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Sunday, September 18th

I want to lose.


I go to church service on campus with Dawson at eleven. Then we have lunch.

At lunch, Jake and Ace are organizing a game of kickball.

Katie and I stop off at our dorm to change out of our church clothes and then meet everyone down at the practice field.

Jake and Ace decide they will be captains and start choosing sides. I wasn’t really surprised that Aiden, Logan, and Nick all show up, but I am surprised when Aiden smiles at me.

Damn those smiles.

Aiden is the first person Jake picks.

Ace chooses Dawson.

Jake has to choose a girl next, so he picks me. Then he sticks out his tongue at Dawson.

Dawson grabs me around the waist and gives me a long kiss. “Don’t get mad at me when my team kicks your team’s ass.”

“Hmmm, what do I get if my team wins?”

“Me, of course,” he replies.

I flit over to our side of the field feeling happy.

Aiden snarls, “Now I want to lose. I never want to lose.”

“Why would you want to lose?”

“So you don’t get Dawson. Besides, I need you tonight.”

“Can’t. I have plans and you were a jerk yesterday.”

“I’m sorry, okay. You just make me so—never mind. I’m sorry, but I do need you. We have that French test on Tuesday. It’s a recap of everything I didn’t learn last year and I really need to do well on it. A bunch of us are going to the library after this to study. Please come.”

He is so pathetic.

Actually, so I am. I can’t stay mad at him. No matter how hard I try.

Plus, I promised Miss Praline I’d tutor him. I suppose I kinda have to help him.

I roll my eyes at him. “Fine.”

This is bullshit.


I make A

We actually get a lot of studying done. Aiden invited Nick, Angela, and Stewart to study too. They all have French, just at different times. We study for a couple hours and then we are all hungry so we order pizza and go to Nick’s dorm room to eat it. Then we decided we need to do more studying, and Aiden suggests we chill in the hot tub at the Rec Center. He convinces us that we can still quiz each other there.

In the hot tub, we mostly jack around instead of studying.

I decide that if they are done studying, I’m going to head out. I get out of the hot tub and grab a towel to dry myself off. I want to go hang out with Dawson before curfew.

Aiden runs up to me, grabs me around the waist, and leaps into the pool.

When we come up for air, he’s still holding me in his arms. And we have this moment. I’m so pissed at him. But we’re so close. Body to body. Face to face.

We just stare at each other for a moment. It’s like he’s trying to memorize my face with those gorgeous green eyes.

He gives me a little squeeze, then lets go of me.

 I swear, Aiden makes me melt one minute and boil the next.

I could never like him.


I check my phone and see that I have numerous texts and a couple missed calls from Dawson.

Dawson:  Hey :) I wa

Dawson:  Where are you?  (6:42 pm)

Dawson:  Why aren’t you replying? (7:14 pm)

Dawson:  I heard you were in the library with Aiden and now no one seems to know where you are. Just FYI, I’m headed up to his room. (8:22 pm)

Dawson:  This is bullshit. (9:10 pm)

Me:  Hey, sorry. What’d you want? (9:26 pm)

Dawson:  What I want is to know where you’ve been and why you haven’t replied.

Me:  I didn’t have my phone.

Dawson:  Okay. You want to tell me where you were?

Me:  Oh, yeah, sorry. I was studying in the library with A

Dawson:  It seems like Aiden is always trying to find an excuse to spend time with you.

Me:  You’re the only one I want to spend time with. Can I come over now, make it up to you?

Dawson:  What did you do that you have to make up for?

And that text, I have to say, makes me mad. I don’t need this right now. I had a good night and made a few new friends. I’m not going to feel bad about it. I also have more homework to do.

Me:  I thought maybe I made you worry or something. Never mind. I’ll see you tomorrow.

Dawson:  No, I’m sorry. I’m being a jealous jerk. Meet me outside the dorm. We can go for a walk?

Me:  Much better <3

I meet him outside his dorm.

“So, studying in the hot tub is a good idea. We need to do that because it’s usually pretty private. We could have some fun,” Dawson tells me as we walk down toward the football stadium.

“Yeah, it was nice. Although, we didn’t do that much studying once we got there. Everyone was screwing around and talking, so I was pla

“Why’d he do that?”

“I don’t know.”

“How did he do it?”

“Do what?”

“Throw you in the pool?”

“Uh, what do you mean?”

“I mean, did he push you in?”

“Um, no. He like picked me up and carried me screaming in.”

“He carried you?”

“Nick did it to Angela. They don’t like each other. Okay, you know what? I’m done with this conversation. I didn’t do anything wrong.”

“No, but, never mind. I’ll take care of it.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I’ll just talk to Aiden.”

“And why would you do that?”

“He needs to stop flirting with my girl.”

“Oh my gosh. Seriously?”

“You think I’m being dumb, right?”

I get a big grin on my face. “I think what you need is a talking to.” I push him gently with both my hands, but I gesture big, which made it look like I was trying to push him hard. He lets himself get pushed up against the brick wall that surrounds the stairs going up to the bleachers.

I grab the front of his shirt and get in close to his face. “You need to behave, Dawson,” I say then kiss him hard. He wraps his arms tightly around me and gets all worked up.

“You make me so hot. Can we go back to my dorm? Or we could have some fun out here. Wa

“No time. Plus, I have my period. You’ll have to make do with kisses for tonight. And any other night you act like a jealous boy.”

Monday, September 19th

A whole lotta love.


We’re just finishing up another ass-crack-of-dawn Social Committee meeting.

“Okay,” Brad says. “Let’s meet again on Thursday morning.”

I groan and roll my eyes.

Aiden, who is sitting next to me, says, “Why don’t we meet on Thursday for di

I mouth I love you to him.

He cocks his head to the right and gives me a smirk.

“You know what I mean. I’m just thankful I don’t have to get up so early. I love you for suggesting a later meeting. These are about killing me.”

He doesn’t reply. Just nods his head and keeps gri

As we’re walking to get coffee, he says to me, “You go

“I’m sure I’ll be dancing with everyone. We want it to be a shake-your-ass-bump-and-grind-with-everyone kind of thing. See you missed out on that with your twenty-nine slow dances.”

“I loved our dances. I love to dance with you.”

“Why don't you just say it?” I arch an eyebrow at him.

“Say what?”

“You love me.”

“Naw, not yet.”