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He hugs me. My duffle drops to the ground. “That’s awesome, Keatie. Maybe I should see if I can get on it too.”

“That would be cool. Okay, so give me a kiss, and then I gotta go. I’ll just meet you up in the stands.”

“You wearing those shorts?”

“Should I?”

“To the game? Hell, no. All the guys would stare, and I’d end up in a fight.” He pulls me in tight and puts his hands directly on the back of my shorts. “But tonight after the game, in my room, definitely.”

“You’re a bad boy.”

“I hope I’m good,” he teases.

“Okay, see you later.”

I bound off. He is following me, of course, because both boys live in the same dorm.

He runs up behind me, grabs my bags, and says, “Why do you need so much stuff?”

“I didn’t have time to stop at my dorm after classes, and I didn’t know I was going to be tutoring him until today.” I open the door to his dorm.


“Yes, him. Don’t be jealous. I want to hurry up and get this over with so I can snuggle up with you in the stands and watch the game.”

We walk by his room. He quickly pulls me inside and pins me against his door.

I laugh at him, but he’s being serious.

He presses his body tightly into mine and nibbles on my ear. “Maybe we should go to the game late. Just come to my room when you’re done.”

“I was just in your room last night.”

“Yeah, I know. It was amazing. But I’m not expecting that. I mean, unless you force me. Which would be pretty hot.”

“I have to go. Meet me at the game.”

He kisses my neck, trying to get me to change my mind. “I really have to go!”

Creeping on me.


Finally get Dawson to stop kissing me and then race upstairs to Aiden’s room. I’m late. When I knock on his door, the wonderful smell of pizza is wafting out.

He opens the door. “You’re late, Boots.” Blinding smile.

“Kept the lights up, I see.”

“Yeah, everyone liked them.”

“So, let’s get started,” I say.

“Yeah, let’s.” He grabs a piece of gooey pizza, holds it up to my mouth, and tries to feed me. I was going to resist, but he gives me that grin, and I just open my mouth.

“Aren’t you going to eat too?”

“Naw. I can’t eat stuff like that before a game or I’d puke. I got it for you.”

“And how did you know pepperoni and black olives is one of my favorites?”

And so unhealthy.

“It’s on your Facebook profile.”

“Damn, you’ve been creeping on me.”

“Maybe just a little.”

“You didn’t write on my wall or like any of my statuses.”

“Yeah, I know. You were mad at me.”

“I’m still mad at you, but here we are.”

“I’m so glad I suck at French.”

“Okay, so let’s go over these workbook pages; we don’t have much time.”

We get three of the four pages done before he has to leave.

“I better get going. Coach gets pissed if we’re late,” he says.

“Good luck tonight.”

I lean down to pick up my bags. He grabs one off his floor and puts it on my shoulder. He’s way too close for comfort. When he gets that close to me I have a hard time swallowing and breathing.

I feel his warm breath on my neck. “So what’s the deal with you and Dawson?”

Even though the bag is firmly on my shoulder, he stays close to me.

I think this is like that saying about not standing too close to the fire or you might get burned.

The fire that is Aiden is starting to make me sweat.

I take a step back. “I guess we’re kinda sorta dating.”

“So you’re kinda sorta single?”

“Yes. I’m not convinced he’s over Whitney and I’m kinda getting over someone myself, so we’re taking it slow.”

“That’s not what I heard,” he snarls.

“So Dawson told you that?”

“Well, no. Just what I’ve heard.”

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“What does that mean?”

“It means, You don’t know shit. Tomorrow. Tutoring. Right after school. And we’re meeting in the library.”


Ohhhh! Go team.


Watching the JV game with everyone and sitting next to Dawson. Well, snuggling next to Dawson. He’s adorable. He’s feeding me Skittles and then kissing me. Our mouths taste deliciously fruity.

Dallas texts me, even though he’s sitting in front of me.

Dallas:  You+me=cave tonight. And I’m not taking no for an answer.

Me:  Okay, but I don’t think we should kiss.

Dallas:  Why not? You and Dawson aren’t going out, right? Can’t you do what you want?

Me:  Well that’s true, but I don’t really want. I like him.

Dallas:  :( But that’s cool. We haven’t talked in a while and maybe I have a dating dilemma of my own.

Me:  Really?!

Dallas:  Ha. No.

After halftime, I once again find myself in Dawson’s big athletic hoodie. It goes down to my knees. He’s sitting behind me in the bleachers, and I’m leaning back between legs.

Dawson slides a cool hand under the sweatshirt. I assume to get warmed up.

He casually strokes my side and then my stomach.

It feels nice, so I snuggle closer to him.

But as soon as I snuggle in closer, his hand dives down the front of my shorts. His back is leaned tightly into mine and his chin is resting on my shoulder. I turn my head just a little toward him and warn, “Dawson.”

He gives me adorable kiss on the cheek and pushes his hand further down.

Then he starts rubbing me, um, down there.

At first I think he’s just sort of teasing me. Trying to get me to go back to his room.

But he very quickly stops teasing and gets down to business.

I know I should tell him to stop. He should not have his hand down my shorts when we’re in the bleachers at a football game.

But because his sweatshirt is so big, no one can tell.

And what can I say?

I like it.

It feels really good and really naughty.

I try to keep my breathing steady, but he can tell that it’s not working. Or, well, that what he’s doing is definitely working.

I can feel his mouth form a smile on my neck.

I grab his bicep tightly.

Then close my eyes and miss a few plays. We don’t stand up and cheer when someone makes a big play. I can’t even clap. I’m breathing heavily. Gripping his bicep with all my might. Begging him with my grip not to stop.

The team scores, everyone stand up to cheer, and Dawson takes that moment to do a little scoring of his own. And then, I find myself cheering too, but for different reasons.


“You’re so naughty,” I whisper to him.

“You so liked it. Can we please go back to my room? Like, now. We’ll just kiss, I swear.”

“We won’t just kiss and you damn well know it.”

I manage to keep him at the game, and by the time it’s over, it’s too close to curfew to just kiss in his room. We’re walking toward the dorms when Dallas slaps a Red Bull into my hand and says, “Drink up. Dress warm.”

Dawson says, “What’s that for? You meeting him at the cave tonight?”



“What? You can come if you want. We just want to catch up.”

“You once told me you and Dallas smoke and make out when you’re there.”

“Does that bother you?”

“Hell, yeah, it bothers me.”

“Which part?”

“The kissing!”

“Oh, well, you don’t have to worry. Look.” I let him read my texts from earlier, telling Dallas we weren't going to kiss.

“I’m sorry. I should trust you.”

“We’re not in a relationship, Dawson. So, really, technically, I could kiss anyone I want to. So can you.”

“I don’t want to kiss anyone else, but I do have something I should probably show you,” he says, as he hands me back my phone.


He messes with his phone and hands it to me. “Whitney texted me today. Read it.”

Whitney:  Just because we aren’t going out, doesn’t mean I don’t care about you.