile. “It wasn’t sex.”

“And I’m okay with that.” I start to jump up out of bed, but Aiden pulls me back down and kisses me.

The love cliff.


We finally get out of bed, get dressed, and head to the main house for some breakfast. We find Peyton in the kitchen nursing a cup of coffee and talking animatedly with Inga.

“Where’s Damian?” I ask.

“He’s in the office. Business call.”

“Oh, cool.”

“But he said to tell you that we’re going to jump off the cliff today and that you’re not chickening out this time.”

“You chicken out? Are you afraid of heights?” Aiden asks me as he grabs some eggs and bacon from the warming drawer.

“No, I’m not afraid of heights. I’m afraid of hitting rocks, splatting, and dying.”

“Damian says that the locals call it the love cliff,” Peyton informs us.

“The love cliff? That’s cool,” Aiden says.

“Apparently, legend says that if you hold hands and jump off the love cliff, you’ll be together forever,” Peyton tells us, practically cooing.

“Especially if you hit the rocks and die,” I say sarcastically.

“Don’t be such a cynic,” Damian says, flicking my hair as he walks by.


“It’s so romantic, isn’t it, though?” she asks, clasping her hands together.

“Inga, have you ever heard it called that?”

“Of course; who do you think told him about the legend?”

I roll my eyes. Okay, I can see I can’t win this one. They’re both liars.

“So, you two in?” Damian asks, taunting me with his grin.

“It wasn’t on your list,” Aiden says to me. “But it sounds really fun.”

“Fine. We’ll go, but I’m not jumping.”

We finish breakfast, take the Jeep, and drive across the island.

Soon, I find myself standing on a cliff looking over the edge and thinking, No fucking way.

“Are you sure this is a safe place to jump?” Peyton asks Damian, the romantic notion not quite as appealing when you’re envisioning leaping to your death.

“Of course,” he says, pulling her into his arms and murmuring something into her ear that makes her giggle.

Aiden surveys the jump. “So you’ve been up here before?”


“And you’ve seen people jump and survive?”


“But you’ve never done it?”

“No. What’s with the twenty questions? I said I’d come, but I’m not jumping. Please don’t try to talk me into it.”

He kisses my cheek. “I’m doing it. I want you to jump with me. Off the love cliff.”

I roll my eyes. “Aiden, I’ll cheer you on. Besides, someone has to be here to scrape you off the rocks and take your bodies home.”

He tickles my sides. “You’re being silly.”

“I know. It’s scary though.”

“It is really high. It’s go

“We’re going for it!” Damian yells. He grabs Peyton’s hand, kisses it, and then they run and jump, both of them screaming all the way down.

I look over the edge and see them pop up out of the water.

“They’re alive!” Aiden says, mocking me.

“Watch it, or I might just push you off.”

“You just saw Damian and Peyton do it and survive.”