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I nod.

“It was really low key even though Vanessa showed up with Alex.”

“What else?”

“Let’s see. I had a couple beers. I was talking to Terrance. Mandy and Alicia sat down with us. We were talking about you.”

My blood starts to boil at the mere mention of Mandy’s name. “What were they saying?”

Cush looks down at my comforter, and his cheeks turn a little red. “Mandy basically said that she didn’t think I could go three weeks. That I’d cheat on you while you were gone. They were sort of taking bets on whether or not I could.”

“Let me guess. Mandy thought you’d cheat on me that night? At the soccer party?”

“Yeah, that was her bet.”

“Do you remember anything after that? Do you remember seeing me there? Like in your room?”

He smiles and lazily runs his hand down my arm. “Of course I remember. I was so happy to see you. I told you I loved you.”

“That’s all you remember?”

“Uh, yeah, pretty much. I only had a couple beers. Why can’t I remember?”

“Cush, do you remember why you were in your room? You always lock your room during parties.”

“No, I don’t. Why did I go up there? Was it because you told me you were stopping by? Were we going to have a very intimate goodbye kiss?”

I take a deep breath.


And close my eyes.

I can’t look at him while I say it. “Cush, when I walked into your room, Mandy was giving you head.”

“WHAT? What are you talking about?”

“I guess she wanted to win the bet really badly.”

“Are you kidding me?”

“I wish I was.”

“I’d never do that. Mandy? Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

“What did you do?”

“I was pretty pissed. I couldn’t believe I hadn’t even left town, and you were already cheating on me. Vanessa was the one that suggested I come tell you goodbye. She knew what was happening and wanted me to find out. She wanted to hurt me. So I yelled, Surprise! I wanted you to know you got caught, and I wanted Mandy to know I knew.”

Cush leans back against my headboard. “Oh, my God.”

“There’s more. A lot more.”

“Okay,” he says tentatively.

“I was so mad that I punched her in the face, and I’m pretty sure I broke her nose. I made a big scene and Vanessa helped me throw her and Alicia out of the party.”

“You’re joking, right? If all that would’ve happened, I wouldn’t be here. You’d be through with me.”

“What I did to Vanessa and RiA

Cush looks pissed. “What the fuck?”

“Sadly, there’s more. You were pretty messed up last night. I was scared, I was going to take you to the hospital, but James had me bring you here and got our doctor to come check on you. The doctor had to talk to your dad before he treated you, and your dad freaked out. He called your mom. They fought. And, basically, they think it’s all my fault, so you’re grounded for the entire summer and you have to go live with your dad. He’s picking you up tonight.”

I can’t even describe the look on Cush’s face.

I’m pretty sure it’s hate.

He says, “Wow. This just keeps getting better and better. This kind of shit ever happen to Sander?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, I’m breaking up with you. I can’t handle this. I asked you if shit like this ever happen to Sander? You ruin his life too?”

What. The. Hell.

He’s breaking up with me? I ruined his life?

Well, fuck him.

“No, Cush, nothing like this ever happened to Sander. But then again, he didn’t have the man whore reputation you do. I’ll get someone to drive you home. Bye, Cush. You have a great summer.”

I walk out of my room, slam my door shut, and get James to take the asshole home.

Monday, June 20th

The waves miss you.


I finally left for France the day after Cush broke up with me.

I did nothing but sleep for the first three days I was here. I think I was just emotionally exhausted. Kym was in Paris on business, so she came here on a sort of working vacation. Her main task for the trip was to organize and catalog the swag closet. The swag closet is basically a bedroom set up with shelves and rolling racks full of all the stuff that designers send Mom and Tommy in hopes that they will wear it and be photographed in it. A lot of what we organized was from the Ca

We drank wine every night and watched eighties romance movies.

After she left, I spent the next few days alone, and I was surprised at how much I enjoyed being all by myself.

Not that I’m completely alone at the house. We have a housekeeper, cook, and groundskeeper that live on site. I just mean it was nice doing whatever I wanted to do.

I laid in the hammock out back and read a couple books. I watched whatever movies I wanted. I drove through the countryside one day and stopped to shop in any little store that caught my eye.

Really, it’s been therapeutic.

And I’ve started making some decisions about my life.

I’ve decided I’m going to do my own thing. I’ll still sit with Vanessa and RiA

I’ve also decided that I need to talk to Brooklyn.

So, when I get back home, I’m going to put on my big girl panties and tell him that there are no hard feelings and that I hope we can be friends again.

Because I miss our friendship, and I miss surfing with him.

I just plain miss him.

I miss Damian too. The turd.

I sent him a text over a week ago and told him I was here. I asked if he had any time to hang out, or if he was doing a concert anywhere close by.

I was getting ready for bed last night when he texted me and said he and the band were coming to hang out with me.

He ended up coming here tonight alone, and I’m really glad it’s just the two of us. We’ve been sitting in the library, drinking wine, and nibbling on cheese and bread. He’s been filling me in on all the drama with his band, all the amazing fans he’s met, how it feels when a huge crowd starts screaming your name, and about the first time he got a pair of panties thrown at him.

We’re on our second bottle of wine when he decides to bring up Brooklyn.

“So, Keats, what’s up with you and Brook? He won’t talk about it, which means he’s pissed.”

“Why would he be pissed?” I immediately feel defensive. “He’s the one who acted like he liked me then went to Hermosa without me and hooked up with some random girls.”

“Do you know that’s what he did?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, do you know that for a fact?”

“I . . . uh, well no. But he said they met some really chill people, and they were hanging out with them again. We both know what that means.”

Damian closes his eyes and shakes his head at me. “The chill people were a couple of professional surfers. They think he’s good enough for the tour.”