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I make Dawson tell Riley what he’s doing wrong. He grudgingly agrees, then looks like a proud parent when Riley rides a wave all the way to shore. He runs over to him, high fives him, and is like, Riles, dude, that was awesome. 

And he wasn’t kidding when he said they come back and eat a big breakfast. I don’t think I’ve seen this much food consumed in one place. Apparently, growing boys can eat a whole freaking lot. Their cook set out plate after plate of bacon, eggs, pancakes, fried potatoes, biscuits, gravy, sausage, and they drank at least three gallons of milk.

I sit there just watching the frenzy.

Riley says to me, “Dude you need to eat more. We need to fatten you up a little.”

Dawson stops lifting the fork to his mouth. “Naw, she looks damn good in a bikini. Perfect, if you ask me.”

And that pretty much made my whole day.

We’re walking over to play te

“Last night was great. The sunset was amazing, and the partying, and hot tubbing. I’m having so much fun. Thanks for inviting me.”

He kicks his racquet gently with his foot. “Uh, I was sorta referring to after that.”

“After that?” And I’m thinking after that we went to bed. Oh. After that. “Oh. What about it?”

“What about it?” His eyes get big, like I could be so nonchalant about it. “Hands down. The. Hottest. Thing. Ever.”

He’s so cute, and so excited about this. You’d think we were talking about cars or Xbox or something. But what did Grandpa’s ranch hand say about boys? They have two moods, hungry and horny. So if you see a boy without an erection, you should go make him a sandwich. That made Grandpa laugh, and Grandma say, Keatyn, don’t you dare listen to them. You tell them to make their own damn sandwiches.

I say, “Really?”

He suppresses a big smile. “You. Down on your knees. Uh, yeah.”

I’m pretty surprised by this, considering his summer in whoredom.

“Hmm. Well, good. Does that mean it’d be okay if I wanted to get down on my knees again sometime?”

Dallas walks up behind me. “And just what are you going to do down on your knees, Kiki?”

“Look for seashells, what else?” I sass back.

Dawson chokes down his Kool-Aid laughing, but as soon as Dallas walks away, I have to ask. “I don’t get why it was so hot. I mean, I’ve heard about your summer.”

“It was just different. I actually like you. I didn’t ask you to, and it was a surprise.”

“And you like being surprised?”

“Like that? Hell, yeah.”

“I’ll have to remember that,” I say with a smirk, my mind going to naughty places it should so not be going. But Dawson’s hair is blowing in the breeze and his mouth is curled into a very sexy grin. Plus he smells like cocoa butter and the ocean. Which reminds me of home. And Brooklyn. “You know, I can see now why my mom says you have to date different people, so you know what’s good and bad in a relationship. Like you said, you worshiped Whitney, then dated her. Same with me. I crushed on the Keats guy. I did stuff with him because I wanted to make him like me. This feels different. I feel like we like each other.”

He grabs my hand. “I do like you. And you’re right, we both thought our past relationships were so amazing.”

“And they weren’t, really, were they?”

“No, not really. I’ve been sorta kicking myself for spending so much time whining about me and Whitney breaking up. Now I feel stupid because I see everyone was right, and I’ve been kind of a jerk to everyone lately.”

I smile. “Not to me. Well, except for the worst kiss ever.”

I sit down on a bench next to the te

Dawson sits down next to me and says, “So, Keatie . . .”


“Yep. That’s what I’m go

I smile at him.

Ohmigawd! Is that not just the most adorable thing ever?

“It’s cute.”

“No, you’re cute.”

He gives me a sweet kiss then pulls me up and says, “Ready to play some te

“Sure, but you’re go

His hormones kick into overdrive.


After di

We watch the sun go down from the side deck and at that moment, while I am wrapped tightly in Dawson’s strong arms, I have a flash of clarity.

It all feels so right, and I decide that I will be quite content without a surfer, a player, or a Hottie God in my life.

We move the party back to the pool/hot tub area, turn the music up, dance around, and have fun.

Dawson says to me, “Be right back. I’m go

“Maybe we shouldn’t have any more.”

“Why not? I’m not drunk or anything. Are you feeling it?”

“I’m feeling it, but I’m just maybe a little tipsy. I feel perfect.”

“Okay?” He gives me a questioning look.

“I was kinda thinking that I’d like to not get—um, remember how we said if we do stuff that we didn’t want to only because we’re drunk?”

He beams. “So, you’re thinking us about doing stuff?” I can tell he is quite excited by this prospect.

“I wa

He kisses me. “Are you kidding me? It’s all I’ve thought about all day.” He stares at me for a second and figures he better not waste his opportunity. “You know, I’ve had about enough of the outdoors for one day, how about you?”

He tells everyone we’re tired and drags me into the house.

Then I think his hormones kick into overdrive.

He kisses me, like, fast, hard, long, intensely deep kisses. He pushes me up against the counter in the kitchen, holding my hips tightly in his hands. He kisses hard down my neck and then strips off my shirt and tosses it on the floor.

Then he walks me backward through the house while still kissing me, quickly working his way back to the bedroom. He pushes me against a wall in the hallway, where he pulls his own shirt off, then unties my bikini top, his warm, naked chest pressing against me as he shoves his tongue deeply into my mouth. I suck on it recklessly.

We finally get to the bedroom, where he quickly shuts and locks the door, then pushes me up against it. He’s kissing me and, like, ravishing me. I feel like I’m living a hot romance novel. And this is the kind of thing I have always pictured.

Always dreamed of.

A boy who wants me so bad he can barely stand it.

A boy who pushes me hard against the door and kisses me like he means it. A boy who takes my wrists and holds them above my head, pi

It was nothing like this with Brooklyn. And nothing like this with Cush. If Cush was hot, then Dawson is molten lava hot. Molten lava that seems to be rolling through every part of me.

We frantically finish undressing each other.

Kissing. Hugging. Sucking. Breathing.

At this point, I think my hormones kick in too, and honestly I’m thinking, Just do me, keep going, don’t stop. I’ve never felt such desire in my life.

But just when I’m ready to speed things up, he decides to slow them down.

He’s wearing nothing and all that’s protecting my virtue is my little bikini bottoms.

He kisses me more slowly now, but somehow his slow kisses are still very intense. Like he’s tasting me. His lips feel like fire on my skin. And I know only one thing is going to put out the fire burning inside me.

He kisses my shoulder, my chest, my stomach, and then slowly strips away what little clothing is left on me. With his teeth.

I can’t even tell you how hot I am.

Especially now that he’s back to a full-scale assault on my body.