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“Don't act guilty then.”

She looks at herself in the mirror. “Do I look guilty?”

“Mostly, you look hung over but, yes, right now, you do. But that's probably because you're kind of freaking out.”

She runs her hand through her perfect long blonde waves and says, “Shit. I ca

"Her work?"

Peyton purses her lips. "I shouldn't have said that but, in a way, sleeping with Jake feels sort of freeing." She stops and laughs. "Plus, he is really fun. Maybe I should just tell her." She nervously bites on the edge of a manicured nail. "You know, she did that to me. Found out that my college boyfriend was cheating on me. Embarrassed me in class by passing around a photo of him kissing another girl."

I think about how I could help. What could she do that wouldn't be a direct challenge, but would still piss Whitney off?

I smile. "Maybe you should find a Homecoming date who is hotter than Jake."

Peyton narrows her eyes. "Who here is hotter than Jake?"

"I don't know," I say. "Come on. Let's get out of here."

We stand in line, grab a couple salads, and then sit at the table. Dawson and Riley walk over and set their trays down next to me.

Peyton's face lights up, and I half expect her to say Dawson is hotter and she'll take him.

She stands up quickly and throws her arms around my shoulders in a hug. “You're brilliant.”

"Why are you brilliant?" Dawson asks, just as Whitney sits down and scoffs, "Yes, why are you brilliant?"

"Because I helped a friend with a problem, I think."

Whitney sneers. "So brilliant that you don't even know. Classic." She turns her back on us and starts chatting animatedly to Rachel about Jake's Homecoming proposal.

I face Dawson. "I think maybe Peyton wants to be your date."

He runs his hand up my thigh. "Peyton is hot, but she's been with my brother. I could never be with someone who’s been with one of my brothers. Speaking of brothers. Cam wants me to hang out with him this weekend."

"That sounds fun."

"You won't be mad if I go?"

"Should I be mad at you for wanting to see your brother?"

He wraps his arm around my neck and kisses my forehead. "You're the coolest girlfriend ever."

I'm about to ask him what he's going to do there that I would need to be cool about, but the dean stands up at the podium. "Before I a

He starts reading freshman and sophomore names off a list. "Riley, why did he stop and look at you?"

Riley whispers, "Remember I told you I got kicked out Freshman year?"

"Uh, huh."

"It may have been due to an incident during Homecoming."

" . . . Junior boys: Aiden Arrington, Logan Pedersen, and Nick Cosse. Junior Girls: Maggie Morgan, Keatyn Monroe, Ariela Ross. And lastly, our Senior Court: Jake Worth, Dawson Johnson, and Brad Stewart. And our lovely Queen candidates: Whitney Clarke, Peyton Arrington, and Mariah Sauer. Remember, if you are a football player, you will wear your uniform on the field during half time. And, as per tradition, all girls will wear a formal gown. All members will be accompanied on the field by their parents. Congratulations to this year's Homecoming court, and Go Cougars!"

I watch Whitney ball her hand into a fist and shake it when they call her name. She must really want this. She never shows such excitement over anything.

Dawson hugs me. "Congrats, Keatie! I can't believe you made it. You've only been here a month!"

Whitney says, "Why you think she's dating you, Dawson? She wants to be popular."

I want to leap over the table, grab Whitney by the shirt, and wipe the smug look off her face.

But, I don't.

"I'm not dating Dawson to be popular, Whitney." I say. "I'm dating him for hot sex."

Dawson drops his head onto my shoulder to hide his snickers.


"Hot sex isn't supposed to be classy, Whitney. But speaking of classy, I heard how Jake asked you to Homecoming last night. How he tied a note to a certain body part."

Rachel and the other minions look at Whitney in surprise. I have a feeling she didn't tell them the complete truth.

Whitney recovers quickly. “He wrapped it around his ankle."

I laugh. “So I heard. I also heard that wasn't the first place you looked." I turn to Dawson. "Come on, my future Homecoming King. Walk me to class."

"My pleasure," he says, getting up and escorting me out of the café.

As I'm sitting in French class, waiting for the bell to ring, I'm thinking about texting Kym and asking her to find me a gown. But I decide that it might be fun to go shopping in New York this weekend instead. Dawson will be out of town, so I'll ask the girls if they want to make a weekend out of it. I’m also wondering who in the world I’m going to get to escort me on the field.

Me: I need your help.

My phone rings.

“What’s wrong?” Garrett asks me.

"Um, nothing. I made Homecoming Court. My parents are supposed to escort me. It's a big deal here, so I just thought maybe . . ."

Aiden and A

"I'm sorry. Your mom is pla

"Is something going wrong with the trip?"

"It's my job to make sure nothing goes wrong."

"Oh, okay. So it's next Friday night. Will that work?"

His voice softens. "I'll make it work, Keatyn."

I smile. "Thank you."


Scripted out her perfect life.


We're finishing up soccer practice when Peyton smiles and whispers to me, "Done."

"What's done?"

"I have a date who is hotter than Jake and, no offense, hotter than Dawson."


"Dawson's older brother, Camden. But don't tell anyone. I want it to be a surprise. I've been telling Whitney that I don't have a date. That I'm probably going stag. She's been pitying me."

“Why don't you want her to know?"

"Because that's who Whitney really wanted." She leans in close and speaks quietly. "Dawson doesn't even know this. He thought she was a virgin when they did it, but her first time was really with Cam."

As we jog into the locker room, I think about Dawson. How hurt and disgusted he would be if he ever found out the truth.

While I’m changing out of my soccer clothes, Peyton is still spilling. "He totally used her then ditched her. So she settled for Dawson. Told me that she knew he'd grow up to be almost as hot and pla

"She scripted out her perfect life?" Wow. Whitney and I aren’t really that different.