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She shakes her head. “If the pain increases, come back, but she’s fine. Just a little banged up. I doubt she’ll even have to keep wearing the neck brace. Her X-rays looked good.”

I nod and the nurse leads us out. She helps Laney get into my car and then we’re on our way. Laney begins giving me directions to her apartment; then she gets quiet.

“He’s a good guy, ya know,” she says after a few minutes. There’s no question about who she’s talking about.

“I know.”

“He cares too much sometimes, but he doesn’t know how to show it. He keeps it locked in.”

I can see that too… “Why are you telling me this?”

She’s stiff in the passenger seat and I can’t tell if it’s because of my question or her injuries.

“I’m not sure. I thought you should know, I guess. He’s not the easiest person to get to know. He’s my brother and he’s been my best friend my whole life and he still won’t really let me know him.”

The sadness in her voice, her words, works its way inside me, making me feel heavy. And maybe slightly alone. “He’s lucky to have someone like you who cares about him so much.”

The same way I have people who love me? People I lock out the same way Maddox does with his sister? Then again, love doesn’t always make sense. Look at Rex and Melody. It made them steal me.

“I’d do anything for him and I think it’s pretty obvious he would do anything for me too.”

“You don’t need him in the same way you used to.” I’m not sure where the words came from but as soon as they leave my mouth, I know they’re true.

“I leaned on him more than I should have. I asked a lot of him where our mom is concerned and that was hard on him. But… meeting Adrian? I grew up a bit after that. I know how to be strong on my own and if I need help, I have Adrian there. He supports me instead of taking over the way Maddox does. We’re stronger together than either of us ever were alone. I want that for Maddy one day.” She pauses for a second. “He’s my brother. I’ll always need him. Still, things aren’t the same now.”

I nod but don’t reply. This isn’t a conversation I am going to get into with her. When she opens her mouth to say something, her cell phone rings. “I’m okay, Maddy,” she says instead of hello. She pauses while he says something. “I only have a few bumps and bruises. I’m already on my way home. Bee is taking me.”

I can’t help but wonder what he has to say about that.

“You don’t have to come… chill out, okay? I’m not in the mood.”

He says something else and then she replies with, “See you in a few minutes.” Laney groans. “That went well.”

I can’t help but laugh and think she’s pretty cool.

* * *

“You had to have an upstairs apartment?” I tease as I help Laney up the stairs.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know why my body feels so stiff. I’m going to kick Adrian’s ass for his phone. I feel bad you have to help.”

“Nah, no worries. I’m only giving you a hard time.”

As we turn the corner, I hear muffled voices ahead of us. Down the hall, Adrian stands next to an open door, laughing with Colt. As if he senses her, he turns around, his eyes landing right on Laney. Even from thirty feet away, I see the fear flash in his face and then he’s here, wrapping his arms around her.

“Christ, Laney. What the fuck happened, baby? Are you okay?”

“Shhh. I’m fine. I accidentally rear-ended someone, but everything’s good.”

He doesn’t seem convinced. His dark eyes are wide, lost. He runs a hand through her hair, down her back, her arms, as though he’s trying to make sure she’s really there.

“It’s okay, Adrian. I’m good. I promise.” Still, there are tears in her eyes. Not from pain, I can tell.

Adrian wipes them with his thumbs. “Come here, Little Ghost,” he whispers in her ear, and then lifts her into his arms. Colt and Cheye

I turn, realizing my job is done. I’m not going to interfere with the four friends. The only thing I needed to do was get her home, which I did.

“Bee. Don’t go. Come with us.” Laney’s looking over Adrian’s shoulder and then he turns.

“Shit. I’m sorry. Yeah, come on.”

The need to walk away tugs at my feet; then Laney adds, “Please?”

“Yeah, come on. Someone has to help us calm these knuckleheads down. They’ll be freaking out over her all night,” Cheye

A ball of awkward energy forms in my stomach as I step toward them. I follow the foursome to Adrian and Laney’s apartment. As soon as we get in, Adrian carries her right back to her room.

“I’m thinking he’s going to want to strip her bare and make sure she’s okay all over.” Colt grins and Cheye

And there goes that feeling to run again.

He gets closer to her and lowers his voice, but I still hear him when he says, “In fact, I think I’ll do it anyway. You know, just to be fucking safe and all.”

“Oh my God—”

“Where is she?” Maddox cuts Cheye

“She’s in her room with Adrian. She’s okay, Scratch.”

He ignores me and heads for the hallway. The bedroom door is open so I know they’re not really doing what Colt said. Automatically, I follow him. Colt and Cheye

“I’m fine,” Laney stresses as Maddox turns into the room. She’s sitting up on the bed, Adrian kneeling in front of her with a hand on her hip.

“What happened?”

“I accidentally hit someone.”

“Shit,” Adrian mumbles at the same time Maddox asks, “Is it your brakes? Christ, Laney. I told you to get those checked.”

At that, Adrian pushes to his feet. “You need to back the fuck off right now. She’s not a kid. The last thing she needs is you making her feel like shit about it.”

Colt steps closer as I do the same, my breathing fast.

“Fuck you,” Maddox tells him before moving closer to his sister. “Are you okay? What did the hospital say?”

Adrian doesn’t stop there. He grabs Maddox’s arm. “You’re in my house, man, with my girl. I know she’s your sister, but I’m tired of dealing with this shit. You need to have a little bit of respect.”

“The same respect you have for her by not making sure she’s driving around in a car with brakes that work?”

Adrian’s face goes cold and hard at that. “I’ve dealt with a lot of shit from you, but don’t ever make it sound like I wouldn’t do any-fucking-thing to take care of her.”

Colt gets closer, taking Adrian’s arm. “Both of you need to calm the fuck down.”

Laney pushes to her feet and wobbles slightly. “I am so tired of dealing with this from both of you guys. I got into a fender bender! It’s not the end of the world.” She turns to Maddox. “I love you, Maddy, but Adrian’s right. You need to have more respect for him. I love him too. He’ll always be a part of my life. And he loves me. It’s not his job to take care of me… We take care of each other.”

I’m surprised when Adrian looks Maddox in the face, his anger gone. “I get it. You know I fucking get what you’ve been through together. If anyone knows how much I love her, it’s you. She brought me back. She makes me become someone Ash would be proud of. I would take on the whole fucking world for her and you need to open your eyes and see that.”

It’s as though all the air has been sucked out of the room. Everyone is deadly quiet. Even though I’m obviously the only person in the room who doesn’t know the history of that, even my own pulse pounds in my ears. What have they been through together? Who is Ash?

I’m surprised when Maddox steps back and gives Adrian a small nod.

“You’re okay?” he asks his sister.