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Of course, once he has it clasped he attacks my neck with his mouth.

Cool your orange panties.


I'm lying in bed lazily sliding the key back and forth on the chain and thinking about tonight. How Dawson attacked my neck. How he stopped hugging me and started rubbing his hands up and down my sides. How he slid his hand up under my dress and inside my panties. How I stood there in the dark thinking, What if someone can tell what he's doing to me, but not caring enough to stop him. How by the time he was done all I could think about was having him come to my house for a wild playdate. The kind of playdate where the parents aren't home so the kids eat sugar, jump on the beds, and color all over the walls. How I dragged him to the lacrosse field. How the bleachers felt cold on my naked ass and how it contrasted so perfectly with the hotness of him on top of me.

He texts me at the same time a Facebook notification pops up.

Dawson Johnson and Kiki Kiki are in a relationship.

It shows a photo timeline of us together. Kissing on the bench. At the Hamptons partying. Holding my hand at lunch. Kissing after he asked me to Homecoming. I accept our relationship and change my profile picture to the one of us kissing. You can't really see my face, just how I leapt up into his arms and gave him a kiss worthy of the sexy way he asked me.

Katie pops up out of her bed. "Keatyn! Dawson asked you out? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Everyone already thinks we're going out. We just made it official tonight."

"How did he ask? Was is dreamy?"

"I'm not sure about dreamy. He was just sweet. We went to di

"Then what?"

"Then he was being naughty, so I dragged him to the lacrosse field."

"I want to go to the lacrosse field. I’ve heard it's a nice, private place."

"I little cold but, yeah, it was."

"So are you finally going to admit that you and Dawson are having sex?"

I laugh. "Probably not."

"But you are, right?"

I nod my head and laugh. “Probably.”

She leaps across the room and onto my bed. "Tell me about it, please. Let me live vicariously through you. I don't even have a date for Homecoming and it's only a week away!"

"I have an idea of someone you could go with. I know you’ve been hanging out with Jordan, but I heard him say that he didn't want a date."

She slumps her shoulders, picks up one of my pillows, and hugs it. "I was hoping Tyrese would ask me, but he's been seeing that Macy chick."

"Yeah, he hasn't hung out or partied with us in a while. Dawson says he does that. He gets all into a girl and forgets about his friends."

"So you have an idea of someone I could go with?"

"What about Dallas?"

"He is so cute. Do you think he would want to go with me?"

“I know he thinks you’re cute."

Her face brightens. "Ohmigosh, really? He’s adorable. Can you talk to him?"

"Should I call him now?"

"Oh, I don't know." She smooths her hair down with her hand. "I look like a mess."

"He's not going to see you through the phone, silly. I’ll text him.”

Me: You go

Dallas: Probably go stag.

Me: What if you had a real date? Like with someone that has been crushing on you since school started.

Dallas: Katie???!!

Me: Yes, Katie. She was hanging with Jordan, but he says he doesn't want a date.

Dallas: Must be gay. Call me. Then make her talk to me.

Me: Uh, okay. What are you go

Dallas: First, I’m go

Me: DALLAS!!!!

Dallas: Cool your orange panties and call me. I won’t try anything but if she attacks me I will NOT resist.

I dial Dallas' number and hold the phone out to Katie. Her eyes get big then she sits up straighter and brushes her fingers through her hair. She nods at me and takes the phone.

She goes, "Uh, huh." Laughs. "Oh!" Giggles. "Well, I'm not wearing any right now." Major blushing and more giggling. "No, you don't have to. Yes, I'd love to."

She hands me back my phone and screams, "AHHHHH!!!!! I have a date for Homecoming!" Then she stands up and jumps up and down on my bed singing, "I have a date. I have a date!"

I think about how Gracie used to jump on my bed. It's weird how someone doing the simplest thing can bring tears to my eyes. How it can remind me of home.

She does one more bounce then lands with a thud.

"Did you tell him he didn't have to ask you in a cute way?"

"Yeah, I don't care about that. I just want a date. Plus, he kinda caught me off guard when he asked about my panties. He's really sexy. Like, he has a sexy voice. Had any other guy asked me that, I probably would've hung up on him. But he's just so damn cute. I gotta call A

She bounds back over to her bed and calls Maggie.

Me: She’s screaming in joy.

Dallas: I’ll have her screaming in ecstasy ;)

Me: You are SO bad!

I read Dawson's text.

Dawson: I think we need to celebrate. Let's get some people together tonight and party.

Me: I thought our celebration was pretty damn good already but, you know me, I'm always up for a party.

Dawson: Bryce and Jake are up for it too. Meet me at 1, my sexy, hot, amazing girlfriend.

Me: Your girlfriend. I like that. <3

Hearting me.


I'm sitting in Aiden's room.


The place I said I was never going back to.

Lucky thing number one: Aiden is not here.

I'm happily sitting on Dawson's lap, drinking a Corona, and gabbing with Peyton.

Lucky thing number two: Whitney's not here.

I think tonight might just be my lucky night.

I've gotten lucky twice.

Well, three times if you count the lacrosse bleachers with Dawson.

And you most definitely should.

Jake walks in, grabs a beer, and tries to sit on my lap.

"My knee?" I half yell at him. I don't need him popping open my stitches. Although, I'm ready to. The things itch like crazy.

He hops up, picks Peyton's ski

"Asked who what?" Peyton asks.

"Whitney to Homecoming," Jake says matter-of-factly.

"But I thought you were doing my airplane idea?"

"Yeah, great idea. Big expense. Not doing it. So, I got creative. I wrapped a note around a certain body part. Told her she might want to find it."

"Ohmigawd, Jake! That's a horrible way to ask!" Peyton says as she hits him on the shoulder.

But I’m thinking just the opposite. A little treasure hunt around the body of a hot guy sounds like fun to me.

“I’d like a treasure hunt across your body,” I whisper into Dawson’s ear.

He squeezes me tight. “That sounds like fun.”

Jake responds to Peyton by tickling her sides. "Wow. You think so highly of me. I wrapped it around my ankle." He grins. "Fortunately, for me, her mind is in the gutter like yours. She didn't look there first."

"I was go

He gives me a high five. "That's what I like about you, Monroe. You're sweet, even though you're a bad liar. I swear, you can't lie about anything. When you try to fib, it's written all over your face."