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“And, stop there,” the director says. “What you did, Keatyn. How you held his hands. That was perfect and it looked beautiful in front of the moon. Jake, your body position was a little off. I’d like to see you both lean in at the same time.”

I come down from the stage feeling practically giddy. Like a girl that did just fall in love. Only I’m in love with this play. With the process. I feel fulfilled and at home up there.

Maybe someday.

I look at the moon that is being pulled back toward the ceiling and start to make a wish on it.

No, wait.

I’m not going to wish on it this time. I’m going to make it a promise.

If I get my life back . . .

No, when I get my life back, I’m not going to let anything stop me. Not fear of embarrassing my mom. Not fear of failure. Not fear of what people might think. I’m going to audition for as many movies as I possibly can. I’m going to live my dream.

I head back to my spot. I still need to study for a vocabulary quiz and do a couple pages of math.

I’m surprised that Aiden is still here.

“Why are you still here? Don’t you have stuff to do?”

“We weren’t done with our conversation.”

“What conversation?”

“You were going to tell me about the scripts you wrote.”

“No, I wasn’t.”

“Come on. Tell me about one.”

“I already did.”

“So tell me about a different one.”

I hesitate. No one really knows about the scripts that I write except for Damian, and Brooklyn a little. It’s something I’ve sort of kept hidden. Kind of like my acting ambition.

But I know Aiden won’t quit bugging me unless I tell him something.

“Fine. I’ll tell you about a script I worked on this summer. It’s one that could be made into an actual movie someday. It’s not a silly script I wrote to try and plan my life.”

“So will its premiere be the one I’m your arm candy for?”

I smile at him. “Hmmm, probably not,” I say, but then I decide what the heck, I feel like dreaming big tonight. “You will be my arm candy when I walk my first red carpet as an actress. I’ll have a role in a big blockbuster action film.”

“You go

That makes me laugh. “I don’t know. That’d be fun, although it seems like they usually die, don’t they? I don’t want to die.”

“Okay, so an action film where you don’t die. You the star?”

“Probably not for my first film. That wouldn’t be very realistic now, would it?”

“So I’m realistic arm candy?”

I roll my eyes and smile at him. “For someone who is supposed to be arm candy, you’re awfully worried about yourself. This is supposed to be my night.”

Aiden leans back in his chair and just stares at me for a minute. His mouth starts to move, like he’s going to say something, but he stops himself. Finally, he says, “If we’re being realistic, we both know that I wouldn’t be your arm candy.”

“Oh,” I say and immediately lower my head.

Aiden doesn’t want to be my hypothetical arm candy?

For some reason that sort of bothers me.


He pushes my chin up with his finger and looks into my eyes. “A night like that would be magical. You’d want to share it with someone you love.”

“That’s exactly why I don’t write scripts for my own life anymore. You promised you’d be my arm candy. I wrote the script in my head, and now you’re backing out.” I reach into my bag and grab a pencil and my English notebook. “I have to do some homework.”


“No, what?”

“No, we’re not done talking.”

“Yeah, we are.” I tap my notebook with my pencil. “I have homework.”

He runs his hand through his hair and sighs. Then he gets up, gathers his books, and leaves.

I struggle through my homework, my mind still trying to figure out why Aiden doesn’t want to be my hypothetical arm candy.

But then I decide I don’t care. I’ll cast someone else.

Dawson is hot; he’d make great arm candy. Of course, I don’t know if he’d want to be arm candy or not. Riley would though. He’d be the perfect eye candy, really. He’s cocky and would love it.

But, unfortunately, Aiden is right. I’d rather share my dream night with my dream guy. I don’t just want arm candy.

But the odds of that happening are slim. Why do you think so many people take their mom to the Oscars? They’ve been working hard, filming all over the place, and don’t have time for love.

I shake my head. This line of thought is silly.

I’ll recast.

I’m walking my dream red carpet with Mom and Tommy. With my family. Not with some guy that can’t just shut up and look pretty.

My phone vibrates with a text that makes me smile.

Dawson: I miss you.

Me: I miss you too.

Dawson: How’s practice going?

Me: It’s good. You should come sometime. I sit around a lot waiting for my scenes. I have all of my homework done. What have you been doing?

Dawson: Well, I was supposed to go play racquetball with Bryce. But after di

Me: Did your cheerleader wear you out?

Dawson: She did ;) Is she coming back tonight?

Me: She isn’t, but I’d like to. I need a goodnight kiss.

Dawson: I’ll be waiting. <3

Rehashing it.


When I get back to my dorm, I find A

“Where did the rug go?”

“Oh, I donated it to a worthy cause, but don’t worry. I ordered us a new one. What’s going on in here?”

“We’re talking about Homecoming,” A

“Rehashing it, really,” Maggie corrects her.

“Did you end up having fun with Parker, Maggie? He seemed to like when we were up there dancing together.”

“He did, but we’re not going anywhere. It’s really more of a friends with benefits thing,”


“No. I don’t. We’ve been there. Done that. And it didn’t go well. We fought constantly. Now we never fight.”

“You just have sex,” A

“That’s not true. What’s true is that when he starts to piss me off, I just leave or tell him to stop it. I didn’t do that when we dated because I didn’t want to mess up our relationship. I have more control now. Besides, it’s not like we have any long-term potential. So this works for us.”

“What will happen if he starts hanging out with someone else?” A

“More power to him. I like him and his friends are fun to hang out with.”

“I’ve had bad cramps for the last two days. My body is making me pay.”

I lean over and give her a hug. “I’m sorry you don’t feel well. Have you talked to Tyrese at all?”

“No, he’s avoiding me like the plague. Like, we almost ran into each other in the hall and he literally turned around and walked the other way.”

I decide a change of topic might be good. “Are you and Ace good, A

“We’re perfect. He was such a gentleman and I loved getting to meet his mom. It was a dreamy weekend.” She smiles and her cheeks flush. “And he loved the back of my dress. He kept putting his hand on my naked skin while we were dancing. It was hot.”

Maggie’s eyes get huge. “It was hot?”

“Yes, it was. Just because he makes me hot doesn’t mean we are going to do anything. Some people can restrain themselves,” she says, very judgmentally. She instantly puts her hand up to her mouth. “Oh, Katie, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that. I just meant . . .”

“It’s okay, A

“Oh,” A

Jumping out of the bushes.


Katie is fast asleep.

I’m sewing the sequined trim onto the cheerleading costume.

My phone vibrates.