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I’m probably just being silly, because I really do feel safe here.

Didn’t Garrett tell me to listen to my gut? And to that little voice inside my head that lets me know when I’m in danger?

I take a deep breath and clear my head.

I don’t feel danger, so I start my car and go pick up the girls.

Not the jealous type.


After di

I enjoy being appropriately held in Dawson’s arms all night. It’s strange being in his arms for such a long period of time without attacking each other.

Although it doesn’t stop him from whispering all the things he’d like to be doing right now.

Or what he wants to do later.

Or trying to talk me into a quick visit to his dorm, or the bathroom.

Or anywhere, really.

At a little before eleven, the Homecoming Court is assembled for our procession and then the a

We walk to the middle of the stage when our names are called and then line up on the stage.

The Dean thanks the Homecoming Court and gives a short speech about exemplary students, all aimed at the alumni and parents as opposed to the students.

Then he opens an envelope and says, “And this year’s Homecoming King is Dawson Johnson!”

I let out a somewhat dignified whoop as the crowd cheers.

Last year’s Homecoming Queen, the leggy Samantha that Camden was flirting with at the golf tournament, walks across the stage, places a crown on Dawson’s head, and gives him a kiss on the cheek.

The dean is handed another envelope and slowly opens it.

He smiles and says, “And this year’s Homecoming Queen is Peyton Arrington!”

Peyton gets teary-eyed and walks to the center of the stage. Dawson holds out his elbow for her and they smile for the flashing cameras. Camden, who I didn’t realize was last year’s King, walks out onto the stage, grabs Peyton, and dips her back for a sexy kiss on the lips.

All the students hoot and whistle.

He pulls her back upright then places a tiara on her head.

I think ahead to next year. How cool it would be to have Dawson come back, place a crown on my head, and dip me back and kiss me?

I look out into the crowd and realize that I survived the dance. The dance was really the part I was most worried about. It felt a lot like my birthday party. People all around.

I tried to act normal, but I stuck as close to Dawson as I could.

I catch him smiling at me. He looks so handsome. He’s wearing a soft tan dress shirt that is just slightly darker than the nude color under my dress, a black suit with a tan pinstripe, a black tie, and shiny black wingtips.

I watch the assistant dean place a bouquet of red and yellow roses in Peyton’s arms.

Peyton beams and her smile lights up the stage.

But another brightness catches my eye. Aiden is smiling at his sister. I can tell he’s so proud. And he looks extremely handsome standing there. He’s wearing a grey Armani suit, the palest of blue shirts, an artistic gray and blue striped tie, and by far the coolest shoes of the night. I had seen them earlier and hadn’t noticed. They just looked like basic black Prada dress shoes, but up here in the bright light you can see the perforated pattern on them and the bright blue undertones.

He catches me looking at him and gives me a little wink. At least, I think he’s winking at me. There’s no one behind me and I don’t think he was winking at Ariela or Maggie, who are standing beside me. I give him a little smile back.

Music starts playing again and Dawson and Peyton descend from the stage for the Royal Dance.

I glance at Whitney. There’s no mistaking the venom in her glare.

She’s pissed.

Pissed she isn’t out there dancing with Dawson.

Pissed her perfectly scripted life hasn’t gone according to plan.

About halfway through the dance, Dawson and Peyton break apart. Dawson dances with his mom and Peyton with her dad.

I picture myself dancing like that with Tommy.

But if I danced with Tommy, that would mean the truth about who I am would have to come out.

Vincent would have to be in jail.

And if he was, would I come back?

Would everyone hate me for lying?

Or would I go back to my old school?

My old life?

Everyone claps, breaking me out of my reverie, and indicating the end of the song.

Dawson comes up to the stage and holds his hand out to help me descend the stage.

I’m happily swaying in his arms when Whitney says, “May I cut in? For old time’s sake?”

Jake holds out his arm to me, so I politely let her dance with Dawson.

Dawson looks stiff, but she looks happy.

She doesn’t look like a scheming bitch when she dances with him.

And, while I’m not the jealous type, I’m practically giddy when Dawson ends their dance halfway through and takes me back in his arms.

Like a red Solo cup.


Dawson and I walk down to the dorms, so we can pick up our bags to take to the hotel. Then we stop off at the student center, show our school IDs, and get our wristbands.

The school was really concerned about students inviting friends to come to the event, so, for liability reasons, we had to devise a way to make sure the party stayed closed.

The rule is: no wristband = no entrance. No exceptions.

Whitney and Jake meet us at the limo. Jake gives me a hug and whispers, “Thank you. But, beware: she’s in a pissy mood after not wi

Dawson had taken his crown off and put it on me at the dance. I realize I’m still wearing it, so I pull it off my head and tuck it into Dawson's duffle bag. I don’t want to make her feel worse.

“Champagne is in order, I think,” I say to Jake.

He opens one of the bottles he brought along and pours some in a flute for Whitney.

She doesn't even bother to wait for a toast. She just drains it.

Jake refills her glass and then grabs another flute.

“Oh, here,” I say to Jake and hand him two red Solo cups. “Put ours in here.”

“Very classy,” Whitney sneers.

“It has nothing to do with class, Whitney. I’ll never drink out of limo glasses. They don't wash them. Just sort of Windex them off between uses. Way to many germs for me. Besides, nothing says party like a red Solo cup.”

“Maybe your kind of parties.”

“Yes, my kind of parties. Shots. Dancing on the bar. You know, fun stuff.”

Jake asks Dawson for a red cup, fills his glass, and toasts, “No more parents. No more alums. Watch out club. Here we come."

“Whooh!” I yell, and take a sip.

Dawson pulls me into his arms. “Are you going to dance on the bar tonight? That sounds hot.”


Dawson is all over me in the limo.

"I can't wait to help take this off,” he says, touching the bow on my shoulder.

Jake puts his arm around Whitney and as hard as she’s trying to pretend things are perfect, she looks like she's ready to cry.

And I'm sure it doesn't help that I'm sitting here getting mauled by her King.

I grab Dawson's hand and place it on my thigh, keeping my hand firmly on top of it.

Jake says, “So, tell us about the after-party.”

“Although, at first, I wasn't supportive of the idea,” Whitney admits. “After spending the last three days with my family, I'm very much looking very forward to cutting loose.”

Jake grins and promptly refills her flute. She chugs it and then leans into Jake, clearly a little more relaxed.

When we get to the hotel, Jake asks Whitney, “How long do you need to change?”

“Maybe fifteen minutes.”

Jake says to us, “Okay, so we’ll meet back here at 11:45.”

As we walk into the lobby, Dawson puts a shoulder into Jake’s. “I’m go

“But the party starts a midnight,” Whitney pouts.