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Garrett: He boarded the plane and we watched them close the doors and pull away from the gate. I really don’t think he knows where you are, Keatyn. If he did, he wouldn’t be going back to LA.

Me: That makes me feel a little better. But you said he’s a pla

Garrett: What do you think?

Me: I don’t think he would wait.

Garrett: Me either, but still be cautious. Pay attention to your surroundings. Listen to your gut. If you feel danger, get somewhere safe. Just like you did this time. And please put the locket back on.

Me: I will.

I grab my packages and we head back to school.

When Riley drops me off at my dorm, he tells me, “I’m sleeping in your room for the next few nights, just to be safe.”

“I think I’ll be fine. He might have hired someone to break in, but I think the rest of it, he’ll want to do himself. And he just got on a plane back to LA.”

“Still, I’m sleeping in there.”

“Riley, he’s strong.”

“Doesn’t matter. I’d have the element of surprise. He wouldn’t expect a guy to be in there. What are we going to tell Katie?”

“We don’t have to say anything to Katie. That girl sleeps like a rock. Dawson has come over a couple times and she never even knows he’s been here.”

When Riley sneaks in my room a bit after midnight, he lays down on my fluffy rug.

“Riley, just come up here and sleep with me. I feel bad you’re on the floor.”

“Don’t feel bad. I love this rug. I just want to keep petting it, and I so want to do Ariela on this rug. That’s how you can pay me back. Lend me the rug.”

Tuesday, October 4th

Total diva.


Even with Riley in the room, I don’t sleep well.

I keep having dreams about Vincent. Him being in my room. Me screaming. How I’m screaming as loud as I possibly can, and even though there are people all around me, none of them can hear me.

When six o’clock rolls around, I get up feeling happy to have survived the night.

Luckily, it’s Pajama Day, so I don’t have to do much with my hair. I just put it in a messy bun, throw on the pink and black polka dot camisole and short set, a black slouchy sweater with a big pink heart on it, a pair of black sweater thigh highs, a great pair of Valentino ruffled lace-up biker boots, and I’m out the door.

I even have time to grab a latte before the Social Committee meeting.

I’m in line for coffee when Peyton cuts in next t0 me. “Will you please get me a hot chocolate?”

“Sure. You look really pretty today,” I say, taking in the long silky gown and matching fur heels she bought this weekend. Her hair is smooth and straight and she’s even wearing a long strand of pearls. “Total diva.”

“Whitney is going to be pissed when she sees me. All of them are wearing silk pajamas. You know, like the kind your mom wears.”

“Were you supposed to wear them too?”

“Well, it was suggested that we all wear them.”

“Are they wearing heels with them?”

“We’ll find out as soon as we get to the meeting. You look adorable, by the way. I love how you combine stuff that doesn’t seem like it would go together and make it look so good.”

I laugh. “This was all together at the store.”

“The pajamas, yes, but they didn’t have them with the thigh highs and the motorcycle boots.”

I look down at myself. “That’s true. I don’t know. I just have weird taste.”

“Well, it works. Oh, there’s my brother.”

“Do you want something?” I ask him right before I order.

“Naw, I’m good,” he says, holding up a bottle of water.

“Your T-shirt is awfully tight,” I tease, taking in his Lorenzini blue and white striped sleep pants, extremely fitted white T-shirt—that I know the girls will be going crazy over—and a pair of driving shoes that are so cool, Tommy would die for them.

“Those might be the coolest driving shoes I’ve ever seen,” I say, commenting on the color-washed, tie-dyed shoes he’s wearing. “My step dad would love them. What brand are they?”

“Alberto Moretti Arfango,” he replies. “I found them online at Barneys. Had to have them.”

“You are seriously a man after my own heart.”

Aiden gives me that stupid grin. Like I just admitted my undying love or something.

I roll my eyes at him and head to our meeting.

After the meeting, I’m leaving the building when Aiden runs up from behind me. “Where are you going?”

“I have to go get my stitches out.”

“Are you going by yourself?”

“Uh, yeah. Everyone says that it doesn’t hurt.”

“I’m coming with you.”

“No, you’re not. I’m fine.” I study his face. “Is it go

“Sometimes they come out easily. Other times they sort of grow into your skin and it hurts a bit.”

I wince thinking about the possible pain. “I’m kind of a baby when it comes to stuff like this.”

“Really? You always seem so tough.”

“Emotionally, maybe I’m kinda tough, but with physical pain, I’m a wimp. I don’t know how I’m ever going to have kids.”

He gives me an intense look.


“I was just thinking you’d be a great mom. Lots of fun.”

I smile. “I adore my little sisters. I think I’ll love being a mom. Pregnancy and birth, that’s another story.”

“Pleasure and pain.”

“Kinda like love in general. It can be really great or just a great big pain.”

Aiden nods his head agreeing with me.

“I was fine before, but now you have me all nervous.”

“I make you nervous?” he asks, moving closer to me in a way that makes me feel a completely different kind of nervous.

Because, hello, I have a boyfriend.

Who I love.

Get that tight-fitting T-shirt away from me.

“What’s with you lately? It’s like your goal in life is to pin me against the wall. I’m not going to fall for your little tricks, friend.”

“What little tricks?” he asks i

Hammering. Nailing. Screwing. Give me a break. Your tight white T-shirt may leave most of the girls at school panting, but it doesn’t work on me.”

“And why’s that?”

“Because I think there’s a lot more to a person that their looks. And I really don’t like you all that much.”

“Bullshit. You’re afraid to like me.”

“Afraid to like you?” I roll my eyes at him. “Is this a new experience for you? A girl that doesn’t fall into bed with you.”

“I’m not like that.”

“Please. I’ve heard enough from Maggie to know that’s exactly what you’re like. I’m just not interested in a guy that’s a player. I’ve been burnt by that kind of guy. I’ve been lied to by that kind of guy. That’s part of what I love about Dawson. He’s not a player.”

“Except for his summer in whoredom.”

“You’ve heard about that?”

“Hard not to when he bragged about it all during football camp. All the girls. All the parties. All the meaningless sex.”

“He was just on the rebound after Whitney. She broke his heart. He had fun. Big deal. Everyone has rebound sex.” I remember Aiden telling me that Dawson was just a rebound, so I quickly add. “I mean, it’s something guys do. Girls just cry.”

He shakes his head at me. “And what about the party? When he was pawing your shirt? He’s still rebounding. So are you for that matter.”

“You don’t know anything.”

“Keatie,” I hear Dawson call from behind us. “Wait up.”

Aiden and I turn around as Dawson catches up to me. “I’m coming with you to get your stitches out. My hand has recovered. We should be good.”

I laugh at him. “I’ll try not to kill your hand this time. Jake told me this is the easy part. Although Aiden says it might hurt a little.”

“Aiden’s right. Sometimes it hurts a little. And with today being a special day and all, I couldn’t let you go alone.” He throws his arm around my shoulder and pulls me in for a hug. He turns to Aiden. “You going to see the nurse too?”