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“Did you just get caught up in the moment? Do you regret it?”


“Uh, I think so. Yes. I want to know honestly what you’re thinking. We’ve been honest with each other about our feelings so far. Part of why I like you so much. I want that to continue.”

He likes me so much?!

“Hmmm, well, I could see you wondering if I got caught up in the moment the first time but, you know, after the, uh, fourth time, I’m pretty sure it wasn’t just a moment. It was amazing, really. I just hope I don’t regret it.”

“What would make you regret it?”

“If it messes things up for us. If it makes you think poorly of me.”

He lets out a big sigh, grins big, grabs me, and kisses me. “Keatie, last night was awesome. I don’t think I’ve ever woken up feeling so happy.”

“I admit, I had a little freak out when I woke up and you weren’t here. I even texted my stepdad to ask him about it.”

He gets a slightly shocked look on his face when I mention the D word.

“Oh, it’s cool. He’s cool. I can talk about that stuff with him and my mom. Not, like details but, you know, in general terms.”

He gets a sneaky look, dives across me, grabs my phone off the nightstand, and reads what I wrote.

“I’m Gorgeous, huh?”

“Yeah, that’s what I called you before I knew your name. I sorta stalked you a bit.”

I can’t believe those words just came out of my mouth.

“You can stalk me any time.” He kisses me.

“Oh, I’ll be like that Audrey girl. I’ll bake you cookies and carry your books to class. I’m just teasing, I don’t, like, expect anything.”

“Well, I expect something.”

“More sex?”

“No—well, that’d be nice, but what I meant is I don’t want this to change anything. I like how we’ve become friends, how we talk. I like you. A lot. Do you think we should be going out now?”

“Because we had sex? No.”

“What if I told you I was thinking about asking you before we had sex?”

“I think we should wait. I think we’re both kind of on the rebound. Let’s see how things go. We don’t have to label our relationship.” Ohmigawd, did those words really just come out of my mouth too? “Um, are you going to tell all your friends about this?”

“I don’t kiss and tell. You hungry?”

“I’m starved.”

Riley and I are out in the ocean, floating over waves on some boogie boards.

He gives me a smirk. “You and Dawson totally did it.”

“What? Why would you think that? Riley, don't tell people you think that, okay? If you tell people you think we did, then people will assume we did, even if we didn't.”

“He came in my room in the middle of the night to steal condoms. I happen to know he always has two in his wallet. I’m thinking it was a really good night.”

“Maybe he needed the condoms for something else.”


“Uh . . .” Shit, I can’t think of anything. “He was making me balloon animals out of the balloons we used for the water balloon fight. Ran out. Used condoms.”

“Uh, no. You really like him? I thought you were all into Aiden.”

 “I crushed on Aiden, yes. He's very cute, but he thinks he’s so cool, and, I don’t know, maybe he’s used to girls falling all over themselves to be with him. He asked me Thursday night to hang out on Friday.”

“What's wrong with that?”

“If you like a girl, Riles, you don't wait until Thursday to ask her out. So, I told him I was busy and to ask sooner next time.”

“I don’t know what it is about you, but I still have this strange need to protect you. Even though he's my bro, I'd probably kick his ass if he was mean to you.”

“You're brother is so sweet. He’s amazing.”

“Amazing in bed? That runs in the family, you know.”

After lunch, we hang by the pool, relaxing, ta

I’m in the water, up against the edge of the pool. Dawson has me barricaded into the corner with his arms on both sides of me.

Not that I mind.

He’s giving me more molten lava kisses.

“So did you tell my brother?” he whispers.

“No, he guessed. Says you stole his condoms.”

“Oh, yeah, well . . . you know. We needed them.”

“I don’t think he will tell.”

“Yeah, he will. He loves talking about that shit. About what he's done. What he thinks I’ve done.”

“He won't tell.”

“I'm just saying if it gets around school, don't blame me.”


He kisses my nose. “You’re so cute. I just love you.”

Did he just say, I love you?

“Oh. Uh . . .” he mutters.

“It’s okay. I know what you meant. You love me like you love swimming or ice cream.”

“Um . . .”

“Look, this all happened crazy fast. We talked about taking things slow before and just because we went fast, sexually, doesn't mean we should rush a relationship. I still want to take that part slow. I mean, you might get back to school, see Whitney, and decide you still love her.”

His eyes get soft. “Keatie, I’m not go

“Still, you loved her. And I’m not sure you’re over her.”

“Actually, I’m very over her, and I kinda have a thing for this really hot new girl. She’s on the dance team. You might know her.”

“Oh, really?”

His eyes sparkle. He is so freaking adorable. Seriously, how did I get so lucky? Dawson is the perfect adorable distraction.

“And this thing you have for her, that just means you want her, right?”

“No.” He stops, considers that for a second, says, “Well, yeah, I do, but it’s more than that.” He laughs, kisses my neck, and whispers in my ear, “But you know, if she wants me now, we do have a little free time before we have to leave.”

I quickly drag him out of the pool, back to the bedroom, and spend that time wisely.

Cute little daisy charm.


Dallas and Ace yell, “Hey everyone, the limo’s here!”

Everyone is hooting and hollering over the limo. This limo is sweet. A brand new Range Rover HSE with a jet door. Inside it has all sorts of toys, wild, neon-colored interior, a couple flat screens, sound system, fog machine, and disco lights. Of course, as you can imagine, the thing the boys went most crazy over was the Xbox 360.

“That’s what I’m talking about,” Riley says.

We all get loaded up, play with the toys, get high, and then most everyone crashes. I’m leaning up against Dallas’ shoulder. Dawson’s asleep, his head lying in my lap.

Dallas says randomly, “You have very weird toes.”

“Shut up. I have cute toes.”

“This weekend was really fun, huh? I’ve never been to a party that lasted all weekend like that. And it was cool: like, the perfect mix of partying, chilling, girls, su

“I agree. This weekend was fun.”

“I suspect you had a little more fun than me,” he grins mischievously.

“You made out with a different girl each night.”

“Yeah, but I didn't have sex.”

“Me neither.”

“Kiki, we don't lie to each other remember?”

“Damn, you must be physic about more than just panties.”

“Dawson is crazy about you.”


“Uh, yeah. He is. He’s been on freaking cloud nine since you got here. Even before y’all had fun. Riley is actually worried you might hurt him. He thinks you like the Hottie God or whatever you call him.”

“The God of all Hotties.”

“That’s it. Hey, remember how we were talking about redoing Dawson’s image? Did you notice how tight he and Riley were this weekend?”

“I know. And I don’t even care about his image anymore, but I like seeing him happy. He was really sad that night.”

“And someone has cheered him up. Amazing how some orange panties can do that.”

“Oh my gosh! Have you been creeping through my clothes?”

“Nope. I’m just that good. Plus, I could see them when you bent over to pick up your duffle bag. Cute little daisy charm on the back.”