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I turn my back on him, let the robe slide off my shoulders, and walk naked into the bedroom.

He follows me like a dog after a bone. “Oh, you’re in trouble now.”

After di

“Yum. What did you get?”

“Okay, so close your eyes.”

I close them.

I can hear him banging around in the kitchen and pretty soon he’s back in front of me.

“Okay, open.”

In front of me is a sinful looking triple layer chocolate cake and two forks.

It reminds me of the cake Brooklyn bought me for my birthday. The cake I made a wish on.

And ended up here.

Is fate trying to tell me something?

He puts a piece on a fork, holds it up to my mouth, and I decide to forget about fate.

“Oh my, it is so good. Seriously, almost orgasmic.”

Even though he threatened me with torture of some kind, I couldn’t sit at the di

But after eating cake, I do suggest the hot tub. The water is warm and all the city lights are gorgeous in an urban way. Not the beach, but very pretty.

“This is really romantic,” he tells me.

“Yeah, I like it.”

And then he starts kissing me again.

And we all know where that leads.

Monday, September 26th

One. Perfect. Horny. Detail.


I elbow Jake. “I heard you and Whitney got back together.”

“And I heard you and Dawson got together.”

“We went shopping. Had di

“Aww, come on, Monroe. Give us some of the dirty details. Dawson never tells us anything good.”

“Does that mean he tells you stuff that’s bad?”

“You know what I mean. You were all alone in what he described as the ultimate party loft. He said the place gave him a boner just walking in at the thought of the sin that could be accomplished there.”

“Hmmm, well, that explains things.”

“Explains what?”

“Why he was all hot and bothered the minute we walked in the door. Here I thought it was me.”

“Come on. One detail. One. Perfect. Horny. Detail.”

I roll my eyes at him. “If Dawson had his way, we would’ve been naked the whole time.”

“So you were naked all weekend?”


“If you were naked, that means you did it,” Bryce says.

“Not necessarily. Maybe I’m like a piece of art. You can look but you can’t touch.”

“Dawson is too fucking happy to have just looked,” Jake says.

“Maybe he’s into art,” I say with a raised eyebrow.

“Maybe he’s into you.”

“So tell me what Whitney said.”

“We didn’t actually get back together yet, but she did say she was sorry. Says she will apologize to you.”

“You know that she won’t.”

He nods. “She also says she was just looking out for him.”

“And you believe that?”

He scrunches up his nose and laughs. “No, but she seemed very eager to please me.”

Bryce pats him on the shoulder. “Dude. Makeup sex is the best.”

“So I might as well enjoy it. Make her pay a little,” Jake says.

“Jake, you crack me up. You’re using the one person who uses everyone else, and you’re getting away with it. You might be a better salesman than I thought.”

Bryce cracks up laughing and our teacher shushes him.

As we’re walking toward the student center for lunch, Jake and Bryce tell me they have to go do something for football real quick, but that Dawson wants me to wait at the table for him. That they’ll be there shortly.

“Um, no thanks. I don’t have a death wish.”

“Just sit there, Monroe, and don’t let her give you any shit.”

I sigh big. “Fine.”

I’m actually kind of excited to see Whitney. I hope she looks me up and down and gives me a dirty look. It will mean that I look good. Today is the first day that I haven’t worn one of Kym’s looks. I’m wearing a look I put together myself. As you would expect, it started with a new pair of shoes: deep red suede Louboutin T-strap platforms with leopard heels. I paired them with the plaid skort, a cream-colored Dolce & Gabbana ruffled-front silk blouse, red silk headband, black cardigan, and a fun Juicy Couture charm bracelet.

As I’m confidently walking to the student center, I get a photo texted to me from Garrett.

I pull it up and see another photo of Vanessa with Bam. His arm is wrapped around her and she’s smiling coyly. She looks really happy. And I can’t help but hope that she is. I look a little closer and notice that she’s cropped them out of a group of people. I can see numerous body parts behind and around them.

Me:  Another photo. Why?

Garrett:  Look closely. At the arm on Vanessa’s right.

I enlarge the photo.

And feel like I’m going to throw up.

Not only is a scrolly Abby tattoo clear, but Vincent has a new one.

Up on his wrist.

A chaos tattoo just like mine.

Me: Holy shit! He got a tattoo just like mine??!!!

Garrett:  What? I just saw Abby. 

Me:  The Chinese symbol on his wrist is in almost the exact location as Brooklyn’s. It makes me feel sick. Do you think the security B has is sufficient or have they cut back too?

Garrett:  I think while he’s out of the country he is fine. I already suggested more undercover security for when he is back in the states. Promise me you won’t go see him.

Me:  I promise. I’m sorry, but that’s just fucked up.

Garrett:  My thoughts exactly.

Just like a good little mutt.


I walk in a daze to the student center. Aiden stands in front of me. “Are you okay?” he asks me.

“Huh?” I say distractedly. “Oh, yeah. I’m fine. My friend is safe. It’s all good,” I try to say convincingly. “Hey, I heard you were the one who told Riley about what Whitney did. That was really nice.”

He gives me a dazzling smile. “Well, I promised to be nice to you. Will you meet me in my room tonight for tutoring?”

“I appreciate it, Aiden. And, uh, sure.”

I walk through the lunch line then sit down exactly where Whitney told me not to. I say hey to Peyton, hoping she can be my buffer.

Whitney leans in front of Peyton and says in a fake sad voice, “I will admit, I was a little jealous that you were catching Dawson’s attention, but now I just feel sorry for you. I’m actually glad that Jake left because now I’m free to go to homecoming with Dawson. He and I totally bonded in the limo. You should have heard us talking about all the fun we had at the last three. And we’ll be King and Queen this year, so it’s only natural.”

I see Peyton narrow her eyes. I’ve heard her talking in dance about how she hopes to be Queen this year. She sits up a little straighter and raises her chin slightly in the air. It’s a move I totally recognize. She’s about to stand up to Whitney.

“I don’t know,” she says. “He seems pretty crazy about Keatyn. And the way he calls her Keatie is so adorable.”

Whitney narrows her eyes slightly, but it doesn’t stop her. She snarls at me. “He’s just using you. Surely you’re a smart enough girl to realize that. He’s not going to fall in love with you.”

I don’t get to answer. She turns away from me and speaks directly to her friends. “He freaked out about the photos of them on Facebook. Do you really think he’s going to ask her to Homecoming and be stuck with those pictures for the rest of his life? Plus, his parents will be here, and they adore me. No way he’s going to introduce her to Fred and Sharon.

I sit up a little straighter. “I got to meet his parents. After he and Jake ditched you, we went to New York.”

“Oh and stayed with his mom and dad. That must have been so romantic,” she sneers.

“Actually, we only met them for lunch on Sunday. We stayed at my loft.”

“With your parents?” she laughs. “Even better. If he weren’t so well-ma