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Back at home, I’m still unpacking when Cush rings the doorbell. The girls and Na

“Dang, what’s my greeting going to be like after I’ve been away in France for three weeks?”

Cush grins at me. “What can I say? I’ve missed you.”

“I missed you too.”

“You ready to go?”

“Yeah.” I grab my bag. We decided to go back to his house, where we’ll have total privacy. We’re going to hang by the pool and order in di

On the drive over, he says, “Did I tell you I’m having a party tomorrow night? Remember I promised the soccer team one to celebrate our season and to thank them for making me team captain?”

A party?

A party where Cush will have girls all over him.

“So you want to break up with me?”

“What? No? Why would I want to do that? I love you.” He grabs my hand and kisses it.

“I’ll be gone for three weeks, Cush. You’re the guy who has a different girl at every party.”

“If you’re worried about me cheating on you, don’t be. I’m crazy about you. No way I want to screw that up.”

I must not look convinced because he says, “Look at my phone.”

I read down a long list of girls that have texted him. Girls telling him how hot he is. Girls wanting to hook up. Hang out. And some are even much more descriptive in telling him all the sexual things they want to do to him.

His reply to them all makes me happy. He may not have been my dream guy, but he sure is behaving like a dream guy should.

Sorry, I have a girlfriend. 

Some of the girls gave up quickly. A couple said, That sucks. He didn’t reply.

Others were more persistent, not really caring that he has a girlfriend. They tried to talk him into just hanging out. They told him they’ve missed him. Some even sent naked photos trying to prove their point.

To them, he replied again.

I have a girlfriend that I’m seriously in love with. Please don’t send me any more pictures. 

It makes me feel happy.

When we get to his house, I push him onto the couch, plop on his lap, kiss him, and run my hands all over him. Basically got him all hot and bothered.

Then I decide to be a little naughty.

I get up, slowly strip off my skirt in front of him, and let it drop to the floor.

Then I run into the kitchen, strip off my shirt, and toss it on the floor.

“I like this game,” Cush yells from behind me.

“If I’m going to be gone for three weeks, I ought to make today memorable.”

 I undo my bra in the game room, spin the strap around my finger, and let it fall to the ground.

He’s still on my tail.

I run out the glass doors to the deck, shedding my panties on the way, and slip into the pool being careful not to get my hair wet.

I’m floating on a raft completely naked when he bounds out the glass doors.

He grins really big and quickly strips off his clothes. Then he backs up, runs toward the pool, and does a big ca

I throw myself on him, like I’m mad at him.

But I’m not. I just want to kiss him. “Oh, now you’re in big trouble.”

“Speaking of big trouble,” he smirks, glancing downward at himself.

Saturday, June 4th

Whatever you want.


I’m on my way to the airport when I get a random text from Vanessa. We haven’t spoken or even texted since she promised to ruin me.

Vanessa:  Heard you’re headed out of town. You really should stop by Cush’s and say goodbye. He misses you. 

Red flags fly and warning bells go off in my head. I’m immediately worried.

First off, what the hell is Vanessa even doing at Cush’s party? He’s only having the soccer team and their dates. Why is she there?

Secondly, if she wants me there, it’s for one reason. She was serious about ruining me. Which means she’s hooking up with Cush and wants me to see it.

She wants to crush me.

Part of me wants to ignore her text, but the other part of me has to know.

Despite all his reassurances, would Cush cheat on me? And with Vanessa? He claims to hate her. And I just spent the entire day with him. We got up late, went out for pancakes, and then hung out by the pool most of the day. He told me he’d never do anything to screw up our relationship.

That he loves me.

I decide not to text her back. I’ll just show up.

I tell the driver we need to make a quick stop on the way to the airport.

I walk in Cush’s front door. Vanessa is standing near the entry kissing on Alex.

This immediately confuses me. So I look for RiA

But then I spot her, sitting on the couch between two cute soccer players.

“Where’s Cush?” I say to Alex, purposely avoiding eye contact with Vanessa.

Vanessa says in a sickeningly sweet voice, “I think I saw him go up to his bedroom. He looked pretty messed up.”

Now that’s even weirder.

He locks his bedroom before every party, and he never gets drunk.

“Thanks,” I say.

I walk up the stairs, feeling like I’m walking into a trap.

I stand outside his door and listen.

My palms feel sweaty, my heart is pounding, and my stomach is tying itself in knots.

I mentally prepare myself for the worst and open the door.

And even though I thought I was prepared for the worst, I still can’t believe my eyes.

Cush is sitting in his desk chair. His shorts are down around his ankles, and Mandy is on her knees giving him head.

Now I know what Vanessa wanted me to see.

Part of me wants to close the door, walk out, leave the party, and never come back.

But I’m not really that kind of girl.

Vanessa thought I’d slink away into the darkness, and everyone would laugh about how Cush used me. They’d say how stupid I was.

I may not be able to control what he does, but I damn well can control how I react. I’m not letting them get away with it. If I’ve learned one thing from hanging out with Vanessa, it’s how to put on a happy face and hide my true feelings.

“Surprise!” I yell. “Thought I’d stop and say goodbye before I left town!”

Cush looks at me. “Key . . . ” He looks down at Mandy like he just realized she was there, and swats at her like she’s an a

Mandy stops what she’s doing and shrugs her shoulders. “Sorry, Keatyn, I didn’t think you were going to be here.”

Meaning she’s not the least bit sorry.

I’m so pissed I can barely see straight. “GET OUT OF HERE!” I yell at her.

She holds up her hands. “Hey, it’s not my fault your boyfriend cheated on you before you even left town.”

Cush’s chin drops to his chest. What’s wrong with him? What did Vanessa say? That he was messed up. That doesn’t make sense. Cush never does drugs or gets drunk.

“What’s wrong with him? What did you do to him?” I ask the snake, Mandy.

She laughs. “I just put a little something in his drink to loosen him up.”

I take two big steps and pin her against Cush’s door.

“What did you give him?”

“Just some valium. He’ll be fine. He was loving it before you walked in.”

“How many?”

“I don’t know, three, maybe four.”

That bitch. She drugged him? And now she’s standing there looking all smug about it. Looking at her smug face, a fierce anger boils inside me. I back a step away from her then punch her right in the nose. Hard.