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Me: He did. But he’s your brother. You can’t tell me he wouldn’t lie for you.

Dawson: Yeah, I guess.

Me: The good news for you is that I trust Riley and he says it’s true.

Dawson: So you’re not mad?

Me: When I got your texts last night, I was really upset, Dawson. I think maybe you have some major sucking up to do.

Dawson: I’m good at sucking . . .

Me: Yes, I know. I gotta go. Shoes are calling. I heart you.

Dawson: I heart you more.

Now that everyone has their dresses, we’re at a department store looking at jewelry, handbags, and shoes.

Katie, Maggie, and A

“Um, no, actually, I can’t.” My mom is here? Could that be true? Garrett did say she was taking a trip.

“We’re all going down to the cosmetics department. That’s where she’s supposed to be. We’re going to go stalk her and see if we can get a picture with her.”

Shit. I can’t go see her.

But I want to see her.

God, I want to see her.

They all take off, but A

“Aren’t you coming?”

“Um, you guys go. I lived in LA. Seeing a celebrity isn’t that big of deal to me. I’m go

She runs off and I slink over to the second floor balcony, where I can see down to the cosmetics and perfume counters. I spot Mom right away. There are two men, Ryan and Craig, in black suits trailing closely behind her. James is not with her, which is surprising. He almost always accompanies Mom when Tommy doesn’t. It makes Tommy worry less.

Which means Mom made James stay with the girls. Which means she’s worried about them.

Which makes me worry.

I watch her stop to try on some perfume. She smiles graciously and takes a photo with a fan. I see my friends wandering through the cosmetics counters.

I pull my phone out and call her.

She puts her phone up to her ear just as A

“Whatever you do, Mom, do not say my name out loud. I go to school with the girls who are standing in front of you. They want your autograph.”

“You're here?”

“Yes. I’m hiding behind some clothes on the second floor balcony. I want to see you. Go ahead and sign the autographs. A

“Sounds good,” she says and hangs up.

I slowly back away from the balcony and almost knock over a rack.

“Can I help you?” a sales clerk asks me.

I jump. Look guilty. “Um, no.” I look at the escalators and decide I’d be better off going the back way. “Where's the elevator?”

She points a finger toward the back of the store.

“Thank you.”

I quickly walk to the elevator and take it to the fifth floor. I grab the first four items I see and ask for a fitting room.

I shut the door and drop to the little stool.

I look at my hands. They’re shaking. I’m so excited and nervous to see Mom.

Pretty soon, I hear Ryan speaking. “Yes ma'am, that's fine.”

"Keatyn?" Mom whispers.

I swing open the fitting room door. She rushes into the room, pulls me into a tight hug, and I immediately start crying.

She smells so good. Like lavender, honeysuckle, and the ocean.

We hug each other tightly and cry for a while before either one of us speaks.

Finally, Mom gently pushes me away and looks at me. "God, I've missed you. And look at you. You look grown up. Your outfit is adorable. You put it together yourself, didn't you?”

I smile and wipe tears from my eyes.

“You were always better at fashion than me. I can't put anything together without Kym. So you’re just here shopping with your friends?”

“Yeah. I got chosen for Homecoming Court, so I needed a dress.”

“Oh, honey, that’s great! I’m so proud of you! So, you’re doing well?”

“Yeah, I’m doing well. I actually really like school.”

“Does that have something to do with a certain boy?”

I grin, just thinking about him. “Yeah, it probably does. But all of it’s good. I’ve made some great friends. So why are you here in New York?”

“I’m doing a couple morning shows tomorrow and a couple interviews today. Pre-release buzz for To Maddie with Love.

“How are the girls? I miss them so much.”

She holds up her phone and scrolls through pictures of the girls. I start crying harder. I’ve only been gone a month, but I can already tell they’ve grown.

But then she stops on one that causes me to start laughing through my tears.

It’s Gracie. She’s apparently moved on to cold weather gear from her usual swimsuits, princess gowns, and angel wings. She’s got on fuzzy multi-colored striped tights, ladybug rain boots, the pink tie-dyed tutu I was wearing the first time I met Tommy, and a long-sleeved T-shirt with pink hearts. Her hair is in pigtails and she’s holding a chalkboard with an arrow on it. The arrow is pointing to an adorable fluffy Golden Retriever puppy. The chalkboard has the words, Bad dog written next to the arrow. It’s so fu

We hear Ryan cough. Then he says, “Abby, we need to get going. You have that interview with Vogue.”

“I can cancel it,” Mom says.

“No, it’s okay, Mom. My friends are going to wonder where I am.”

I hug her one more time.

“I love you, Mom.”

She smooths down the back of my hair and says, “I love you too. You should probably stay in here for a few minutes. Give me a head start so no one sees us together. I know people don’t recognize you, but if we were together, they might figure it out. There are a swarm of photographers out front.”

I sit down and waste ten minutes on Facebook. See A

I walk out of the fitting room, go through the lingerie department, and down the escalators. I’m just stepping on the escalator to the first floor when my phone buzzes.


Shit. Mom’s not gone yet.

I’m halfway down the escalator when all of a sudden I see Vincent step onto the up escalator.

My heart starts pounding.

I look around, trying to quickly assess the situation.

Trying to remember everything Garrett taught me.

Mom and her security are upstairs. I could go up there. But then my friends would know. Vincent would follow me. It’d be a mess.

Vincent is messing with his phone. His head is down and I pray that he doesn’t look up.

But just as I’m getting ready to pass him, he does.

Our eyes meet and his widen in shock. His look of shock is quickly replaced with a scary smirk.

He reaches out and tries to grab my hand, but I quickly pull it away.

He leaps up, hops across the escalator, and is now jogging down the stairs after me, yelling, "Abby, wait!"

Why is he calling me Abby?

As I get to the first level, I can see out the front door. Mom was right. There are a mess of photographers waiting for her.

A plan starts to form in my mind.

Can I use them to get away?

It’s the only thing I can think of.

I slip my big black sunglasses off the top of my head and down over my eyes.

I run fast out the front door as Vincent yells out again, practically on cue, “Abby, please wait!"