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“I’m sorry about the Brooklyn thing, Garrett. I wouldn’t have gone to see her. You know what was really weird though? He didn't call me Keatyn. He called me Abby. He’s never called me Abby before.”

“He’s getting worse. More out of touch with reality.”

“Did he leave when Mom did? Are you following him?”

“We were. We tracked down his hotel. He might be out of touch with reality, but he’s still not making any mistakes. He didn’t stay at the same hotel as your mom and he had what appeared to be a business di

“Even though I know I’m safe here, I’ll feel better when he's back in California.”

“You and me both.”

You need to chill.


Everyone is still in a party mood and looking forward to this week, so we all meet up at the Cave.

I’m sitting between Jake and Dawson, sharing a joint and getting chewed out by Jake.

“So you invited Peyton but not Whitney on your little shopping trip? How is that any different from what she did to you?”

“For one, I didn’t take her boyfriend with me and lie to him. For two, Peyton invited herself. And for three, my loft only sleeps so many people. So, I couldn’t have invited Whitney because she doesn’t really go anywhere without Rachel and the minions. I mean, do they follow you into the bedroom?”

Jake squints his eyes at me. “That’s mean.”

I roll my eyes at him. “It’s different, Jake. I didn’t purposely exclude her. I didn’t invite everyone else in front of her and then tell her she wasn’t worthy of going.”

“Dude,” Dawson says to Jake. “You need to relax. We’re supposed to be partying.”

I look at Jake. “Are you mad because you think I excluded Whitney or because I didn’t invite you to the Mission: Impossible party?”

“The party sounds like it was a lot of fun.”

I feel bad. “Maybe we could all hang out sometime.”

Dawson giggles. “Fuck that. I’m not hanging out with her.”

“Dawson, be nice!”

“What do you expect, Jake? Keatie is right. Whitney wouldn’t have gone even if she was invited.”

“Maybe not, but I would have.”

“It was a couples’ thing that wasn’t pla

“Thank you. And we need to talk about Homecoming. What are you pla

Dawson looks at me. “We haven’t really talked about the details, but I’ve made a few plans.” He leans over and kisses me. It’s a sexy kiss, full of tongue.

“We were talking about pla

“We’re just doing what everyone is,” I say. “The day’s festivities. Di

“Are you riding one of the buses to the club?”

I nod my head yes at the same time that Dawson shakes his head no. “We have to go to the after-party, Dawson. You’ll love my outfit.”

“I love everything you wear.” Then he says under his breath, “And everything you don’t.”

I kiss him again. Smoking makes me want to kiss. So I kiss him.

He pulls me over onto his lap and I kiss him some more.

Jake gets a frustrated tone in his voice and interrupts us again. “So how are you getting to the club?”

Dawson pulls his lips away from mine. “I got a limo for Keatie and me. Just the two of us.” He grins at me. “I also got us a hotel room.”

I run my fingers through his hair and snuggle up closer to his chest. “Really? That sounds fun. I like just the two of us.”

Jake lets out an audible sigh.

“What?” Dawson says to him.

“It’s hard to carry on a conversation when you keep making out.”

“Fine. Keatie, stop attacking me.”

I giggle, then do just that. Attack his neck with kisses while he tries to carry on a conversation with Jake.

“What are your plans, Jake?”

“I just thought we’d party together. It’s our senior year. We’ve gone to every Homecoming together.”

“We will be partying together. At the dance. The after-party. You and Whitney are welcome to come in the limo with us to the club if you want. We’re stopping at the hotel first. Changing. Which might take awhile. Going to the after-party. Then back to the hotel. I booked it for two nights, so we wouldn’t have to check out at noon. We’ll crash. Get room service. Enjoy some private time. Then head back to school after di

“No. Whitney is taking care of all of it.”

I can tell that Jake is bummed. I stop kissing Dawson’s neck. “What about di

“Whitney already has pla

“Do you get to plan anything?”

“Sure, from the list she gave me.”

“She likes to plan,” Dawson says.

“Yeah, well sometimes it takes the fun out of it.”

I hand Jake the joint. “Here. I think you need this.”

Monday, October 3rd

I thought you’d never ask.


I’m in history class with Riley when I get called to the office. I smile, grab my bag, and figure that Peyton got me out of class again.

When I get to the office though, I don’t see her.

Instead the Dean’s secretary says, “Miss Monroe, the dean will see you now.”

The dean will see me now? Why does the dean want to see me?

What did I do!?

I walk into his office.

Be calm, Keatyn. Don’t look guilty.

The dean looks up from his desk. “Sit down, Miss Monroe. There’s something we need to discuss.”

“Yes, sir,” I say as I fidget with the zipper on my handbag.

“This is a delicate situation,” he tells me. He’s got a little bead of sweat on the upper corner of his forehead, where his hairline just barely recedes.

Is he nervous?

“We pride ourselves on security here at Eastbrooke, but it appears that someone was in our office last night. We believe that your file was accessed.”

My eyes get huge, my thoughts immediately racing to the rehabs that were broken into. To Vincent being in New York City.

Vincent tracked me from New York.

He had me followed, and I didn’t know it.

He knows I’m here.

But if he knows I’m here, if he broke in last night, why didn’t he come and get me last night while I was sleeping?

Didn’t Garrett say Vincent was too smart to do it himself? That he probably hired someone.

Does that mean he’s on his way?

I clear my throat. It’s obvious that the dean expects me to respond. “Were there other files accessed?”

Please say yes.

“It appears to have been just yours.”

I try not to panic.

I need to know what Vincent knows. “What exactly is in my file?”

“The basics. Your school transcripts. Current class schedule. Parking pass. Dorm assignment. And, well, the financial arrangements regarding your tuition.”

That’s why he broke in. He knows I’m here, but he needs to know what dorm I’m in. Tonight, he’s coming to get me. Or maybe he’s waiting for me inside my car. Hiding in the backseat, waiting for me to drive off, then he’ll overtake me. Or maybe he wanted me to know he found me. Maybe he’ll make me wait. Make me crazy with wonder as to when he’s coming. Maybe he’s playing with me. Garrett said that stalking is all about control.

What am I going to do? Where am I going to go? I just started building a new life here.

“Thank you for letting me know, sir. Is there anything else?”

“No, we just needed to make you aware of the situation. Particularly since your financial data may have been compromised.”

“Thanks,” I say.

He has no idea. He’s worried about money. About getting sued.