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“When will you be?” He traces a one slowly on my wrist.

I swallow hard and try not to act like a horny, sixteen-year-old boy. But I can’t help wondering what that finger could do to the rest of me. What a man could do to the rest of me.

Okay, Keatyn. Stop.

Stop this.

You're being ridiculous. He wants you for a movie, nothing else. Stop with the silly school-girl crushing and be professional. That's Mom’s number one rule. Don't get involved with anyone in your movie.

When he traces the figure eight, I don’t sigh. I pretend like it didn’t affect me.

“Next August,” I say flatly.

He leans back on his elbows across the platform, and I can tell he’s doing some mental calculations.

“So, technically, I have fifteen months until you're legal.”

“I won't tell if you don’t,” I flirt.

“Unfortunately, you will when you fill out the paperwork,” he pauses. “Assuming you'll want to be paid for the role?”

“Uh, well sure.”

“You have to put your social security number down, and we’ll have to follow child labor laws until you graduate from high school or turn eighteen.”

Child labor laws? He’s talking about how many hours I can legally work? Oh, I'm so dumb! He’s not the least bit interested in me. He’s not flirting with me. I deserve dumb boys, not this gorgeous man.

I can't hide the disappointment from my face.

“What’s the little pout for?” he says.

“Nothing,” I sigh. “Just wishing I was older.”

He cocks his head at me. “Are we talking about the movie?”

I just shrug my shoulders and gulp down some more wine.

He refills my glass again.

I know he’s just being polite and gentlemanly and all, but I’m not completely sure how much I’ve had. He’s never let my glass get empty.

The wind blows a piece of my hair out of my barrette and across my face. Vincent slides his hand gently across my forehead, catching the offending strand, and tucking it behind my ear.

The way he touches me is so tender.

Our gazes are fixed on each other.

The waiter comes by and checks our now empty wine bottle. “Another, sir?” he asks, which breaks our little moment.

Vincent gives the waiter an irritated glare. “Yes, please.”

He turns back toward me and says seductively, “So do you want to make a movie with me?”

I answer with a breathless, “I do.”

Vincent pours wine out of the new bottle and pops a shrimp in his mouth.

“I think we're go

“What? Sit on the deck and get drunk?”

His face sobers. “Shit. Are you getting drunk?”

“No, I'm just teasing. But I should probably have some water before I drink much more.”

“I like getting to know you,” he says softly.

“I like getting to know you too.”

And I do. He has his sunglasses up on his head now, so I’ve been studying his dark, thick eyelashes. His deep mocha eyes. When the sunlight hits them right you can see the blue of the ocean reflected in them.

“I’ve just decided something about the movie.”

“What’s that?”

“Whoever we cast as your love interest will be ugly, and there will be no kissing scenes.”

“You can't do that if you want a blockbuster. People are suckers for romance. And happy endings.”

The look that crosses his face makes my cheeks feel warm, and I’m sure I’m blushing. “I mean, uh, they like happily ever after and all that.” OMG, I am such an idiot. I can’t believe I just said that!

“I know. I was just teasing you, since you said you’re done with boys. I used to say that about girls when I was in high school. I always thought I was so mature. I wanted a woman. I’ve always kind of had a thing for older women.” He stares at me for a few beats then says, “So, I know you can surf, which would help if I change the title to something like A Day at the Beach, but what other talents do you have?”

“Well, I’ve had years of dance classes. I play soccer, and I've been a Varsity starter since I was a freshman.”

“That’s impressive.”

“I also do kickboxing workouts with Tommy’s trainer. He says I have a strong right hook and a good jab.”

“That’s excellent, since you're go

“Tell me more about the script.”

“Would you like to order di

“Sure. I’m actually pretty hungry. The little shrimp aren’t quite doing it for me.”

“And would you like to stay here or move inside? Somewhere a little more private.”

 “Somewhere more private. We don’t want anyone overhearing your movie details,” I whisper.

“Good. Because people are starting to stare at me.”

“Why would they stare?”

“I suspect it’s because I look like an older man trying to seduce a much younger woman.”

“Well, you are aren't you?”

He doesn’t reply, just gets up, and gestures for me to do the same. He puts his hand on the small of my back and guides me through the bar.

When we reach the end of the bar, I see someone I know. She hops off a barstool, says, “Keatyn, darling,” and air kisses my cheeks.

Vincent moves past our conversation, but he stops to wait for me.

When I rejoin him, he guides me to a private table in the corner. He pulls out a chair for me that lets me view the ocean, but puts my back to the rest of the room.

“So back to seducing you,” he says sexily.

“So you are, huh?” I raise my eyebrows and smile.

“That wouldn't be very professional of me.”

“I know. I meant you’re trying to talk me into making your movie. Seducing me to do it.”

Vincent licks his lips.

I realize what I just said. To do it. That might have been the wrong choice of words.

I bite my lip, because I’m pretty sure doing it just crossed Vincent’s mind.

He touches my lip and gently pulls it away from my tooth. “I love when you do that. When you try not to smile, you do that. You bite down on the side of your lip. But when you're upset or thinking hard, you bite your front teeth down across the middle. And when something makes you happy and you try to hide it, you lick your bottom lip. It’s very sexy.”

“I think you've been looking at my mouth an awful lot.”

He runs the pad of his thumb across my bottom lip.

It feels so sensual that I close my eyes, wrap my lips around it, and give his thumb a little kiss.

I slowly open my eyes. Vincent’s expression is indecipherable. He looks both amused and a little offended.

I back away quickly and nervously take a big gulp of water.

“I shouldn’t have touched your lip like that,” he finally says. “I gave you the wrong impression, but you’re right. I have been spending a lot of time looking at your mouth. At your face. I feel like a little kid right before Christmas.”

“Why’s that?”

“Because in you, I can see my dream again.”

We watched the sun sink below the horizon, ate di

He looks at his watch. “Do you need to be home soon? It’s getting late.”

“No, not really. I’m good.”

“Let’s go for a walk on the beach, then.”

My phone buzzes as I pick up my purse. “It’s my mom. I should probably answer.”

As we walk out of the restaurant, I say into the phone, “Hey, Mom.”

“Where are you?”

“Just finishing up with di

“Are you having di

“Um, no. Tommy had a business meeting tonight. Didn’t he tell you?”

Mom starts laughing. “That’s not what I meant. Millie’s friend, Barbara, called her and wanted to know who the hot man that you’re having di