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“Maneuver?” Riley says with a smirk.

“I’m not talking about sex. I hated parking. He finally grabbed a blanket out of his trunk. And don’t say it. I don’t even want to know where that blanket has been.”

Riley chuckles. “That blanket hasn’t been anywhere. It’s new. Mom saw something on television about some kids freezing to death in a blizzard. The blanket is part of the winter survival kits she put in all of our cars before we left for school.”

“Thank God.”

“I’ll have to let Mom know that the blanket has already come in handy.”

I flip him off and laugh. “Don’t you dare!”

He starts tickling me. I scream, laugh, and squirm my way off his bed, then manage to launch myself back onto Dallas’.

“What happened with you and Beth last night?” Riley asks Dallas.

Dallas gets a sneaky grin.

“Did you have sex with her?” I ask. Based on his grin he definitely got something.

He shakes his head and laughs. “No, but I can confirm the color of her panties.” He picks up a pair of jeans lying on the floor, reaches into the front pocket, and flings something hot pink across the room to Riley.

Riley catches it and holds up a hot pink cotton thong.

“That’s so gross,” I screech while Riley says, “That’s awesome.”

Dallas shakes his head at us and laughs. “Can you believe that? I’m starting a collection. I’m calling it Panties For the Poor. I’m going to collect as many as I can and then at the end of the year, I’ll donate them all to charity.”

“That’s very philanthropic of you. Your dad would be proud.”

Dallas starts laughing really hard.

I slap him on the back and say, “Come on, boys. It’s time to go play in the glitter.”

French kissing crisis.


Hottie God:  Desperately need you. For workbook help.

Me:  Library 20 min?

Hottie God:  My room 20 min.

Me:  NO!

Hottie God:  Fine. Library it is.

The girls and I are in our hangout spot. On the floor of Katie’s and my room. A

Now we’re wrapping then with leopard print labels that have big red and black letters on the front: Don’t Be Cougar Poo. Vote for Keatyn Monrooooo! 

Which is really quite hysterical, if you ask me. Because Milk Duds do kinda look like cougar poo.


I nod. “Yeah, she really is.”

“It’s weird, but she reminds me of you.”

Oh, crap. “Really? How so?”

“It’s not that you look like her, but your ma

“That’s really weird. I’ve seen most of her movies and never noticed that.”

I look around at them. All spending their time to help me with my campaign. Doing it because we’re friends. I wish I could tell them the truth. I wish I could tell them even Tommy can’t tell us apart on the phone. But I can’t. Fortunately, A

“What did you and Dawson do last night?”

“We played mini golf. Got some di

“So did you kiss Ace?” I ask A

“No,” she says disappointedly.

“Did anything happen?” Maggie asks.

“He held my hand most of the night. That’s a good sign, right?”

Maggie and I both smile at her and say at the same time, “It’s a very good sign.”

“Jinx!” We both scream at each other.

Maggie blurts out, “Ohmigawd, did you have sex with Dawson yet or what?”

“Look, I don’t want to disappoint you guys, but I don’t really think it’s anyone’s business, and I don’t want it getting around school either way. So I’m go


“No, it doesn’t. It means I don't want people talking about whether we did or didn’t, so I’m saying no comment either way.”

Katie huffs. “Okay, so you did some stuff, right?”

“Yeah, I can say we did some stuff.”

Maggie starts to play along, “And was that stuff good and fun?”

My eyes get all dreamy, I know, but I can’t help it.

“It was very good, very fun. Did you notice the key necklace he’s started wearing around his neck?”

“I did notice because it’s not something guys usually wear,” A

“It’s the key to his heart. He tried to give it to me the other night. I told him no, so he’s wearing it until I cave.”

“Oh, that is so cute. Why wouldn’t you want the key to his heart?” Maggie asks.

“He’s not ready for that, and neither am I.”

“So what are you ready for? Hot, naked sex?”

I laugh out loud. Maggie is fu

I roll my eyes at her but then give her a little. “I can say that he is seriously hot. All of him.”

“Ahhhh!” A

Maggie continues, “So did he give you the key before or after all of him was hot?”

“Well, it was supposed to be before, but I thought he was my gift, not that there was an actual gift. So it ended up being after.”

“Why are you okay with doing naked things with him but not going out with him? You must like him,” Katie says.

“I do like him. I guess I’m trying to guard my heart. Whitney told him that dating me would be social suicide. She wanted to set him up with that Rachel girl.”

“Rachel is a wa

I close my eyes and shake my head. “I don’t want to be the perfect couple. And if people think that, my chances of being with Dawson are even slimmer. As soon as his reputation goes back to golden boy, Whitney’s going to want him back. They were together for almost three years. I wouldn’t stand a chance.”

“I don’t think that will happen,” Katie says sweetly, touching my arm. “She’s always kissing on Jake.”

“Jake doesn’t seem to be very happy with how things are going. And why aren’t they in his room, doing private stuff yet? I’m not talking sex, but even just like good making out, under the clothes kind of stuff.”

“Maybe she wants to make him wait.”

“I got the impression that it wasn’t great sexually between her and Dawson. I really don’t know how it couldn’t be though; he is so hot.”

“Like, he makes you hot, turns you on?” Katie is raising her eyebrows up and down at me.

“Very. Okay, so I will tell you one thing.”

They all move in a little closer, rapt with anticipation.

“At the game the other night, when I had on his big sweatshirt, he put his hand inside it and was like just sweetly rubbing my sides, my stomach, and then pretty soon his hands were in my underwear, rubbing me. It was like the hottest thing. So many people around us, but no one knew.”


“Weren’t you afraid someone would notice?” Katie asks.

“Did you notice I didn’t get up to cheer when Aiden made that great catch?”

“We thought you were boycotting Aiden’s catch.”

“Then when whoever scored, I was really happy about it.”

Maggie grins at me. “That is soooo bad! I totally want someone to do that to me. I bet it felt naughty. I wa