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And holy merde. He growls so sexily. The thought crosses my mind that I would like to make him growl for real.

In bed.


“We have the dance team sleepover tonight, but for the rest of the weekend that sounds good.”

Aiden whispers from behind me, “So what about fuck?”

And, for a second, I thought he asked me to, well, you know.

My face gets all hot. I feel like I’m going to faint. The idea of doing that with Aiden is overwhelming. I grab A

Regain my senses.

I finally realize that even though A

I take a deep, cleansing breath.

“Well, there isn’t just one word. And it sorta depends how you mean it. How do you mean it?”

“Um, what if I wa

“You could say, Casse-toi! which, really, is a nicer way to say it. It’s more like saying, piss off.”

Miss Praline starts class and is blabbering on about French club and not actual French class, so Aiden passes me a note.

Sorta like fate.


I’m looking out at the bleachers filled with students and praying I do well. I would pray that I don’t trip, or fall down, don’t forget a kick, or miss a step, but Mom read some child-rearing book recently and says we aren’t allowed to say don’t or can’t anymore. They say when you tell someone don’t fall down, that’s what they focus on, and that’s what they do. So I’m telling myself, do the routine perfectly, kick as high as you can, have a smile on your face, don’t panic, um, I mean, be calm.

Okay, it’s time!

I run out there, smile big, and do the dance.

 And I did it!

I did the routine perfectly—well, not completely perfectly; I was a little late on one kick, but that was because for a second I was blinded by Aiden’s smile.

We jump around with the cheerleaders.

Coach, Brad, and Dawson walk out to huge cheers. While Brad is speaking, Dawson looks over and winks at me.

Afterwards, I head to the library to meet Aiden.

On the way there, I get an email from Sam.

Congratulations. As of the close of business today, you are a new loft owner. I’ve taken care of setting up the insurance, the utilities, cleaning company, and security. You should be all set.”

I message him back a thank you, along with the name of the designer he will be getting a bill from. 

Then Brad and A

Brad:  Your ideas rock. I’ll go with you to talk to the dean about it. This weekend?

Me:  Sound good! You’re speech was awesome. Very motivational.

Brad: Thanks :) Your dance was awesome. A lot of the girls messed up. You didn’t.

Me:  I was off on one kick, but I don’t think anyone noticed. Kick ass tonight!!


Me:  Just walking in the library to tutor Aiden.


Aiden says, “What’s up, B-Moi?”

“You know, it almost sounds like you’re saying be mine.”

“I sorta am, aren’t I? Well, in a more intimate way.”

“Okay, so when we travel to France someday, I’m thrilled that you’ll be able to cuss and get laid, but we need to focus on your vocabulary words for this week.”

“You want to go to France with me, huh?”


“You said when we travel to France someday.”

“I, uh, you know what I meant.”

“Yeah, I do.” He gives me a blazing smile. Like, full wattage, bigger than I have yet to see. It radiates up to the top of his blonde spikes. He puts his elbow on the table and rests his chin on his fist. Then he looks at me in his dreamy way. “We will definitely go to France together. Maybe I’ll ask you to marry me there. Top of the Eiffel Tower, sunset?”

“I don’t even like you. Why would I marry you?”

“You love me.”

I laugh out loud and get a couple shushes from the people sitting near us.

“Come on, Boots, you know I’m right.”

“I know nothing of the sort. And you really need to focus, or you will not be passing French, and I’m not the kind of girl that likes to fail.”

“And I’m not the kind of boy who will take no for an answer.”

I let out a frustrated breath of air, which blows my bangs up off my face, and just start French. “Okay, so chicken is what?”


“Good. How about bread?”


“Right, but say it like this. Pain. It’s more like pan, but the N is more nasal sounding.”

Pain. You’re going to be a pain in the ass, I can tell.”

“Hey, I’m helping you here.”

“How do you know I’m not purposely failing, so you will tutor me?”

“Because last year you almost failed, and you didn’t know I existed.”

He ponders that for a minute. “Naw. I’m good at every class. Straight A’s. All AP classes. How do you say fate in French?”


“Yeah, exactly. It’s sorta like fate.”

“Don’t you need to be getting to football? You know, so you can sit on the bench?”

“Silly, Boots. You’re looking at tonight’s starting Varsity receiver.”

“Oh. Well, congrats.”

“You’re going to be cheering for me.”

“I’m going to be dancing.”

“For me.”

“For the team, silly.”

“We need to dance again. Under my lights.”

“Say it in French.”

“Uh, danse avec moi, um, under lumieres, tonight, um, I mean, noir?”

“Close enough. Good.”

“So is that a yes?”

Non, I have a dance sleepover.”


“See you’re learning. And you’re go

He looks at the clock and says, “merde,” again and then stops and looks at me.

“Good luck, Aiden.”


She’s very excited.

“Oh my gosh! That looks fantastic! I love how you did the Roar part coming out of a megaphone with the cougar sticker on it. Adorable.”

She looks around. “Can I talk to you?”


“Ace asked me to hang out in his room on Saturday.”


“And, does that mean he wants sex?”

“Not necessarily. Have you asked him?”

“No. I don’t want to sound stupid. I don’t want him to know I’ve never done it.”

“I was in Aiden’s room recently. Nothing happened.”

“I’m hoping to kiss him this weekend.”

“He has nice lips and awesome arms. I think kissing Ace would be fun.”

“You want to kiss him?”

“No! Like, I think you will enjoy it.”

“Yeah, probably. I hope so. What if he doesn’t try and kiss me?”

“Kiss him?”


“So are you going to do it with Dawson soon?”

“Do you think I should?”

“He seems to make you happy and kind of giddy. You still sort of obsess over Aiden, but it seems like you’re always mad at each other.

“Yeah, and you’re right. Dawson does make me happy.”

Party, celebrate, hookup.


We win the game. I dance well. Dawson plays really well.

I meet him outside the locker room afterwards to give him a kiss before I go to the dance thing.

He throws one arm around my shoulder while we’re walking toward his dorm with Ace, Brad, and Bryce.

“So what are you guys go

“Oh, there’s go

“We’re go