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“None of you should lower your guard. So you knew the people at the party; big deal. What about all the waiters? The bartenders? Do you know how easy it would be to pretend to be one of them? He also could have paid someone to slip it in her purse. He wouldn’t have even had to do it himself, right?”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

 “So . . . what did the letter say?”

James slides the letter across the table. I read it.

I’ve been in love with you for a long time, but your nudity and sex scenes in To Maddie with Love disgusted me. 

I was so mad when I saw them, I wanted to fucking kill you. 

To make you pay. 

I thought you should know that I’ve moved on. 

I’ve found someone younger and even more beautiful than you to love.  

Farewell, Abby.

—Y our former biggest fan

“So why are you upset about this? He’s done with you? That’s awesome, isn’t it?”

James stands up and starts pacing. “That’s what I don’t get. For the past fifteen years he’s been professing his love, but it was no big deal, just your basic fan mail. Then it began to sound violent, and he threatened you and the kids. Now we’re supposed to believe that after all this time, this is it? He’s done with you? It just doesn’t add up. What if he just wants us to let our guard down?”

“It really sounds like he’s moved on, James. I was freaked out about how the note got in my purse, but I did leave it on my chair for most of the night. And I know this sounds bad, but I’m glad he’s someone else’s problem.”

“I think we should cancel the party, Abby. There’s going to be six hundred people there. You’re going to be way too exposed.”


Mom says, “Don’t be silly, James. We aren’t canceling her party.”

I run over and hug Mom. “Thanks, Mom. James, I know it’s your job to be uptight and on guard and all, but no stalker is go

“Well, I’m doubling the security, and, Abby, you’ll have a two-man team with you at all times.”

“Whatever you think is best,” Mom tells James.

I go in my room, fill my tub with water, get in, and think about my party.

About everything Vanessa and RiA

They’re probably right about Brooklyn.

I pull Cush’s number up and send him a quick text. Ask if he’s coming to the party.

He doesn’t reply.

Thursday, August 18th

Commit social suicide?


I open my eyes to a bright su

At midnight, Brooklyn called, woke me up, and told me happy birthday. I thought it was really sweet. And I don’t want to listen to my mind. I want to listen to my heart. My little sisters also came in at like five am, but I was able to go back to sleep.

I text RiA

I still think my plan will work. My best surfer friends will meet my best school friends, and by the time we head back here for the after-party, they’ll all be new best friends.

In fact, I’m pretty sure that my life is going to be perfect.

My phone vibrates with a text.

Vanessa:  Are you trying to commit social suicide?

Okay, maybe not so perfect.

I should reply, say something snarky back, but I’m not going to. I don’t care if dating Brooklyn is social suicide. I love him.

And I really believe if they get to know him, they will see why.

I grab a bikini out of a drawer and pull it on.

I’m meeting Brooklyn in a few minutes. We’re go

Brooklyn isn’t on the beach yet, but I’m feeling so happy that I skip up the beach and start doing cartwheels in the surf. These next few days are going to be practically magical, I’m just sure of it. And it could be months before Brooklyn gets everything together and actually leaves.

A big wave comes in and knocks me down into the sand in the middle of my cartwheel.

I laugh, get up, and do it again.

“I might have to add a scene like that to our movie,” I hear a voice say. I turn around and see Vincent. He’s dressed casually in a Ralph Lauren swimsuit and a white t-shirt.

“You seem awfully chipper today.”

“Of course I am. Today’s my birthday.”

He walks closer to me, pulls me into a hug, and kisses my cheek. “Well, happy birthday.”

 We sit down in the sand.

“Thanks. Sooooo . . .you’re here on the beach in a swimsuit. How come?”

“The guy I’m purchasing the property from is an older gentleman. He wants to teach me everything. The fu

I laugh at his story. “That’s fu

Vincent rolls his eyes. “It’s not really sweet. I just don’t want him to back out of our deal. So we didn’t get to talk much the other day. How was being in Europe all summer?”

“I think we should talk about the rest of your afternoon. You stayed at the bar for a long time. Anything happen after I left?”

He gives me a sly grin. “That’s none of your business.”

“That means yes.”

“You were going to tell me about your summer?”

“Oh, yeah, it was great! Brooklyn and I surfed what are supposed to be some of Europe’s best waves. Then we hung out with Twisted Dreams on their tour. Remember, you were at the Undertow the night of their farewell concert? The lead singer, Damian, is one of my best friends. I’ve known him since I was little. Really, it was the best summer of my life.”

I realize Vincent isn’t really paying much attention to what I’m saying. He seems to be lost in thought.

“Earth to Vincent,” I say.

He blinks his eyes quickly. “Sorry, we’re here on the beach. My mind is going. I’m picturing scenes. Stand up for me, would you? In front of the ocean.”

I stand up between him and the ocean.

“Smile,” he says.

I give him my biggest grin.

“Let’s see how you look on film.” He holds his phone in the air. “Do you mind?”

“I don't mind. What do you want me to do?”

“You’ve seen A Day at the Lake?”

“A few years ago, yeah.”

“You know the poster where she's blowing a kiss?”

“Yeah. Lame.”

“Lame? That poster sold millions of copies.”

“I know. I just thought it was more about her boobs. She basically stood like this and blew a kiss.”

I mimic Mom’s poster.

“So what can you do, besides cartwheels?”

“I told you before, I’ve taken dance classes since I was three. I’m varsity soccer. I’m decent at kickboxing. I lower my head and confess. “I broke a girl’s nose at a party. I’m not proud of it or anything, but I did.”