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“It’s been a month since I stayed with him in the Hamptons. That was when we got together. Like, I was done with the Keats guy, and then I sorta started seeing Dawson.”

“And this a

“He remembered it, if that’s what you mean.”

“That doesn’t sound like something a guy would remember.”

“He’s sweet?”

“Lots of people said you had sex with him that weekend.”

“People speculate lots of things, doesn’t mean they’re true.”

“That would be the kind of a

“Or, he’s just adorably sweet?”

“I can’t believe you had sex so soon.”

“I never said I did.”

“I know you did though. It makes so much more sense now.”

“What makes sense?”

He just shakes his head at me.

“Okay, whatever. I have to go. I guess I’ll see you at di

We’re definitely not.


I stop at my dorm and quickly freshen up. I don’t want to wear my pajama shorts to di

“There you are,” he says, eyeing my skirt then pulling me in for a kiss. “Damn, Keatie, you looked sexy today, but tonight you just look hot. Does this zipper work?” he asks, referring to the one that runs down the front of my black Valentino biker mini.

At Taco Tuesday, the boys are all talking about the Homecoming game. How they have to win. About how it sucks having their parents here. About how they have to help Aiden move the keg to the basement tonight because the dorm advisors are doing room checks tomorrow to make sure they look presentable for Homecoming.

Then they start talking about sex. One of the guys brags about doing it with one of the cheerleaders, and I’m slightly horrified at the intimate details he shares.

I’m so glad Dawson isn’t like that.

I’m also listening closely to what Aiden talks about. To see if he’s the type to kiss and tell.

Dallas tells everyone about the big ring gummy lifesavers Dawson brought to the party.

“That’s a dance team girl trick,” Logan says, gri

“Yeah, I remember hearing that,” I say in a noncommittal way. Mostly I say it that way because Aiden is staring at me.

Nick pats Aiden on the back and says, “And last year the cheerleaders were on a fruit rollup kick, remember that, Aiden?”

Aiden gives him a little smile back and repeats my words. “Yeah, I remember hearing that.”

“Hearing that? More like lived that,” Nick says with a mischievous grin.

So cheerleaders are Aiden’s thing.

Jake says, “What about mints? Altoids. Red hots.”

“All this blow job talk is making me incredibly horny,” Dawson whispers, snuggling up to me.

“You’re always incredibly horny,” I tease.

He runs his hand down my thigh. Then up my thigh and inching closer to going under my leather skirt.

I grab his hand. Hold it firmly in a respectable spot. He looks at me, grins, and laughs.

“What’s so fu

“Nothing, we just need to go study, so we’re go

Riley interrupts. “You don’t need to make up a lame ass excuse. I think we all know.”

“Oh, well, okay.”

I just wave.

I’m feeling a bit sleazy leaving with Dawson early, knowing they all know what we’re going to do.

But in my head, I tell myself we’ll just talk, kiss some.

Yes, it’s our a

We already did it earlier today.

We’re not.

We’re definitely not.

When we get to his car, he pushes me up against the door and gives me a hot kiss.

“I’ll never forget how excited I was when you showed up at the Hamptons, in that bikini. I felt so lucky and happy. And that night. God, that night was amazing. Really. Of course that was probably pretty obvious. Like, how much I wanted you. And then it was so good. Every time is so good. It’s been the best month of my life.”

I slink away from him and get in the car, so he doesn’t attack me right here.

But what he said totally makes me melt, so I lean over, unzip his pants, and slide my hand inside while he drives to the lake.

Wednesday, October 5th

The people that you love.


I offered to go help Dawson work on his cheer, but he doesn’t want me to see it until Friday. So I sit down between Riley and Ace, who has stopped sitting at Whitney’s table and started sitting here with A


I read the headline.

Abby and the Hot Bodyguard’s Secret Affair.

Underneath that is a large photo of Mom and Ryan. Mom’s head is down and Ryan’s hand is on her back, guiding her. It’s not unusual for Ryan to do that when there are a lot of people around. He’s trained to keep her close. To shield her if necessary. Off to the side is a photo of Tommy. He’s wearing a ball cap and sunglasses and his head is down. The photo is not a new one. He’s wearing a shirt that I know he gave to charity over a year ago. The little headline above it says, Friends Say Tommy Distraught Over Affair.

“You shouldn’t believe everything you read in these kinds of magazines,” I tell A

But even though I know it’s not true, I’m worried.

I leave lunch, get to French early, and text Mom.

Me: Saw what the tabloids are saying. Are you doing okay?

Mom: Of course, we are. Our publicist was going to release a statement that it’s false, but sometimes when you do that people assume you’re trying to cover it up.

Me: So it’s better to not say anything? Does it upset you?

Mom: Of course, it’s upsetting when people say stuff about you that’s not true. But it’s part of the business. Don’t worry about the tabloids. Remember, the only people you should care about what they think, are the people you love.

Me: That’s good advice. I love you, Mom. I have to go. The bell just rang.

Mom: We all love you too.

Aiden sits down behind me. He’s dressed for Western Day in a way that reminds me of my grandpa. He’s got on a soft cotton western shirt with pearl snap buttons, Rag & Bone jeans, and a pair of brown leather cowboy boots. The boots are scuffed and well-worn. I can picture him riding a horse around their vineyard, wearing the boots, stopping to have a glass of wine.

“Guess what?” he says.

“You like my boots?” I say, holding up my feet to show off my faded red boots.

“I do like your boots. They look cute with the lace dress.”

“Thank you. I noticed your boots are worn. They your favorite pair?”

“Actually, they are. I wear them nonstop when I’m back home. But that’s not what I was going to tell you.”

“What were you going to tell me?”

“I’m going to be competing against your boyfriend for Mr. Eastbrooke.”


“Yep. Got picked by the soccer team.”

“You’ll probably make a good looking girl. You and Peyton look a lot alike. So are you going to dance for everyone? Finally show them how good you are?”

He shakes his head. “No. Guys never dance. They all do a cheer.”

“And I thought you weren’t like all the other guys?” I tease.

“I told you. No one has ever seen me dance like that. Everyone would think it’s weird.”

“I wouldn’t think it was weird. I’d think it was awesome. Besides, the only people you should care what they think are the people that you love.”

“And those people will be seeing me do a cheer.”

I think about the cheerleader comment from last night. About how Nick said “lived it.” How cheerleaders must be his thing.

The dream girl must be a cheerleader.