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He’s supposed to lick up my neck, but instead he pulls my shirt off. Everyone screams like I’d just stripped naked even though I’m wearing a bikini underneath.

Cush carefully balances the Patron shot in my cleavage. Then he slowly and deliciously runs his tongue across my stomach.

It tickles and makes me laugh, but it also seriously turns me on. Probably because my mind flashes back to some of the places his tongue was last night.

 He sprinkles salt on my stomach and puts a wedge of lime in my mouth.

“Crank the music up, Alex,” he yells.

Alex is sitting by the sound system’s controls. He eyes the stack of equipment, finds the right knob, and turns it up to we’re-going-to-be-deaf-when-we’re-old volume.

Cush does a goofy little strip tease dance and pulls off his shirt.

It’s hard for me not to stare at him. Lately I’ve been seeing the adorable, sweet, sexy, loving side of him, but there’s no denying that the boy has a hot body.

Everyone starts chanting, “Cush, Cush!”

He grabs my waist, licks the salt off my stomach, and flashes me a big grin. Then he buries his face in my cleavage, maneuvers the shot glass into his mouth, and tips it back.

He dramatically slams the empty shot glass on the bar, and then kisses me to get the lime.

He sucks on the lime, throws it into the sink, then kisses me again.

It’s a hard, deep, incredibly fiery kiss.

Guys are lining up girls on the bar, so Cush passes down the bottle.

I stand up on the bar and dance.

Monday, May 23rd

The biggest bitch of all.


I’m lounging in a chaise on the beach in front of my house, thinking I should’ve avoided the last two body shots last night.

But what can I say, licking salt off Cush’s abs was too impossible to resist.

I look at him. He’s out on a boogie board with a couple of the guys. I give him a little wave. He’s doing everything he can to make me happy. And last night we had so much fun. Cush has always been fun to party with, but being with him, having him hold me, kiss me, and take care of me made the party all that much better.

Everyone seemed to have fun. Beer pong, shots, dancing on the bar, hot tubbing until five am. We all crashed for a bit, then got up and headed here for breakfast. Everyone was pretty hungover and the big, greasy breakfast tasted amazing.

My phone starts to buzz again. I look down and see it’s not a text, it’s my alarm.

A smile breaks out on my face as I realize it’s finally time to spread the news. RiA

All alone.

I turn to Mandy and Alicia, who are lying in the chaises next to me. “This has been so much fun. We need to tweet about it, upload some party pics, and tag everyone on Facebook.”

“Maybe we should take a group photo?” Alicia suggests.

“GROUP PHOTO!” I yell to everyone.

We all line up on the beach, do some silly pics, and instantly post them.

“Maybe we should post a few of the ones I took last night of you dancing on the bar,” Alicia says.

“That’d be fun. I really feel sorry for everyone stuck at school. Today is like perfect. What a great way to blow off some steam before we have to start studying for finals,” Mandy says.

Alicia flips through her phone. “What do you think of this one?”

“That one’s good. My legs look ski

“You were a little tipsy,” Mandy says. “But if I was licking salt off Cush’s abs, I would have been totally wasted. He’s so hot.”

“Um, thanks.” I think. I’m starting to think Mandy has a bit of a crush on Cush.

“The way you can dance, I’m surprised you’ve never tried out for dance team,” Alicia says.

“I thought about it, but Vanessa thought it would be lame of me.”

“Well you’re breaking free of Vanessa and her evil, bitchy ways, right?”

“Yeah, I guess. I just want to have a drama-free year next year.”

“You still go

“I hope so. We’re having lots of fun. Saturday night was incredible.”

I tell them all the hotel details. Every detail he pla

My phone buzzes with a text from Vanessa. She texted me a couple times this morning, wondering why I wasn’t at school.

But this text is different.


 “Oh, wow.”

“Is it Vanessa? What’d she say?” Mandy’s eyes light up. I think Mandy enjoys drama a little too much.

“She said, Do you really want to do this? Go up against me? You pla

Mandy and Alicia laugh, joke, and trash talk Vanessa.

I don’t laugh with them. In fact, I barely register that they’re speaking because Brooklyn has just stepped foot onto the beach. He and Mark are dragging out their boards.

The girls follow my eyes. “Who’s that?”

“A neighbor. We surf together,” I say, but I sort of feel like my heart is shattering into a bunch of really small shards of glass, and those glass shards are trying to poke out through my chest. I wrap my hand tightly into a ball, trying to ward away the pain. I haven’t seen him since that night he asked me to go to Hermosa with him. I haven’t talked to him since our text fight, when he told me to grow up.

I have to go say something. At least Mark is there. I can pretend I’m just being nice, normal, friendly Keats.

I’m a bit hungover, but I have on big sunglasses, and I look good in a new bikini. “I’ll be back,” I tell the girls.

I jog down the beach. “Hey, Mark!”

Mark turns around. “S’up, girly. You having a party, and you didn’t invite me? Aren’t you supposed to be at school?”

“We decided to do an all-nighter last night, skip school, and hang here. We have finals this week; thought we’d blow off a little steam.”

“Sucks you didn’t come to Hermosa. We were so stoked. We met the coolest . . . ”

Brooklyn cuts him off. “Let’s get out there,” he says directly to Mark. I swear his eyes have looked directly at everything on the beach but me.

“Uh, sure,” Mark says, grabbing his board.

Just as they are almost in the water, Cush grabs me from behind. I was carefully studying every move Brooklyn made and did not hear him sneak up on me.

“Ahhhhh!” I scream.

Brooklyn turns around to see Cush pick me up and twirl me around. Then he drops my feet into the sand and kisses me.

It’s a long kiss, but I’ve yet to close my eyes. I’m still staring out at the ocean. Out at Brooklyn, specifically.

And Brooklyn chooses this exact moment to finally lock eyes with me. The look of disgust he gives me makes me feel like the broken shards from my heart are now flying into my eyes, piercing them.

And it pisses me off.

It’s not my fault we’re not together.

I didn’t leave him.

I didn’t hook up with someone else.

Um, okay, so I did, but that was only after he ditched me.

I decide it’s only fair to throw a few shards back in the jerk’s direction.

I leap up and wrap my legs around Cush’s waist. He grabs my butt to hold me up while kissing me. I close my eyes and get into the kiss. Start ru