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“But, if you’re not going back, I could date her.”

“If he found out you were together and that I went to Eastbrooke, neither one of you would be safe. Don’t do that to her, Damian. Don’t put her in that kind of danger.”

“I have a better idea. You go back and I’ll keep our relationship a secret.”

“Your relationship? Damian, you've known her for less than twenty-four hours.”

“And it only took about two seconds of those hours for me to know. All of a sudden, I’m a fate loving, love-at-first-sight believing, fairy-tales-can-happen kind of guy.”

“That sounds like a song.”

“Speaking of songs, I'm writing one. I've never felt more inspired. Everything looks prettier with her in the picture.”

“Aren’t you going on tour again?”

He gives me a smart-ass grin. “Studio time. Recording a new album, then touring the good ole U.S. of A. And I was thinking this morning, Dad's got a sweet apartment in New York City that I've never taken advantage of, and with my stepmom pregnant, they won't be using it any time soon.”

“Your dad and Tommy start filming the third Trinity movie there in December.”

“Shit. Well, it's a big place. Or maybe I'll just get a little apartment near your school.”

I raise an eyebrow at him.

“Fine. I'm being impetuous and crazy. But come on, Keats, you've known me forever. Have you ever seen me like this?”

“No. But maybe you're just sick of groupies and craving a girlfriend. It doesn’t mean she’s the one. You’re barely eighteen.”

He shakes his head and squints his eyes at me. “No, don't say that. You of all people. Maybe Vincent changed your life, but don't you dare let him change who you are. You should be clapping and jumping with excitement. You should have a huge smile on your face and that dreamy look in your eyes.” He pulls me up off the daybed and twirls us around in a circle. “Be happy for me. Be excited. Be your usual hopeless romantic self. Write me a script where I'm the prince and not the frog. Make a wish on the moon. Or a shooting star. Or at 11:11. Throw a pe

Tears flow from my eyes as I remember my old self. The girl who saw possibilities instead of roadblocks. The girl who believed in fairy tales and wishes.

We stop spi

“I’ve been trying not to, Damian,” I say, wiping my tears. “But I can’t pretend. This is my reality. Vincent was there when I went to see B surf. When I saw my mom in New York. When I went to Vancouver. My drama teacher almost invited him to my school so I could audition for his movie. You don’t understand. I can never let my guard down. I have to monitor every word I say. Think about every move I make. I can't live in the moment anymore.”

“Maybe you can’t at school, but you can here.”

I shake my head. “I wish I could, but when Peyton told me some guy was walking up the beach, my first thought was that it was him.”

Damian nods. “Okay. I get it. But I’m here now. So I want you to let go and at least enjoy your next 79 hours. Stop holding Aiden at arm’s length and let him in.”

“What about B?”

Damian frowns and furrows his eyebrows. “Fine. You want reality? Here’s reality. B cares about you. But he chose his dream over you.”

“That sounds so harsh.”

“It’s supposed to be harsh. It’s the truth.”

“But he said . . .”

“What he said doesn’t matter right now because you can’t be with him. So, move on. Besides, it’s Thanksgiving. You should be thinking about what you’re thankful for.”

“I’m thankful for you, Damian.” I get tears in my eyes again. “I’m sorry. I swear, all I do anymore is cry. But I really am glad you’re here. And I’m glad you met Peyton. So, if after this weekend you still want to see her, you can have my loft.”

“Yeah, what’s that all about? You bought a loft and didn’t tell me?”

“I didn’t tell anyone from my old life; not even my mom. I needed somewhere safe to go.” I smile. “It’s a really awesome place. You’ll love it.”

“So, is that where you’re go

“Oh, no. I can’t go back. I took Aiden there and he . . . well, he infused it with love potion.”

“Love potion?”

“He has special powers.”

Damian doesn’t look convinced. “Like what?”

“When he’s around, my head feels like it’s filled with cotton candy and I can’t think. His smile is as bright as the sun. He knows what I’m thinking even before I can think it. I’m almost positive his tongue is infused with love potion. You should be careful because I think his sister might have . . .”

“Her tongue is definitely infused with love potion,” he says dreamily.

“Damian, how do you know that?”

“We hung out last night.”

“Did you sleep with her?”

“No, I was a gentleman and dropped her off at her door, where I kissed the hell out of her. And then I couldn't sleep. Which is why I'm up so fucking early. I wish she'd just wake up already. Shouldn't she be dying to see me?”

“Text her.”

“And say what? Wake the fuck up so I can see that gorgeous smile again?”

“That’d work for me.”

He smiles and pulls out his phone. “I’m going to text her and you’re going to do two things. The first one is to stop blaming yourself.”

“And the second?”

“March your ass to Aiden’s room and start living in the present.”

I nod, agreeing with him. “You’re right. I shouldn’t waste what little time I have left with him.”

“Exactly. So go wake him up and let’s have some fun.”

“I’m go

When I get in the house, I find Peyton in the kitchen, pouring herself a glass of orange juice and smiling at her phone.

“Have you seen Aiden?” she asks with a smirk. “I don’t think his bed was slept in last night.”

“It wasn’t. He stayed with me.”

“Ooh la la.”

“It's not like that. We're not having sex.”

“I bet you do before this trip is over.” She waggles her eyebrows up and down and grins.

“No, we won’t.”

“Is that what the dirt means? Taking it slow?”

“That’s part of it, yeah.”

She sighs as she picks up a muffin and examines it.

“It’s coconut-banana with an orange glaze.”

“Yum,” she says, putting it on her plate. “I’ve never really taken it slow before. Damian seems like he’s a gentleman.”

“I take it he didn’t jump your bones last night?”

“It’s not just that but, like, he held the door open for me when we went outside. He has great posture. And last night, there was this big moth and he kinda protected me from it. He just has this presence—like, he makes me feel safe.” She smiles. “He even walked me to my door last night. We kissed,” she says slowly touching her lips. “It was . . .”

Damian sneaks up behind her, kisses her cheek, and finishes her sentence.  “The best kiss of her life.”

She smiles and playfully slaps his arm. “I wasn't going to say that.”

Damian grabs her, tickles her sides, and pulls her into a chair with him. She squirms around, laughing and screaming, but then Damian stops her screaming with his lips.

They kiss.

And kiss.

And keep kissing.

“Uh, I’m go

Die by the wave.


I set Aiden’s food on the nightstand and then gently perch on the edge of the bed.

He’s still lying on his stomach and I can’t help but admire his muscular back, the adorable way his buff arm is curled under his head, and the sexy scruff trailing across his cheek.

I reach out and run my hand through his soft hair.